TBT 3.0 issues reporting, tracking, and FAQ thread


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
White Rose
Red Rose
Love Ball
Pink Candy
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
We're bound to have some issues with the new version of the site for some time while we adjust to everything, so this thread will help keep track of them. It was getting hard to keep these organized when they were mixed into the Bulletin Board thread. You can use this thread to check on previously reported issues or report things that you think me need to be addressed. Also feel free to ask questions about changes if you're not sure.

What is TBT 3.0? What is XenForo?
TBT 3.0 is what we're calling this new version of The Bell Tree. XenForo is the name of the forum software that powers the forum. The previous version used vBulletin.

Where are bells and collectibles?
Like we previously announced, these two systems are being imported after we're live on the new site, so we're still working on moving them over.

Why can't I use my animated avatar?
Since this is tied to the shop, it won't work until the shop/collectible system is back.

Where is my user title color?
Same as above, this is tied to the shop and will return shortly after the shop system is back.

Why can't I use my avatar width extension?
It was announced that this item would be retired. We will have compensations for users who purchased it shortly after the shop system returns.

Why did my avatar disappear?
Some users' avatar did not import to XenForo. We suggest you reupload it on your own. If you no longer have the image, we may be able to retrieve it for you on a case-by-case basis.

It's limiting the amount of images I can use in a post.
This has now been changed to match the previous settings.

I'm not getting any emails.
This was a known issue in the first few hours of the new site, but it was since fixed. Some users are still reporting that emails are now showing in their spam folder. Please let us know here if you notice any changes so we can better understand the issue as we continue looking into it today.

Why is everything so bright?
This was something a few people asked when TBT 3.0 launced in the middle of the night. We currently only have the day theme up at the moment, but the time changing and night versions will be added within a few weeks.

Why is everything smushed together on mobile?
This is an intended feature that many people are using and liking. Zooming in and out while browsing the site is no longer needed since everything changes size on mobile devices. Some users who are use to the wider desktop layout have mentioned that they would rather continue zooming in and out instead of using the mobile version. While this is not currently possible, we'll look into it.

I'm missing some feedback ratings.
We're aware of this and looking into it.

Names aren't displaying from older likes.
We're aware of this and looking into it.

What is reaction score?
This is a sum of reactions (likes), but we do not plan to keep this feature on the forum.

Now that we have a reaction system, where are they?
We're only starting with two different reactions, but will add more soon. The previous version only had one (likes).

I'm former staff, why isn't my name green anymore?
While we're intentionally removing the green names, we are still planning to redo the user group in order to signify retired staff in some way. For now we left all retried staff in the regular user group, but this will change within the first few weeks.

Why does my user title look so weird?
Certain symbols didn't import from vBulletin correctly. For now, the fastest way to fix this would be to just change it yourself.

Why does my signature say SIGPIC?
This was an outdated method vBulletin used to put uploaded images into signatures. You'll have to reupload the image by editing your signature here.

Miscellaneous feature requests we can look into:
  • Pagination above thread (in addition to below) on mobile
  • Borderless BB Code tables
  • User-set number of posts displayed per thread

Reported but uncomfirmed things we need to test more:
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The only thing I've come across that is a little bit of an issue right now is post isolation by specific members in a thread. If I use the search bar in the top right and set it to "this thread" while searching a specific member's name it's only been giving me 1 or 0 results regardless of how many post they have in the thread. It could be because I'm not inputing any keywords, but I don't necessarily want to use a keyword to filter the posts. Mainly it's a super important feature for Mafia, and I've been testing it out in the Cellar!
.Why is everything smushed together on mobile?
This is an intended feature that many people are using and liking. Zooming in and out while browsing the site is no longer needed since everything changes size on mobile devices. Some users who are use to the wider desktop layout have mentioned that they would rather continue zooming in and out instead of using the mobile version. While this is not currently possible, we'll look into it.

