Winter. I'm just not a fan of the longer days and the excessive heat that usually comes with summer. I'd rather it was cold as it's much easier to warm up than it is to cool down especially if you don't have A/C.
Summer. In my neck of the woods, summer means greenery, flowers, and long days. I’m not good with extreme temperatures, but I’ll take a sweltering day over a freezing one.
Probably winter.. it's weird because for most of my life I have highly preferred summer, but I have been living in a warm climate for over a decade at this point and now I find myself missing seasons and snow.
Also when it's winter here in Australia I can actually go out for a walk and not feel like i'm at risk of heatstroke
Winter! Summer always comes with floods, wildfires, bugs and lot of noises, however it's fun to ride my bike in the forest in the evening. More fruits and veggies too. Winter is calm, peaceful, dark, no bugs, less noisy, although my neighbors like fireworks all year round.
Winter, hands down. I feel the cold very easily, but I'll take it any day over the heat.
Fans can only do so much. Cold water works briefly, but it has to be done over and over again because the heat will dry it up so quick. Can't open the windows either, because everyone decides to have a barbecue in their back garden, so the smoke filters through them. Then when you leave the house you do nothing but bump into someone, because everyone comes out in hot weather. And the noise. THE NOISE. I just want to relax at home, I don't want to hear (and feel) your garbage music beating away at full blast.
Compare that to winter - feeling cold? Duvet cover, other blankets, a hot water bottle, thick clothing. Problem solved. Out and about? Bundle up. People are more quiet, so I can focus on things I need to do without hearing generic pop song #2342 in the background.
Winter. Even though though my thighs can't stand the cold, I can tolerate it if I rub on some essential oils and bundle up. It also helps that winters are extremely mild where I live, so I'm rarely in pain.
Summer on the other hand is hell. No exaggeration. Triple digit temperatures on the daily until late September. After that it slows drops into the 90s and 80s by middle October. A little too slowly, but oh well.
I have hypothyroidism, I do not handle cold well at all. I love the holidays but my seasonal anxiety is way too bad around the winter. It's too dark and dreary for too long, it makes me go crazy
Winter, no contest. Winter is my favorite season, for many reasons. Where I live it tends to be nice with a few cold spells. The longest periods of nice weather happen during the winter where I live. It's also the time of the year that is the most peaceful outside, with bugs being absent (unless it gets too warm... Which is happening more frequently than ever now. Thank you global warming. *sigh*) and it's the season with the lowest chance of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. Just such a peaceful time.
Summer sucks. It is always hot and sunny outside, the outdoors are infested with bugs. I just can't stand it. The sunshine is really bright to my eyes, and the heat and humidity makes it hard for me to breathe.
ive lived through some very hot summers (texas) and extremely cold winters (massachusetts) and at the end of the day I prefer the heat over freezing temperatures. even if its scorching I rather be sweating my ass off than feeling so cold that my skin physically hurts
winter for the win! i normally run pretty hot so summers are pretty tough on me. it gets pretty humid here in the summer too so the air feels sticky and thick makes me wanna jump right into the shower anytime i go out into the hot weather. i find it much easier to layer up or bundle up if i do get cold, but i feel like i spend a good chunk of winter wearing a thinner coat than my regular winter coat for most of winter. although winters are dark and gloomy the days feel like they go by faster because by the time i get home it's already dark (which tricks my body/brain into thinking it's bed time and the day is done )
Winter! We are just approaching autumn in the UK, and it can't come quick enough. I hate the heat. I like warm, sunny summer days, but it is unbearable for me when there isn't a breeze and I can't breathe properly because it is so hot. The only thing I hate about the winter is the ice, ever since I slipped many years ago, I am terrified of walking when it's icy!