Mafia TBT Fair Mafia 2020 | Game (Starting 8/31 at 9PM EST)

@Damniel pretty sure i didn’t “agree with your dedenne lunch” i was the one who swung the vote off of the potential cops. if i was actually mafia, why would i hard swing a vote off of potential town and onto jester when the jester would be absolutely vital to help mafia win this game?

just because you wall post doesn’t mean you’re helping town. you and shawo both had insane crazy claim trains all over the place causing a massive amount of chaos D1. and although i don’t completely believe you both can be mafteamates i’m pretty certain at least one of you is. :/


there can be two reasons. consider that shawo was on the chopping block. had shawo flipped cop, evan would without a doubt die, so wolf chop there. wolf knew dedenne had to be jester given she slipped she was not BP, so to prevent the cop CCs from being resolved too early, diverting to the jester allows for that conflict to stay unresolved, and wolves can shoot for the shawo/me chop next day

if shawo is wolf, diverting off them and onto jester just saves partner

of course, one will say that I couldve done the same thing since I lead the dedenne wagon, so that's a neutral point on both of us. its that tae gave a +1 to a statement I made, despite the real BP knowing that their CCs are in no way town and not to be trusted or agreed with. tae also stated they wanted to let cop claims alive another day to out their results, but this is moot since role blocker will block cop and both with claim that. I wanted dedenne dead since it wad clear to everyone she wasn't town and had a good chance of being maf

i never said my walls made me town. the content of them do

was there a negative outcome of the chaos? we ended up with 3 clears and we didn't chop town, chaos does not always equal maf motivation. had the masons not claimed, i probably wouldve taken the kill and protect the real masons and/or shawo wouldve gotten a cop inspect (if he is cop)

saying "you caused massive chaos" is such a generalization of what happened. maf can cause chaos if its to their benefit yes. but town can also cause chaos that maf can't control and must snap react to. confusing the wolves is also beneficial for town!

shawo and I being teamed and claiming masons is the least viable pairing here lets be honest. at the very least you'd have to say im tied to evan
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the "chaos" that the mason claim started is basically what moved the game forward. we didn't chop town, so how was the "chaos" bad? i saw we got alot of good reads and reactions from it tbh

sure plans dont always work, but it worked out in the end anyway. i saw a chance to try to take a hit by fake claiming a killable role and took it
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town can be wrong. i read the situation wrong, but that doesnt make someone maf

my point still stands that tae has not pushed the game to any solving direction and did nothing to optimize their BP claim. BPs would try to get killed by doing something like fake claiming
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we should also keep in mind that the person who most vocally TRd me was volt and now they're dead. ronishy has been much more reserved with their stance on me, so they wouldve been the optimal kill had i been wolf. volt dead means i have one less supporter

think about why volt died over ronishy!!

read my walls and refute my points, otherwise I won't believe you even read what im trying to say
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anyway, im not particularly interested in continuing to reinforce myself since it feels redundant and unproductive of my time. everyone should think about what ive done this game and see its been in town's benefit to solve and try to take the bullet. concerns coming from outside my CC ill address

i will further prove myself my focusing the rest of this day on solving shawo/evan. currently im leaning forwards evan, but I will ISO both tm and think about it more. i see individual reasons for both tbh but need to see the larger picture + teaming, so, developing that and there's plenty of time two solve a 1 v 1 from my PoV

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chop me for my typos tbh
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So if you want mafia motivation for a claim - there inherently isn't always going to be one. Sometimes you can do what's "towny" in order to say that you did X because of Y and therefore you're town. The reason why I don't townread you for claiming is because of how I think you played afterwards.

it's not that I don't think your mason claim isn't towny, to put it another way. Let's suppose that you're mafia, and you believe that I'm the mason who's fake claiming with you to hide my partner - how would you react? Well... you have to play along, because if you say. "I'm not mason" well now shawo is going to scumread you and he's your PR read.

And I mean you are right, you did propose a lunch on dedenne, but either way, as mafia you don't lose anything by forcing any given lunch. If it's fool, you just go to another day of lylo, if it's town you win.

