Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary DLC items added to ACNH coming 2/25

I literally just wanted the Wario moustache to return, so I'm very happy he got a full outfit! Warp pipes are gonna be cool, I'm sad about there not seeming to be a yoshi egg or fire bar, but cannot have everything I suppose. The mushroom platforms look like they'll complement the must set super well in autumn. Also sucks that there is only 4 outfits, I would have liked at least the Toad hat to return, or dresses for daisy / rosalina and of course a waluigi outfit would have been brilliant.

Overall quite a good set of stuff though, nice that it will be in the shop forever seemingly, but the 5 a day limit might mean we need to do some tting to deck our islands out at a reasonable pace when they start being available to buy
I really like the warp pipes that are coming, I'll definitely have to put them on my island so that way I can get from my house to the airport instantly, lol. Other items look pretty good as well, even if I doubt I'll use most/all of them at this point. Seems like a fairly solid update, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next update after this.
I saw someone on Twitter suggesting that we could potentially use the warp pipes for visitors too. Like when you have high turnip prices, one at the airport, one at Nooks. I thought that was smart. 🤔

They didn't show the wallpaper/flooring/rugs themselves, but seems like we're also getting some of that. What I'm really curious about though, is what's below those items, because it seems like there would be a few more to scroll to.

It's probably some minor stuff, since items are usually sorted in categories and we've seen them scroll past furniture -> clothing -> wallpapers & rugs. What's left? More rugs? A wand? Some music?

This looks like a well-made update with creative items. I would have personally preferred them to prioritize some of the things we're still missing (NPCs, villager visits, etc) before a Mario update, but it's always nice to have new items.
Huh, it’s just Mario items. I was wrong, and I’m slightly disappointed.

I was right about them being orderable from the promotional tab of Nook Shopping, so that’s something.

But they look really nice, there’s ACTUAL MARIO OVERALLS NOW, and the warp pipe type-stuff’s gonna be pretty interesting.

Although given the Sanrio cards being reissued in late March, their data being updated in 1.7.0, and the fact that Bunny Day doesn’t exist in the game for 2021 yet, I’m thinking there’s gonna be another update in mid-late March for the 1st anniversary of the game.
So Nintendo just revealed what items are coming to ACNH in the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary DLC items. What do you think?

I am excited! I love how we can now have custom fast travel points in ACNH via the warp-pipes. Just place one down, and then keep one in your inventory, and you can instantly fast travel back to that location. I can also imagine that being used to really hide a interestingly decorated part of someone's island, and making mostly accessible through the warp-pipes.
I could be wrong, but someone on here guessed that the warp pipe would allow you to go to other parts of your island. If that's the case, then that person must work at Nintendo lol. That was a joke.
I saw someone on Twitter suggesting that we could potentially use the warp pipes for visitors too. Like when you have high turnip prices, one at the airport, one at Nooks. I thought that was smart. 🤔

They didn't show the wallpaper/flooring/rugs themselves, but seems like we're also getting some of that. What I'm really curious about though, is what's below those items, because it seems like there would be a few more to scroll to.

It's probably some minor stuff, since items are usually sorted in categories and we've seen them scroll past furniture -> clothing -> wallpapers & rugs. What's left? More rugs? A wand? Some music?

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Maybe wands, umbrellas (parasol)?
The pipes are life, and I'm going to want more than 2! Hopefully this paves the way for an underground Resetti complex. He can turn over Rescue Service duties to the Dodos, then take his rightful place underground.
I love the Mario set! I was hoping to at least have the Mario Kart item return, but what we got are pretty good :)
I love that wrap pipe! Like oh my god just teleporting all over you island is the COOLEST thing I have ever seen! Also that Luigi Costume I saw in the beginning from that player who was sitting down was pretty great! This is actually better than I thought.
I'm looking forward to getting hold off the warped pipes, they're a really cool feature and I'm already planning where I'm going to put them to make my life much easier getting around the island. The other items probably won't get used much around my island which is a shame cause I do like a lot of them but there's not many places they'd fit well, looking forward to seeing what others do with all of them though. Agree with a couple of others that a Yoshi egg would've been a nice addition too, like a Yoshi egg lamp that I really wanted or even just an egg to place round the island, but at least there's a rug so he wasn't forgotten completely,
I would use a warp pipe for the secret island. It would make getting those pieces of art go faster.
I'm super excited for the green pipe; I hope we can have as many as we like and not have it capped like bridges and inclines.

Mario, Luigi, Peach and Wario outifts... Did Waluigi just get ignored yet again? 😂

Also I wish we got a tease for the next update, like how we knew about Jack, and Pave in advance. Woulda died for a Brewster or Zelda tease 😂
I will say that in my opinion, this is the most thought out furniture set they made so far! It looks stunning, really detailed and so creative! Yes, the update is very small but the amount of creativity used in this set excites me! I'm not a Mario fan but this is way better than what we used to have before, it looks like an actual Mario Bros level! The team is outdoing itself, so excited for what's next. I will agree that it's so surprising they are giving it to us in February, so that leaves March looking so suspicious

Also the mushrooms look cool. Idk I just like mushies. Even thou they are from Mario I can totally see them being used in a mushroom town.

While I am not a fan of the Mario franchise (but I love Princess Peach for whatever unknown reason) I gotta admit these items are cool. I live how real to the game and interactive they are. My only complaint is no Peachs' Parasol ESP when we can't design our own dang umbrellas😡