You begin to realize there's no way out. It's getting colder, and you know there will only be one survivor.
Night 2
@Kirbyz passes out from exhaustion.
@Peach_Jam tries to sing herself to sleep.
@~Kilza~ ambushes
@Koopadude100 and kills him.
@LoserMom, and
@heyimsobored tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
@Sarah3 climbs a tree to rest.
@Ashtreefrog and
@Meadows run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
@Kattea starts a fire.
@Venn repeatedly stabs
@xSuperMario64x to death with sais.
@820 receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@Sheep Villager dies from hypothermia.
@hestu bashes
@Bluebellie's head against a rock several times.
@IonicKarma tries to sing herself to sleep.
@Asarena tries to sing herself to sleep.
@Jhine7 tries to sing himself to sleep.
@BungoTheElf, and
@jiny cheerfully sing songs together.
@corlee1289 destroys
@Dio's supplies while he is asleep.
@Firesquids sees a fire, but stays hidden.
@jadetine is awoken by nightmares.
Day 3
@Kattea tries to spear fish with a trident.
@jadetine hunts for other tributes.
@AustinTEG06 discovers a cave.
@~Kilza~ makes a wooden spear.
@Peach_Jam collects fruit from a tree.
@Meadows overhears
@S.J. and
@LoserMom talking in the distance.
@Sarah3 camouflauges herself in the bushes.
@Asarena accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
@Jhine7 makes a wooden spear.
@heyimsobored, and
@Venn track down and kill
@IonicKarma receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@Kirbyz, and
@820 hunt for other tributes.
@jiny practices her archery.
@Firesquids receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@Freya_Druid chases
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 10
District 9
@Sheep Villager
District 8
District 6
District 1
District 5