Inherently speaking - mafia's wincondition is to either get one town, or endgame themselves. But either way. I don't necessarily have a hard scumread on you, I just don't townread you - and I dislike that.

The reason why I'd prefer to go in Evan and myself is because I'd prefer whichever clear to go with as much information as possible in you/tae, because I consider that much harder than me/evan. Also because I'd rather lose today if I'm gonna be the one who gets chopped. Rather than potentially tomorrow after you/tae get's sorted.
Dan I think a big flaw in your argument against tae is that if she is real BP, she has every bit as much reason to want jester gone. And at that point scum!tae would have absolutely no reason to defend or stick up for dedenne since dedenne was also CCing BP. So no matter what, either town or scum tae would readily acquiesce to dedenne dying, because dedenne was a CC. This doesn't tell us anything about Tae's alignment at all. Tae would not have stuck up for dedenne under any circumstance no matter what because either way it would've incriminated them. (BP tae sticking up for dedenne would be shooting themselves in the foot, basically saying dedenne was right to claim BP and their OWN BP CLAIM was wrong. Mafia tae would already know dedenne was fool and would be instantly outed as mafia upon dedenne flipping jester, not to mention again contradicting their own BP CC).

With that being said, I got roleblocked when trying to investigate Dan. I obviously didn't out who I was investigating but I have a sneaking suspicion Dan is GF and here's why.

As I've explained before, RB has no other reasonable role to claim except cop, which Shawo did in the end. GF cannot claim miller because they appear good on investigates and can't claim cop because that must be what the RB goes for. So, they must claim either mason or BP. And guess what, Dan's claimed both for opportunistic reasons.

Shawo initially claimed miller (to cover a bad investigate result), then realized massclaiming and getting Dan to bait me out was just easier so I could be neutered, claimed mason with Dan to resolve those unknown mason slots, and from there could easily deduce that dedenne was jester and tae was BP. Note that Dan stated a couple of times, incredulously and in a very self aware manner, "where is the real mason team?" Again, baiting. The whole purpose of Dan "confirming" town slots was figuring out who to kill and not kill. Had volt been the real BP, for example, they'd be toast. Claiming BP as GF explains why you don't die at night; masons are obv confirming each other, and then shifting back to BP works in tandem with shawo and dan's elaborate plan.

Now just like Shawo, he can claim said elaborate plan to try and "solve" the game in town's favor, but again. It was all part of a plot to cover tracks.

Now why would Dan and Shawo want the jester dead, you might ask? Simple. Dedenne ended up slipping, and leading a charge to get them unvoted earns you oodles of towncred since jester basically always joints with mafia in the end. Plus it was the obvious way to divert from Shawo given that Shawo was on the chopping block, not enough people wanted to off Tae the BP, offing Tae would've exposed Dan early on, and they couldn't go after confirmed miller or mason slots for the vote. And no one was going to go for me either. So just go for the ezpz vote which basically tells nothing about anybody and can only make yourself look good.

Why didn't you claim cop from the get-go if you thought it was useless in this game from the beginning, and you had said that there wasn't a reason to massclaim before that?

Simple. I didn't claim up front because I figured that (a) a massclaim may not in fact materialize and (b) I wanted at least have some chance of me getting a result out. The instant all roles are outted, cop will forever be roleblocked and even more neutered, which is what has happened here.

This is another reason why dan and shawo are the scumteam. Dan baited me to claim due to (what I believed) was a legitimate reason to massclaim, then got his RB buddy shawo to attempt to discredit me by claiming cop himself. Volt ended up being on the chopping block because they were sympathetic to a tae/dan vote D1.

