Mafia TBT Fair Mafia 2020 | Game (Starting 8/31 at 9PM EST)

before you two claimed, I had believed shawo was actually a mason, but wanted me to claim as his partner to protect the other mason

wanting to confirm if this was the case, I waited to see if shawo wasn't a mason, than the actual two masons would claim to stop us. this is why i outlined several times "since we are un CC'd we and arcadia are clear". I had thought, the actual masons SHOULD have claimed by then as it would still town clear 3 people (2 masons and an unCC'd player). given no one Ccd us, I felt even more confident that shawo was indeed a mason, and told his partner to keep quiet about it, make sense?

then, i tried to deduce who shawo's partner was. i then realized that the other mason could not be in the cop claims, since Shawo pushed evan as fool. if shawo knew his partner was a cop claim, then that means the 3 cop claims were mason/actual cop/and then a non town. the non town claim could NOT be fool, as it would mean both wolves claimed BP, which is unlikely. so shawo's fool read on evan made me think that the mason was in the BP reads

here's where the unexplained tae sus came from

given I am BP and i know both dedenne and tae are lying I had thought, which one of them is shawo's mason partner? i deduce the partner had to be dedenne, since shawo did not understand tae's claim and tae stayed aggressive towards shawo, which wouldn't happen if they had communicated the plan earlier

so i deduced dedenne was the other mason, and tae had to be mafia

tae would die and dedenne would be cleared as BP while I would be cleared as mason, effectively swapping roles. so mason dedenne wouldve been immune to kills since wolves would assume she is BP, and then kill me, who would not die and be cleared by the host

plan sound good here?

it was an epic plan had this been the case, but i guess i was wrong in thinking shawo was a mason. Im just surprised you two took so long to c

so i wasn't expecting two other people to claim mason
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@tae my sus on you should make sense if you think about it from my PoV with my plan

now youre either maf or jester which doesnt help too much

whatever though, chopping shawo or arcadia will still confirm the other
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i have no idea what shawo was thinking since i thought he was mason wanting to hide his partner
Dan, why are you bringing arc into this no else is claiming Miller, unless you have more information?
Your town core can be maf, town, town
Maf, jester, town
But not maf maf town.
Putting all the eggs into one basket would be dangerous.
Dan, why are you bringing arc into this no else is claiming Miller, unless you have more information?
Your town core can be maf, town, town
Maf, jester, town
But not maf maf town.
Putting all the eggs into one basket would be dangerous.
given i had thought shawo was mason, that still meant arcadia was the only miller claim and thus town
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us taking so long to claim was a mix of insecurity and ronishy being european
that's fine

have a problem with the PoV i had?
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obviously arcadia is no only cleared and now evan is. but we still have 3 town clears for the core and a 1 v 1 which WILL get us mafia. my plan just wouldve ended in 4 clears and mason/BP swapping roles, optimizing their powers
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and if you think shawo and I are wolves together, really think through if that's possible

at the very least you think its town/wolf, jester/wolf, but never wolf/wolf
given i had thought shawo was mason, that still meant arcadia was the only miller claim and thus town
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that's fine

have a problem with the PoV i had?
I assumed the only way this made sense was if you was BP or playing some 4D chess as mafia, but I do agree both of you can't be mafia
the "you are going to die sweet prince" makes sense now ngl
I assumed the only way this made sense was if you was BP or playing some 4D chess as mafia, but I do agree both of you can't be mafia
the "you are going to die sweet prince" makes sense now ngl
lets imagine shawo was in fact mason with dedenne like i thought last night

mafia would deduce that the masons are someone to claimed miller and someone who claimed BP. if you thought one of them was lying, who would you kill? the miller, since you can't risk the BP claimed mason being actually BP. this is why shawo wouldve died before me

shawo wouldve then flipped mason, clearing me as mason. had we chopped mafia and cleared dedenne, i wouldve kept the swap roles act
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anyway, we can now not bother solving the cop claims and deduce all as town

we have a wolf between arcadia and shawo

a jester and wolf between me, dedenne, and tae

we should still chop one of the miller claims. we will either hit mafia, or hit the miller which will mean the other is indeed mafia. we will hit mafia by chopping there

we can solve me, dedenne and tae afterwards (like i had said with the cop claims before) and the flip between the millers should help figure out the maf
but if you have a problem with my PoV from last night and how it wouldn't have benefited town if I thought shawo was a mason, tell me why
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my bad i went off but im back now so yeah
did you understand what I was trying to communicate with you before?
imagine my contribution in mason chat being something besides panicking all the time

