Sweetheart Spellings - Submissions

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Final Submission!

oh my gosh, I’m so grateful for the help and kindness from others 😭 huge thanks to everyone that has helped and reached out to me including S.J., MrBox, Sheando, Snowesque, Giddy and Sleepey. I love this community and you all deserve chocolate!! 🩷🩷🩷
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final submission!


major thanks to!! :
.: Meri :., oak, deana x2, BungoTheElf x2, Dunquixote, Kitzie, and Chere. !
🩷My final submission❤️

I honestly wouldn't had been able to do this without the help of a lot of lovely members on here. So thank you for the help! It was so kind and sweet of you all!

azurill (tysvm!) Asarena, Doo, nightglow, DaCoSim, LoyalDragonfly, C:Sphere thank you so much for trading or gifting letters! If you all ever need help with something, just let me know! Also thank you MrBox for coordinating so much of this. It was such a pleasent surprise to come back to work to see all the lovely notifcations! Thank you all! ❤️
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