Suggestion/request for upcoming Christmas event!

Apr 11, 2014
Since we aren't having the TBT fair this year, and the feathers/pinwheel are some of the highest valued collectibles, I'm requesting that we have a new or previous high rarity collectible come back! It was especially fun having to collect tickets during the fair and very rewarding to finally get an expensive collectible after all that work. Just since the embers aren't giftable, I feel that I was more excited when I earned exclusive yet tradeable items.

Just a thought, thanks for your time!
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Ye, I would like to see glow wands like in game


should be exciting
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was it announced somewhere that the fair wasn't coming back this year?
was it announced somewhere that the fair wasn't coming back this year?

It was confirmed for summertime instead

Justin said:
We made the tough decision early in the year to cancel the TBT Fair for this year's winter. After the last two TBT Fairs, we realized that the winter timeframe is really not the best time for such a massive event, so we hope to move it into the summer timeframe going forward. However, there's another reason too...

CHRISTMAS! We've always wanted to do a Christmas/Holidays focused event, but with the TBT Fair it's never been feasible in terms of too much going on at once. But this year... it's definitely gonna happen! Look forward to that in December most likely.
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I think its ink likely, but for a small cost we could have a wrapping paper addon, we could wrap any collectible we want and put it in maybe something called Tbt gift tree? where someone donates a gift and some random user gets it! Or, maybe we put the gift in, and on Christmas the user we entered out to go to gets it!
I think its ink likely, but for a small cost we could have a wrapping paper addon, we could wrap any collectible we want and put it in maybe something called Tbt gift tree? where someone donates a gift and some random user gets it! Or, maybe we put the gift in, and on Christmas the user we entered out to go to gets it!
That's a really good idea!
God, autocorrect really got me in that post, can't wait to use Tbt on computer again