• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

🏖️ Tansan

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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit

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My Own Apple Orchard


A bright and fun house full of apples for an apple







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Took me a while to get used to gulping down piping hot pigeon coffee everyday, but after my hiatus I was finally able to obtain my coffee plant! Just a few more days of suffering and I’ll get the rest of the cool coffee items and Brewster gyroid…


An Alfresco Apartment
A Dingy Fishing Shack


I changed his theme a little (swapped out his sleeping bag for a futon, etc.) to plan a small room for Hamphrey's eventual home on Tansan, which I will post soon.




Jules' Bedroom


I did some editing to my bedroom after the 2.0 update with new items and a new colour scheme. I wanted to make it feel more like my bedroom in real life, which has a lot of reds tones and antiques rather than bright colours. I kept the same layout as my old bedroom (for the most part) and only changed the items but I may try a complete "irl bedroom" recreation in Harvey's or HHP some day!




Ken and Jules Wander Onto The Wrong Rock
(Rizzo's Secret Hideaway)


I've been slowly getting used to going out and about again now that pandemic restrictions have lifted in my country, but at the same time, I've been enjoying staying in after my renewed interest in ACNH (ironic). Despite it being my birthday month and the fact that I'm turning 30 this year, my virtual mother sent me a very adorable age appropriate handmade knapsack with the fitting inspirational message reminding me that I should go on some adventures now and then too. When Kappn' tours weren't enough to scratch the adventurer itch, it was time to enlist the help of my fellow seafaring chicken.



The day started as most do, but this time instead of running around the island constantly, picking up every stick I can find, I wanted to channel my inner wandering-meandering-rambling mom and set out on my own adventure. With Kappn's new island tour service, residents of Tansan were given the opportunity to explore far away islands - a boat ride somehow brings us to a different hemisphere as opposed to a plane ride. I'm sure my mom's definition of an adventure would be something safe like that, but after the 10th island in a row being an island almost identical to mine with different flowers, I decided that I needed a real adventure. I didn't want to follow a singing human-turtle's itinerary who was clearly biased against me because I always mash B. Although exploring undiscovered islands is more of a cranky thing, Hamphrey was no where to be seen. So I headed over to Ken's house to explain my amazing idea.


I approached Ken about my adventure proposal as he was in the middle of cooking up a four course meal. He didn't seem convinced that we should take out his brand new yacht to go on an adventure with no particular destination.
"Where did you say you wanted me to take you?"
"Oh you know, just wander."
"The wander the open sea?"
"Uh... yeah?"


He finally agreed to steer the boat if I agreed to try making his Ken-style seafood agillo recipe later. I packed up the food Ken was making in the yacht and off we went!

Ken and I circled the open seas for what seemed like hours without an island in sight. It almost made me think that Kappn' was hypnotising me with his songs given a boat trip only lasted a few verses. As the sun began to set, we finally set our eyes on an inconspicuous rock with a small straw hut on top.

Maybe it was the ominous atmosphere of a rock in the middle of nowhere during nightfall, but we both knew that this was probably not the adventure either of us planned. We were both really hungry even after eating Ken's salty seafood agillo, plus I really had to pee, so we decided to anchor our yacht for a while and check it out.

Even though we were both scared, Ken didn't fail to take out his cellphone for an instagram pic. Unfortunately, there was no service on the rock.

When we crept inside we saw a scene straight out of a horror movie. There were boxes and trash everywhere and the unmistakable remains of an anatomically incorrect person was piled in the middle of the floor. Probably the most horrifying part of all was the image of a tiny mouse sound asleep on a futon with a panty wrapped around his head.


Instead of straight up escaping the shack, Ken decided to squeeze himself behind some boxes after detecting movement from the mouse. The tiny crawlspace behind the boxes was only big enough to fit one chubby chicken, leaving me completely exposed. During all that, Ken had the audacity to brew himself a cup of coffee. "It's to calm the nerves" He said.

The mouse immediately noticed me, but instead of reacting violently as I expected, he gave me a horrifyingly wide smile and squeaked, "Jules? Jules from Happy Home Paradise?"

It turned out that I had designed this shanty horror house for him way back when and had forgotten. Although I'm pretttty sure the skeleton wasn't there before...


After some small talk with Rizzo, Ken and I headed back for Tansan with our adventure meter completely exhausted. I'll just leave my mom to do the adventuring from now on.

The funniest part of this whole photoshoot experience was the fact that I couldn't control their reactions like at Harvey's Photopia, so Ken was just eating popsicle sticks and drinking coffee in a crime scene. Smh can't take him anywhere.

Ancient Mail

I checked my favourited mail out of curiosity and came across some of these old gems from my friends. @Chris sent me the cool gnome and this hilarious letter to complete my collection back in 2020 when I was building gnome town. @Peter was my fake art peddler, because a floating alien statue is better than the original. @Pyoopi Um should I be concerned about this letter? My best friend IRL reminding me I used to have a nail polish obsession in college. I included Tabby's in there too because it was too adorable. I admit I usually rush through the villager mail to clear the blinking blue sign but I want to start saving some of my favourites for those as well.


International Museum Day

I rarely check out my museum exhibits but I thought it would be the perfect time to for the stamp rally! I actually had only done the stamp rally once the very first year because I was likely not active around May last year. So it was a real treat to do the whole tour including the Art exhibits and finishing with some coffee! This would also be the first time I would be taking my time to tour the museum in its entirety after completing all my exhibits last summer (first time for me in AC history, ha). Even though the stamp rally is such a simple event, it definitely got me to stay longer and admire all the nooks and crannies. I love the nostalgic feeling of wonder and excitement of going on a field trip. Plus, I never thought to use the handheld camera mode in the museum and I enjoyed all the tiny details. Anyways, a very image heavy post with some anecdotes under the spoiler!