but if you have a problem with my PoV from last night and how it wouldn't have benefited town if I thought shawo was a mason, tell me why
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did you understand what I was trying to communicate with you before?
ill drink some tea and get back to you but it makes a whole lot of sense
but if you have a problem with my PoV from last night and how it wouldn't have benefited town if I thought shawo was a mason, tell me why
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did you understand what I was trying to communicate with you before?
uhhhh no? im not quite sure what ure talking about
uhhhh no? im not quite sure what ure talking about
read my plan in post 201. i was trying to assure that you were aware that we wouldve been swapping roles

that doesnt matter now though since my plan failed and youre not a mason so
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anyway, im sure people still have doubts on shawo and me. so why dont we flip shawo today?

if shawo flips mafia, it should be clear im not his wolf partner. if shawo flips miller, then its arcadia that's a wolf who we chop first, and then figure out with one of the BP claims is teamed with them
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there's a tiny chance both wolves claimed BP and one of shawo/arcadia is a jester (more likely shawo), but that'll still tell us the other miller claim is cleared, and there's a 2/3 chance of catching a wolf in the BP claims

its more likely that its T v W and T v W v J though
read my plan in post 201. i was trying to assure that you were aware that we wouldve been swapping roles

that doesnt matter now though since my plan failed and youre not a mason so
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anyway, im sure people still have doubts on shawo and me. so why dont we flip shawo today?

if shawo flips mafia, it should be clear im not his wolf partner. if shawo flips miller, then its arcadia that's a wolf who we chop first, and then figure out with one of the BP claims is teamed with them
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there's a tiny chance both wolves claimed BP and one of shawo/arcadia is a jester (more likely shawo), but that'll still tell us the other miller claim is cleared, and there's a 2/3 chance of catching a wolf in the BP claims

its more likely that its T v W and T v W v J though
oh right. yeah i didnt catch on but i understand what u were trying to do, altho i still have my doubts about u and shawo, but i dont think theres any way that u and shawo are both maf, so im not against flipping shawo today.
from my PoV now though, dedenne and tae are def not town so I will be taking what they say with a grain of salt, as they probably will with me now
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oh right. yeah i didnt catch on but i understand what u were trying to do, altho i still have my doubts about u and shawo, but i dont think theres any way that u and shawo are both maf, so im not against flipping shawo today.
well from your PoV (if you truly believe you are the BP), there is no way that was I was doing was from a perspective beneficial to town. so your doubts on me should be 10000000% and you shouldn't be understanding my perspective
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that was I was
that what i was*
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we have a spicy game now. having fun @voltairenism @Ronishy @amazonevan19

i am beneath your feet. you are my godly town core now all hail
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i mean, i still do kinda TR arcadia so im good with flipping shawo

there should be a fanfic for this betrayal plz write one tae
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obs chat is probs memeing now for this
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i think jester is in tae/dedenne, because of their sporadic posting and barely any game solving posts so yeah we should solve miller first
a little more sure on dedenne being jester btw but i dont want to gamble
i had a gut feeling abt arcadia fakeclaiming when it happened but I cant understand shawo pov so I would go with him until he explains himself and i go 🤔 again
also yeah I townread dan after all but thats no arguing against that logi. but we can solve him afterwards so it's safe
literally what is going on in this game
you should now know though that maf is between shawo and arcadia and the jester/mafia is within the BP claims so read into that
What is the connection between me and shawo? shawo moved past the miller claim and has never shown any suspicion toward me about my claim, which shawo likely would have had they still actually wanted to claim that? The tenuous connection makes me nervous that if shawo got voted and was town, then I'd be next and just be another townie dead as some kind of setup when our claims aren't even in contention with each other anymore
literally what is going on in this game

What is the connection between me and shawo? shawo moved past the miller claim and has never shown any suspicion toward me about my claim, which shawo likely would have had they still actually wanted to claim that? The tenuous connection makes me nervous that if shawo got voted and was town, then I'd be next and just be another townie dead as some kind of setup when our claims aren't even in contention with each other anymore
you are miller correct?

if shawo is not miller, he is not town right?

same vice versa for shawo

one of you is the miller, the other is not town most def wolf. im not saying youre teamed its that its one of you for wolves

shawo wouldn't be sus of your miller claim if he isn't miller and believes youre telling the truth?
Wow that was...something.

Ok cool so we solve millers now if I’m reading this right?