Yeah, I supported massclaiming early on, but that's because I bought in to Dan's logic back then. Now I see that it was a way to claim "I confirmed three slots and PoE'd jester" and can now coast to win by offing Tae rn. Given tae hasn't done the best job of defending themselves, tae is from mafia point of view, easy lynchbait. They can also go after me and try to pair me with tae, either way it doesn't really matter in the end who dies as long as someone town goes down today. I will give it to Shawo and Dan that concocting a plan to off jester was super risky in this setup but I think has ultimately paid them a lot of dividends as it basically only delayed their victory by a day.
town can be wrong. i read the situation wrong, but that doesnt make someone maf

my point still stands that tae has not pushed the game to any solving direction and did nothing to optimize their BP claim. BPs would try to get killed by doing something like fake claiming

I think this is easily the best post daniel has made. So I'll highlight it. It's.... a really towny post. Sad it got squashed in a wallpost.
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town can be wrong. i read the situation wrong, but that doesnt make someone maf

my point still stands that tae has not pushed the game to any solving direction and did nothing to optimize their BP claim. BPs would try to get killed by doing something like fake claiming

lost quote oops.
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I'm going to vote. @ me if you have any pressing issues but I'll be on tmrw.
Shawo, you and Dan would've had this if you didn't just basically confirm you're a team rn and try to vote off your CC.
evan, i said that voting dedenne is an overall neutral point. it’s that tae gave me a +1 on my post signifying they agreed with me, which the real BP would never agree with their CC who they know cannot be town

you think shawo is my partner and tae is easy chop bait... well, shawo seems to be leaning towards tae is town and isn’t even town reading me. and of course i’m going to be for the tae chop... like it’s NAI that each of us want our CC’s chop the most

you’re also assuming that shawo and I are teamed and coordinated a fake mason claim... so why did I almost try to get shawo killed before EoD and shawo is not TRing me here? like, us being teamed just doesn’t make sense even if shawo it maf

i states several times where was the mason team, since i believed shawo was the mason and telling his partner to stay quiet so i could swap roles with them. real masons CCing would’ve let me know the plan wasn’t going to work, but masons took a while to claim so i had assumed shawo was just mason

also, i baited cop to claim... but 3 people claimed cop which isn’t particularly helpful to maf. it was volt and ronishy that took back their claims and left you as only cop claim until shawo. there was no reason for me as maf to have predicted both masons would claim in same role

evan, you also have stated that you thought i was more likely BP than tae like right before EoD, already expecting dedenne to flip jester. your post on me seems that you’ve thought about this the whole game, so why does this 180 read happen now?
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Also I’m just going to get my thoughts out on shawo rn before EoD since it’s looking like a silent night will happen.

Shawo painted an interesting story but it was all self pres in the end. Miller claim was to cover for when they showed up as guilty upon scan. Cop wasn’t outed yet

Obviously RB can only realistically claim cop. GF has no reason to claim Miller either. So shawo has to be the RB

The mason claim was a rather brazen risk but makes sense given Daniel went along with it. Assuming real masons stayed quiet it’d have bought Shawo more time, made him look omega town in the process, and now he can spin this story to make it seem like he’s exhibited optimal town play. If not, he could always just get his teammate to play along and claim mason as well.
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Thanks, mobile sucks <3
I lowkey think dedenne is jester like 60/40 chance jester vs. mafia. If dedenne is jester then I think tae is way more likely to be shawo’s scummate as she went into hyper defend shawo overdrive the moment shawo was getting voted on
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I think shawo’s reason for mason claiming was disingenuous. Yours seems genuine and nothing from your play would really suggest to me you aren’t who you claim you are

like, the difference in this read from EoD expecting wolf between me and tae, and right now are so different
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Plus it was the obvious way to divert from Shawo given that Shawo was on the chopping block, not enough people wanted to off Tae the BP, offing Tae would've exposed Dan early on, and they couldn't go after confirmed miller or mason slots for the vote. And no one was going to go for me either. So just go for the ezpz vote which basically tells nothing about anybody and can only make yourself look good.
you could literally say this about tae not wanting to chop me too. this point is NAI

you literally said before that town and maf have motivation to chop jester
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i need to go to bed, but man, evan you are contradicting your reads and your reasoning

