Gone until April 1st
I, personally, think those that have been inactive for more than 5 years, should be sent 1-2 "warning" emails and then have there TBT balance removed. Once a month, that TBT "lump sum" could be dispersed amongst currently active members. (ie: you must post and/or log in at least once or a defined amount of times) per month in order to get a portion of that revoked bell balance. Orrrrr, reinstate the interest...orrrrrrr, make each post "earn" more than the current amount.
Several ways this could be done with a simple behind the scenes accounting program.
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To add to that, nothing is more frustrating to stumble along an old thread and see someone from 2011 have 5,000+ bells....and have not been involved with the forum since 2011!
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Bocho is not the extreme example I was looking for, but has more bells that the site owner and has not posted in 2 years!
I thought of a similar idea, but I would only do it to the richer members that are either inactive or have not spent their TBT in a while. But if they have less than 11k TBT, they are free from redistribution.
However, if we do take away all TBT from inactive members, and they return when a new AC game comes out, they will be in tough times like newly registered members.
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