TBT 2009

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Book 1, Chapter 08: The Meditation State and More Dorritos
"Sporge, is that you?" I said to the floating monk. "No Odd. It is a mere figurine of your imagination put into your mind from the prick of my chip. I knew you would need my help after I left. I can help you a lot," Sporge's figure said. I didn't want to interrupt him so I continued to listen. "So recently you have been fainting and having these visions. Correct? Well these visions of your past, future or present can be viewed by yourself only. This could put you in other bodies viewing their experience. It allows you to look into your own mind. This martial arts form is called the Vola form."

I listened to Sporge talk more about me being Fang was actually me using the advance Vola form which was very lucky and improbable to do again until I receive more training. Also he told me that although I can see and hear other people it is the opposite for them. After the briefing I woke up around the outskirts of TBT. I walked inside camp and ran to bunker Z. There I saw a knife on the floor. No Smart Tech either.

I flipped out thinking he was dead. I needed time to rethink myself. No Ultra, Smart or Bul to help me after this. Taking the page Ultra tore out from under my uncomfortable bunk Monkey asked what I was doing. "Nothing just a few orders from Darth," I told him. I walked outside and ran to TBT Towers pushing every guard out of the way and ran to s the top. The telescope room. The only place that only Storm was able to get into.

First when I got up there I needed the proper key. I didn't think this was a problem as Storm was so foolish to leave a key under the doormat that said "Ruler's Feet go here." I opened the door and cracked the safe using the combo 1, 2, 3. Duh....

After that I yelled out, "What the heck did you do to Smart!" He replied, "Oh nothing you rebel scum." I couldn't believe Storm found out. I was shocked. I needed to get Smart back. Out of nowhere I took a dorrito off his study table and threw it at him. Himself being stupid threw the dorrito back with his own blood on it. Somehow the dorrito was lethal in a way. "Yes," I whispered to myself. "Guards! Get him!" he yelled. I needed to flee. There was only one safe place from TBT and his guards. Nsider.

Once I arrived at Nsider I talked to Bulerias asking him where I could get a dragon scale. He handed me one. "Where did you get a dragon skin?" I asked. "Oh let's just say I have my ways.." So he gave me a pot where I mixed all of the materials together. He took me to Ultra where she was able to remove the tracking device from our bodies. "Glad that's over with," I said. I told them both that I thought Smart wasn't alive any more and that we'd need to formulate the plan at Nsider. We needed to consult Andy about leading another war at TBT.
UltraByte said:

Amazing. Doritos are lethal... Awesome.

BTW, I found probably the theme song to this FF... Yes, I was bored. Amazingly corny, but it sorta fits.

Wishmaster by Nightwish
Thanks... With the crazy immagination of my own anything goes. :gyroidtongue

Anyway that song goes with the FF a little.
Book 1, Chapter 09: Camp Mario Local Winter Camp
As the three Musketeers went off to go see Andy we needed to go through Camp Mario. After Camp Hyrule 2006, they had built a Camp Mario for the Winter times. It was that time where they were hosting it. There were tents pitched up as far as the eye could see. And the fact that Stumpy was there excited me.

Camp Mario was no ordinary camp this winter. This winter the theme was a carnival. Everything was dressed like clowns, ferris wheels and everything. "Well guys we need to stay here until Friday when we can find Andy and the closing campfire," Bulerias said as he registered all three of us for the camp. He handed us the maps and we were all in the same tent site. It was cool. Bulerias knowing about the event had put up his giant, extra large, enormous tent for 5. "Wow," Ultra said flabbergasted.

We all stayed around messing around playing games telling stories all the fun things to do at a Carnival. There I ended up meeting up with Triforce3force and we let her stay with us a little. On Wednesday we got to talk about the DSPii with Mr. Iwata. It was interesting and Bul was all ears there.

Finally, Friday came around. That was the quickest Camp Mario ever I told everyone. "Guys can I tell you something," Tri said. "Yea," we all replied. "Your all under arrest by the dictator of TBT, StormCommander. Come with me," she said. I couldn't believe it. She was using us. She got one whole weeks of Rebel information from us. We were astonished. "But couldn't we please stay for the closing campfire? I love those fires," I asked. "Fine but don't get any ideas."