at least shawo seems willing to reconsider the tae/me

while you’ve TRd me this whole time, you seem to be so sure i’m mafia when a mischop is a loss. you don’t even seem to TR tae and just say “yea they’re not good at defending themselves”. where did ANY of this come up before? already saying you thought my claim was genuine

this is the opportunistic play i was expecting from tae’s partner
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woke up and thought about evans sudden change on me more

he is still more likely maf bc but it’s not 100% the case. but it does make sense that a wolf partner would be pushing both their own CC and their partner’s CC, and evan’s flip is very alarming since it’s not consistent and makes a lot of stretches that shawo and I are teamed for the claim

will ISO both today

ronish and final arcadia, thoughts on this suddenly unexplained change in evan’s read on me?
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his progression on me just does not feel organic at all compared to shawo being unsure on me this whole time. but both are technically not TRing me so the case that they’re pushing their partners CC chop can work here. ISO on this needed
As I've explained before, RB has no other reasonable role to claim except cop, which Shawo did in the end. GF cannot claim miller because they appear good on investigates and can't claim cop because that must be what the RB goes for. So, they must claim either mason or BP. And guess what, Dan's claimed both for opportunistic reasons.

OH and here. you say RB is shawo, meaning I am godfather

so you tried to investigate me because...? bulletproof and godfather will both come back as town lol...

the reasoning for investigating me also doesnt make sense
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the cop inspection was always useless since cop will always be role blocked and even if they weren't, the only red check they'll get is on their CC, who they know for sure is wolf...

another point as to why tae's "we should give cops a chance to out their results", has empty meaning here
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The mason claim was a rather brazen risk but makes sense given Daniel went along with it.
With that being said, I got roleblocked when trying to investigate Dan. I obviously didn't out who I was investigating but I have a sneaking suspicion Dan is GF and here's why.
And guess what, Dan's claimed both for opportunistic reasons.
I think shawo’s reason for mason claiming was disingenuous. Yours seems genuine and nothing from your play would really suggest to me you aren’t who you claim you are

he doesnt even acknowledge that he TRd me before...
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Ronishy stands over the red stained Volt.
My brother has fallen and now I rage!
Why him not me??
The burden of responsibility fall on my shoulders.
I will come for mafia
Vengence will be mine
Ronishy stands over the red stained Volt.
My brother has fallen and now I rage!
Why him not me??
The burden of responsibility fall on my shoulders.
I will come for mafia
Vengence will be mine
volt townread me the most (also shawo a bit too) and he died

think about that
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he also wanted to go after tae chop but settled for dedenne

he was a threat to wolves
He gave me lots of advice in our chat,
Now seeing your comments on Evan I need to look into him.
I might have got blindsided by him as I tc'ed him.
and @shawo , if youre sure evan if maf, you should be team building with him. which team is more viable evan/tae or evan/me

if evan was my partner, why would he regress back on his TR on me? he could've kept up his TR on me and have it still seem completely organic

there's no real reason for wolves to be bussing each other at mylo
Yeah, still not seeing anything from tae that comes across as town points, and evan's comments in regards to tae have a bit of forced feel, like he has to mention tae because of the CCs being the main topic, but at the same time, never actually has anything specific to say there. Of all the potential mafia teams, tae/evan feels like it has the most basis (shawo/dan is the only other major one, and it just feels suicidal and super risky if the masons thing was between maf/maf, like I don't even know why that'd have been necessary at all when there are probably safer ways to fish for claims if that was the objective), and this right here:
OH and here. you say RB is shawo, meaning I am godfather

so you tried to investigate me because...? bulletproof and godfather will both come back as town lol...

the reasoning for investigating me also doesnt make sense
is an interesting point too
It’s easy to push shawo based on thread dynamics when you know that ultimately no consequence will come of it, since dedenne would be an easy vote to get off instead, and you had no other realistic option at that time, besides me, who you are likely to try and off rn. Risky, yes, but my friend you two have been playing risky and profiting handsomely from it the entire game.

Tae agreed with you that dedenne being gone is good because they know that both dedenne and you were fake claiming, but ofc no way could she have successfully pushed for your death at that point. Most everyone tr’d you except shawo. Agreement on dedenne does not invalidate their BP claim; as I explained, mafia and town both had reason to get rid of dedenne that phase.

