Excuse me, how do you know she is telling the truth?
First of all this is why mafia hasn't shot me. I'm their blame flag.
I inspected endless n1 and he died, then I claimed cop that day and got rb'd every night since.
What you'll find, Cory, is that Oath WAS helping town.
Don't listen to a word Cory or trundle say. They're both scum and trying to scare you into voting for me and away from trundle.
This is a blatant desperate attempt by the mafia to save their teammate. Anyone could see that.
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You're seriously trying to manipulate the newbies into voting for me when I'm an uncountered cop who claimed d2.
It's a desperate attempt to win. If town gets lynched today, mafia equals them.
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Somebody who has played mafia here, but they don't anymore. I see that they're still active on epicmafia though. Why are you even asking about Elise lol?
Day will be ending in 2 hours. I'm ending day early.
elise is a *****
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its ****ing oath being a **** head
That you ness
How do I know if I snapped a ligament in my foot or something?
I'm gonna look it up cuz tbh I'm starting to get worried about it
It really hurts
That you ness
How do I know if I snapped a ligament in my foot or something?
I'm gonna look it up cuz tbh I'm starting to get worried about it
It really hurts