Do you sleep with the windows open or closed?

People still open their windows? 🤯

real talk tho, as a child, I used to enjoy having my window open at night. The sounds outside were comforting to listen to. Now I'd just be worried about buggies getting in somehow. :(
Definitely closed! Because of course safety is the most important reason… I actually even grew up with home alarms. But the only time I would keep a window open is if I was in a beachside hotel on the upper floors, because hearing the ocean while your falling asleep is one of the best feelings. 🙂🏝️
closed ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!

i can't imagine leaving a window opened during the night askdfjnkjgbr
it could be from the chinese belief that it's bad luck to leave them open at night
I don't think my windows have been open in years. Pretty much they're only ever open when there's too much smoke from cooking or when I use too many cleaning chemicals at once 😅 Also I would rather not have bugs come in and I don't trust the screens to completely keep them out.

For air flow I have my handy dandy, constantly on for 100 years, ceiling fans.
my windows have been closed so long that i’m not even sure they can open LOL

i am on the third floor of my house but the fear of bugs honestly outweighs my fear of a stranger breaking in
closed. i just had a raccoon living INSIDE my wall so that definitely made my fear of things getting in stronger. i also grew up with my dad telling me to close my windows/blinds every night so it kinda feels illegal to keep anything open while i'm sleeping
unless it's unbearable hot and the air conditioning isn't working they stay closed. we have those mesh screens on our openable windows though so we don't have to worry about bugs
I prefer closed if the temperature is comfortable enough, but I sleep with my windows open a lot during the summer, especially at my parents place. We always turn off our AC when it isn't too hot and/or gets cool overnight during the summer and fall seasons. I don't hate it, but I honestly find any sounds distracting. Especially as a night owl, I'm often met with the sounds of birds chirping in the early hours of the morning, vehicles, lawn mowers, etc. I'm also sensitive to smells, so certain smells tend to wake me up if that makes sense? It's hard to explain that one, but sometimes there's smells that really bother me. I've learned to just deal with but I definitely sleep better when I can keep them closed, as the sounds aren't nearly as noticeable/not noticeable at all, and the only smell I need to worry about is my room.

My window at the place I rent near campus though is basically always closed, so there's that. My roommates and I basically always have the AC or heater on, so the temperature always stays pretty comfortable for me.
I sleep with the windows closed, I run cold and I always get sick when I forget to close the window. Only on the hottest week of the year do I leave it open.
It's stupid but I'm paranoid about mothes coming into my room. I love insects, just not while I'm sleeping.

So my window is always closed.
I like having them open, especially if it is a little cold, so you can curl up nice and cozy under the blankets
The windows need to be closed because my pet cats escape. It's really annoying when they manage to get out. It's so much work just to get them back inside.
I love coolness and I will open windows during the day even in autumn and winter, but at night in my bedroom is a no go even during the summer months. Flies are bad enough but I have a tremendous fear of an eight legged freak getting in at night. It's silly, I know but it makes me feel comfortable! I like to sleep with a fan blowing on me and usually do when it's winter.