A lot of bookstores have decks, which might be worth checking out. Back in the day (yes, I'm dating myself), I found plenty at the local Borders. Pretty sure I've seen them at B&N, and it's always worth checking with independent stores. If you find one online that you really love, you can always check and see if they could order it in so you can pick it up.
Designing your own is awesome, so that's just another option.
So, I got notice that a new deck just got delivered. I'll have to take a peek when I get home. It was one I got through Kickstarter, called Lunaria. It's specifically designed for writers (Strength is Aslan, The Magician is W.B. Yeats, etc.).
Suits are: Cups = Inkwells; Swords = Pens; Wands = Quills; Pentacles = Pages (as in paper).
Court cards are: Pages = Seekers; Knights = Apprentices; Queens = Artists; Kings = Mentors.
I forgot to put it here but over the weekend I went out shopping and found a pretty deck at a store I was already going to, so I bought that. It's kinda like a new age store thou I certainly wouldn't consider it like a legit new age store. It's bohemian-y and stuff.
Also that deck sounds super cool!