Cosplaying as a student with a cool uniform as opposed to the atrocity I had to wear as a kid.

The first exhibit I went to was the first I completed - the fossil exhibit! I love how the scale of the room changes in certain spots that shows just how grand it is. The first museum of natural history that I went to was when I went to the US, as I never went to one when I lived in Korea. I even completed my first fossil exhibit in New Leaf before I went to one of these museums in real life, so I loved seeing the in-game version of the museum upgrade throughout the games over time too!



Next, the bug exhibit! The first and only visitor I met at the museum was Tasha! She was hanging out in the butterfly garden, looking matchy-matchy with me in her coat. Fun story: I have a phobia of butterflies in real life. It started after a traumatic incident as a kid when I accidentally crushed a butterfly and it left a powdery imprint of death on my hand. Ever since that time I was terrified of them. My overreaction to seeing them fluttering about would be both embarrassing and dangerous, as there'd be times I'd accidentally step into oncoming traffic to avoid the path of a butterfly. I couldn't even look at photos of them. However, playing AC very slowly helped me lessen the severity of it, at least on-screen or digital recreations of it. For example, I can now scroll past a photo of a sneaky butterfly like a normal person instead of throwing my phone at the wall as a first reaction! I also don't cover my eyes anymore when my island rep catches butterflies! AC has helped me in many ways but I never thought it would help me with my phobia. Of course, a real-life version of the "butterfly garden" has to be the final boss chamber of defeating my phobia and I'm not quite ready to do that yet, but I'm happy I can now play AC in peace even knowing there are little bloodsuckers floating about. Still, my favourite part of this room were these two buddies chilling far away from the danger, a snail and a lady bug.



One of my favourite rooms in the bug exhibit is the hidden room. It's just so different from the rest of the exhibits and the laboratory-type displays remind me of interactive parts of museums that I loved to mess around with. This was also arguably the hardest room of bugs to complete for me. I remember catching both the scorpion and tarantula pretty late in the game, not because it was necessarily hard to catch, but because they always got me first at the most unsuspecting times. When I realised that holding the net is what triggered them, I finally got the way of catching them down. Like most, I went through a short obsession with the money-making method of hunting down tarantula islands and hoarding them until Flick arrived. I felt so powerful, it was almost the same feeling I had when I first learned how to destroy a lynel from BOTW effectively for the first time and went on a lynel massacre when I was previously afraid of them. If I can conquer a lynel, I can conquer a tarantula!!! And finally, the polaroid to the right is my number one arch-nemesis. The VERY last bug I caught, the stick bug! The sound of the stick bug dissolving into the tree as I run by, barely missing it and not even noticing it still haunts me to this day. I either barely saw it, or it was covered behind some unfortunately placed furniture. And then there's the leaf bug that just wont STOP appearing. I hate leaving un-placed furniture out on the floor so seeing the furniture-leaf icon pulsating really pushed my buttons.

Oh, why can't we make these types of boardwalks on our own island!


I never noticed how cute these fish display cards were!

The next exhibit I visited was the fish exhibit, or aquarium, which is by far my favourite out of the whole museum!! The layout is just so fluid and pleasing. I went in front of almost every tank trying to zoom in with the handheld mode to see the details of each tank... Look at the little Ranchu's face! I admit I stood here way too long trying to get a good picture of him swimming towards the camera.


I'm riding a shark, wheeeee



When I was younger I remember watching a video of one of these giant tanks with giant sharks and schools of fish swimming around in a loop. Maybe someone has a similar study experience, but that video was what I played on loop while I did my homework and it was the only thing I could concentrate to. After college my best friend and I took a trip to Japan and on the spur of the moment on a rainy day we decided to go to the aquarium in Osaka. When I walked into the giant tank room it unlocked some strange deja vu memory I had of that video on loop. I think seeing that in real life was probably a core memory for me hahaha. We stayed hypnotised there for close to an hour. Fast forward to a few years later when I moved away, my best friend finally got ACNH and of course, the first thing I did was invite her over to my island. Our trip to the museum was the first time she had stepped inside one, since she hadn't unlocked it on her own island. I was excited to show her the big fish room because of our shared experience at the Osaka aquarium. I think that little Wi-Fi session was a little emotional for us because we were able to recreate one of our memories in the game. It feels kinda sad for me to come in here alone now.

The last exhibit I visited was the Art exhibit! I had a lot of high hopes for the art wing when the update first dropped because I put in so many expectations of a beautiful MET-type sculpture garden (with maybe similar aesthetics to the butterfly garden). I was a little saddened to see how tiny the art wing actually was. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I rarely go in here and why it took me so long to actually complete it. Anyways, here I am with my favourite painting of all time on the right, the Isle of the Dead by Arnold Böcklin! There's a couple versions of this painting and a lot of it online doesn't have great lighting. Ironically, this ACNH version might be the clearest version of the painting I've seen, haha!



Finally, I ended the night at Brewster's to get a cup of coffee. It was my first time calling a villager with the amiibo to the cafe (idk why I'm doing all these firsts so late after the update). Maybe I'm dumb or there's no way to do it, but I couldn't figure out how to drink coffee with Dizzy. So I just took some pictures of him instead. Well that concluded my museum visit! Since I only really play AC now to run around and take pictures, this little trip definitely made me want to visit more often and stalk out any other villager museum-goers.

Ah, time to take off my school uniform and go back to adulting.
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