If anyone truly misses this, the "request desktop version" option in mobile browsers will usually increase the viewport size, in my case to 980px wide. This can bring back the days of panning around tiny text.
Looks great, thank you all for all of your work.
One super small thing - on mobile, the small “the bell tree” in the nav bar likes to disappear when you scroll to the top of the page.
If anyone truly misses this, the "request desktop version" option in mobile browsers will usually increase the viewport size, in my case to 980px wide. This can bring back the days of panning around tiny text.
I came here to say this.
If you force the desktop view, it will appear the desktop version
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The only thing I'm bummed about right now is that my beautiful sakura tree is gone lol

Other than that, great job staff! The new site looks great and I can't wait for it to become even more fleshed out! :D
I'm missing some feedback ratings.
We're aware of this and looking into it.

Just have to mention, ALL of my feedback has been wiped, and it looks like the feedback I've given others is missing from their profiles. I've been trading with people who have older user accounts than me.
I'll just use this one post to compile everything I find.
  • Certain closed boards can be posted in. Auction House, The Gate.
  • (?) Tables have visible borders which you can't seem to change. Not sure if this is changeable or not.
  • Post merges no longer exist?
  • It would be useful if PPs (profile posts) had a timestamp on them.
  • I don't see a way to check post count for each user who has posted in a thread like you could do by clicking on the number of replies in vB. Would be cool if this made a return.
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The only thing I've come across that is a little bit of an issue right now is post isolation by specific members in a thread. If I use the search bar in the top right and set it to "this thread" while searching a specific member's name it's only been giving me 1 or 0 results regardless of how many post they have in the thread. It could be because I'm not inputing any keywords, but I don't necessarily want to use a keyword to filter the posts. Mainly it's a super important feature for Mafia, and I've been testing it out in the Cellar!

Added a section for things that need to be tested more and included this.

The only thing I'm bummed about right now is that my beautiful sakura tree is gone lol

Other than that, great job staff! The new site looks great and I can't wait for it to become even more fleshed out! :D

The new tree was in the shade a bit too long, but the sakuras will bloom on it very soon!

I'll just use this one post to compile everything I find.
  • Certain closed boards can be posted in. Auction House, The Gate.
  • (?) Tables have visible borders which you can't seem to change. Not sure if this is changeable or not.

The boards and the other things you mentioned before editing are now fixed. I added the tables thing to a feature request list above.
hi, how do i see when there are new comments on my thread or another thread i've posted in? before, the title of the thread would be bolded in the page of my threads.
hi, how do i see when there are new comments on my thread or another thread i've posted in? before, the title of the thread would be bolded in the page of my threads.
I'm understanding what you mean correctly, this is under Watched threads. You can find this at the top, under the Forums tab.


To add threads to your watched threads you can click "Watch" at the top right of them.

You can also change your preferences so it automatically watches certain threads for you. (Click your name at the top > Preferences)
Here's a list of somethings that I have noticed and questions that I am curious about.
  • The feature when we can display more than the regular amount of posts per page (like 30)?
  • What about the feature to disable/hide profile comments like it was in vbulletin?
  • What about the new trade system and discord migration? What's the status on that?
  • Old emojis do not appear: :lemon: :blush: (Would they be added back)?
  • Finally, would y'all consider a bigger avatar size in the future?

Another feature, what about users viewing page down below coming back?
this is very minor but can i suggest the report/like/etc buttons be in a footer like before if possible, or at least separated somehow? they sort of blend with the posts as they are now
Also, what about twitch/twitter integration?

Edit: Any post merging coming back?

My apologies, did not know post merging was gone...
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Apart from the borderless tables request, could you possibly also consider the possibility of making a link a colour of our choice? Right now it doesn't matter which colour code you give them.

Some other members also said this in the original thread, but also on my computer it also looks like the "The Bell Tree Forum" logo is a bit blurry. It's quite noticeable next to the very sharp looking tree, but I'm not sure what is causing it..

If I find more things I'll let you know here.
Good luck with everything and hope you don't have too much work taking bugs/errors out!