You make it out like I’m 180ing for no reason and suddenly; sure it’s sudden but I couldn’t talk during the night and this is literally my first chance to talk. And why did I investigate you as opposed to anyone else?
- there’s no reason to scan my CC because duh they’re evil.
- why scan any confirmeds lol.
- so that leaves the BPs who are both going to show up town, but I picked you because you’ve been pretty TR’d this game and were the most likely partner for shawo as I considered the day’s happenings during the night phase. Actions speak louder than words and the plan you two set out weighs heavier in my mind than just opinions tae and shawo have expressed about each other.

The cop was always useless because you engineered it that way via your plan.
shawo is the one that said real masons should fake claim something else. shawo did not want real masons to claim. how is this beneficial to is if we're a team?

if we were wolves, ronishy and volt just had to not claim D1 and this would happen:

shawo and I are thought to be the wolves with no CC, but neither of us would die

volt and ronishy would then claim D2 and shawo and I are instantly on the chopping block

where is the wolf team motivation in this claim? to out masons? they didn't even need to. to cause chaos? how has that chaos been harmful, did we chop town? it made it so wolves couldn't have control of thread
It’s easy to push shawo based on thread dynamics when you know that ultimately no consequence will come of it, since dedenne would be an easy vote to get off instead, and you had no other realistic option at that time, besides me, who you are likely to try and off rn. Risky, yes, but my friend you two have been playing risky and profiting handsomely from it the entire game.

Tae agreed with you that dedenne being gone is good because they know that both dedenne and you were fake claiming, but ofc no way could she have successfully pushed for your death at that point. Most everyone tr’d you except shawo. Agreement on dedenne does not invalidate their BP claim; as I explained, mafia and town both had reason to get rid of dedenne that phase.

You make it out like I’m 180ing for no reason and suddenly; sure it’s sudden but I couldn’t talk during the night and this is literally my first chance to talk. And why did I investigate you as opposed to anyone else?
- there’s no reason to scan my CC because duh they’re evil.
- why scan any confirmeds lol.
- so that leaves the BPs who are both going to show up town, but I picked you because you’ve been pretty TR’d this game and were the most likely partner for shawo as I considered the day’s happenings during the night phase. Actions speak louder than words and the plan you two set out weighs heavier in my mind than just opinions tae and shawo have expressed about each other.

The cop was always useless because you engineered it that way via your plan.

you can say the same on tae with this point. its a neutral point on both of us. chopping cop claims would instantly out the other. you can't make this a point against me but not tae

how has tae proven they're town this game? you haven't explained that or how they tried to optimize their BP claim by trying to get killed

you admit its sudden and you seem deadset that im maf. someone who truly town reads someone up to EoD would at least say "I have my doubts on them", not "this person was genuine before but now there's no way they're not mafia"
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if youre gonna say "your mason claim caused needless chaos"

uh, that's what moved this game forward. the game was basically dead and unproductive until then. you can't say the chaos was wolf motivated just because it was chaotic. i can put to many games where chaos generated by town harmed wolves in that they had no control or time to plan a reaction
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i saw a chance to try to get NK'd and protect a mason, and i took it. that's the best way to use BP imo
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evan doesnt even seem interested in solving tae lol
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yes, the cop claim is useless, evan even knows that. but he tries to use it as a point against me when he recognizes there's nothing that comes out of it
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its interesting that evan didn't say why tae/shawo isn't a viable team, or why tae is town in general. like he didn't even explore that possibility

also how tae stopped shawo from being chopped to give cops a chance to claim their results, yet showed no interest in actually solving shawo and just went "you and shawo are teamed and claimed masons". if youre not going to consider shawo as town, whats the point of stopping the cop CC from getting resolved? this shows tae did not steer away from cop chop to actually try to solve them (who will both claim RB in any case), but just didn't want the cop CC to be resolved. there is no interest to solve from tae at all