We rushed off to the closing Campfire and wondered where Andy was. Not a single mod was there. I started to feel dizzy as well. "Uh oh guys..... We may have a problem.." I said as I fell to the ground.

There once again I saw Sporge in that Pitch Black Space. "Are you ready for more training my apprentice?" he asked. I nodded since I still had trouble breathing. "So you are having trouble controlling the Vola form yes? This is a very hard skill to master as I said a few days ago." Sporge talked about it for a long time finally he came to this conclusion. "Well hopefully that helps. Also I have one more piece of information.. Although this might make you a little uncomfortable you must play along until the last moment when the sword is held high and you are facing head on the evil menace himself. I'm sorry to tell you this but.."

I awoken right outside the campfire. "Odd come on, we need to get to Andy. I know where he is," Bul said, "but in order for this to work we all must split up again. We can keep in touch using our PDA's PM system." "But won't Storm be able to see all our messages?" I asked. "Not unless you put in the Nsider chip in your PDA," Bul replied. We all took 3 Nsider chips, Ultra putting hers in her bag, Bul jaming his into his Admin's Bell-DA and myself inserting the chip into my watch. We all split up and went 3 different ways after we exchanged all of our Nsider user names. The only thing we had forgotten was Tri, the Storm's messenger.
Book 1, Chapter 10: The Truth
After we all split up we moved into positions. Bul had just pmed us all. He told me to start cleaning up the tent and packing it up. Right when Ultra pulls the trigger we have to get out ASAP. He had told Ultra to go into the forest and hide. Making sure that they found Stumpy's secret pen in the forest to feed Stumpy the super mushshroom. That would send him into a massacre and start attacking campers. The only downside. Any campers injured are on our watch and we may be scared forever.

Once I got back to the tent I threw everything into the right place and took down the tent as fast as I could. It was pretty easy. Thank goodness I'm an Eagle scout. *coughcoughIhopecough* I got it done so fast. Than and there I checked my PDA just in case Bul sent me another message. "You have 1 unread Nsider PM" I do? No one knew my Nsider user name except for Bul and Ultra. I must of missed it.

Personal Message
Hey November 23, 2006, 02:17 PM Delete? Quote? Fwd?_________________________________________________Hey Odd. How are you? You know you aren't that active at Nsider. It's a great community and you'd love it. Although sometimes there are those n00bs we manage.

Also I wanted to tell you something. Erm... you know how Storm's planning to take over TBT. We'll he's going to plan his final strike on the Night of New Year's Eve 2008. Exactly midnight. How did I know this? I saw his plans when he was talking to me in the IRC. A ninja needs to keep her reflexes strong.

Anyway happy Turkey Day.

Are you serious? I couldn't believe that I hadn't replied. I had no clue. Finally I sat down using the correct Vola Technique Sporge taught me and started to contact with him.

"Hello? Spoge?" I said? "Yes, my apprentice, what's wrong?" "I have a question. Can you go into Tri's mind on Thanksgiving day of 2006? Around 2:15PM?" "Odd yes that pm had changed Tri's mind. She was originally on the rebels side but was crushed when you didn't reply. She's felt exactly how your feeling now. Astonished," Sporge replied. After that I was back in the snow but with handcuffs on.

Meanwhile Ultra was working on the trap. She got a Super Mushshroom from the kitchen. She looked at her watch. "Only 1:00 am? Well what's the date? 12-22-08? That's not bad. Christmas is right around the corner." She took the mushshroom and and placed it in Stumpy's Foodl. He ate it up in a second and was off. Bulerias alerted the staff who than called Andy. Bul was to go to Andy as a witness.
Well Monday this book ends and than basically I'm gonna begin writing another book. It may be called A New Beginning. But I'm gonna release 2 Chapters today, 2 tomorrow and 1 on Monday to wrap it all up.

The New Book will be released in mid-Decemberish.
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