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Mafia TBT Mafia: Attack on Titan - [Game Over/Town Wins]


These people are all unconfirmed. I'm dropping Entropy from the list for her work finding Tom and Alexi. Shiida was attacked by an oppurtunistic Cadbberry on Day One, which I don't think that Cad would do in a scum v scum situation. Tardis shot Cadbberry. Wild was among the first to suspect Tom, and pushed for the deaths of Oath2order and Alexi

The two most likely scum to me are Miharu and Curry
2. ClamEatsCurry/Curry
07. Entropy
09. Tardis2016/KirbyStarship
10. Dolby
13. Bingo/Trundle
18. Kevinnn
20. Wild Blue Yonder
21. Shiida
22. Miharu

This is everyone left alive (don't think I missed anyone?) One scum should be left, and Kevin, Dolby and Trundle can't be it. That means there's scum in Miharu, shiida, wild, myself, entropy, and Tardis. I have an idea of who I think it is. I'll explain in a case ot motr detailed post in the future.
please tell me dead people posting is not a usual thing on this site

It's not, only for extreme cases i.e. RL issues or extreme emotional cases.

Dead players are allowed one polite goodbye post after they are killed that cannot reveal any game changing information.

Cory has already posted, so he should not be posting again. I won't be discussing this matter further as it has been handled in private.

These people are all unconfirmed. I'm dropping Entropy from the list for her work finding Tom and Alexi. Shiida was attacked by an oppurtunistic Cadbberry on Day One, which I don't think that Cad would do in a scum v scum situation. Tardis shot Cadbberry. Wild was among the first to suspect Tom, and pushed for the deaths of Oath2order and Alexi

The two most likely scum to me are Miharu and Curry

Tom I get, but do I not get any credit for helping on Alexi? :/ I made the first case on her and was sus of her for most of the game. Tom I sheeped, but why does like anything I ever do in mafia that I think is helpful just get tossed aside?
Actually, looking back, Curry was anti-Alexi as early as Day One, and Cad was suspicious of Miharu until entropy changed their stance on them, so IDK
Nice we got rid of the godfather. So their are just the roleblocker.

Sorry Entropy for not believing you.

@Wild Blue Yonder when someone is dead they are able to make only 1 post after they die.
@Curry- I felt your fire in pushing Alexi today and you contributed to me feeling like she was the best lynch. What I need to look back at is how you came to focus on Alexi instead of tae today, because I can see it being strategic as scum if you two are the team today to try to distance to get one of you some more endgame credit because both of you were relatively scumread yesterday. If you have more thoughts than what you posted on how Aya2order's flip changed your feelings about there being one scum in Aya2order/Alexi, it'd help me read you.
Okay for whatever reason your quote didnt show up when I went to multi quote along with Curry's xD but this was regarding your question of what I thought of Alexi. I found it hard to believe she was scum because she seemed really town like to me and none of her posts stood out to me until I saw everyone's case on her which seemed very plausible. I was following my belief that since she was scum read by Cad that she wouldnt be mafia because I didnt think Cad would take the chance to endanger her own team mates by scum reading them xD (And pretty much everyone she scum read ended up town or a blue role ; v ; ) Not to mention when Alexi scum read Cad as well and cad flipped mafia.

This was regarding your will where I went back to null due to my posts and un voting Cad because I actually believed her posts and thought her replies were sincere even though I should have followed with my suspections on her when I was pushing her xD

THANK YOUUUU OMG LOL I was literally wondering why the hell no one was suspecting me even though I unvoted for Cad last minute and thought she wasnt scum anymore. You dont know how stressed I was when she flipped scum LOL It didnt help that no one commented or posted that I was suspicious as hell after that. щ(?Д?щ) Because like if I was someone else and what I did happened, I would be questioning that person or at least suspecting them for it xD

On a side note, whats Omgus everyone? o:
"OMGUS stands for 'Oh My God, You Suck (for voting for me)!'. it is sometimes used as a shorthand to indicate that you are voting for someone primarily because they voted for you."
Yeah lol, because if I was busing my teammate I'd be sure to let everyone know before they get lynched the exact role they are, because that makes sense. You've been trying to find a reason to call me scum this entire game and at this point you're basically just grabbing onto anything you possibly can. Ever since Day 1 you've been inconsistent but trying to call me scum saying that I'm following my meta but that I'm scum, then the next day saying I'm not following my meta and I'm scum, and now you're back to saying I'm showing effort. You also claimed entirely wrong information about me in your will even if Day 2 deaths weren't up, the point was still invalid because I commented on the Day 1 deaths. Now you're thinking I would share the role of one of my teammates before they get lynched? If you really think I'm scum, make a case against me that isn't shouting "you're not following meta!" because that's the best argument you've had against me this entire game.

I find it hilarious that you'll sit here and blame meta for me being scum but yet when I've already addressed you in two different posts with valid points you choose to ignore them. Yeah, I'm the scummy one for scum hunting and theorizing on what roles could be in play and who might have them. Let's not forget that I've been right both times people have flipped scum since that post. Oath's role I was wrong on, but he's part of scum like I thought. There's 12 people left in this game still. I voted for Tom, Cadbberry and was sus of oath. Do you REALLY think I'd be ballsy enough to bus THREE of my teammates and try and win a majority based game either alone or with one other partner, with no third party, when I'm on people's scum lists? What sense does that make at all?

Don't forget your other scum leans past Day 2 on Sataric:

You know who else Daniel scum read? You. So this can be directly pointed back to you as well. I'm starting to notice a pattern where everyone who you find scum in this game doesn't seem to follow their meta at some point this game, but then when someone brings up yours, you get defensive or flat out ignore it.

Hence one of your favorite your defenses is "if people would look into my meta they would see that I'm following it and I'm always scum read each game!" Meta isn't the entirety of mafia and this game matters more than what people did in the past. Look at Cad, Jacob, entropy, and probably more who all said they wanted to change meta. Meta can be helpful at times, but when it's your strongest reason for sus'ing someone and your best defense, it doesn't hold weight. Let's look at how many times you used meta alone as a defense for yourself:

Against Cad

Against Tardis

In fairness to this one, Tardis literally said "and alexi something is off about her meta." as his only explanation, which is also part of the problem (for him, not you).

Against shiida

So here you're saying you'll name people who are scummy for changing their play style but when someone calls you out for off meta you say, "oh well I can say other people who are doing it too!" and don't think it's scummy of you. Someone blames you for meta and so you try to pawn it off on other people because of another meta argument.

It's funny cause these defenses are Day 2 and later. Day 1, I can see maybe. Not much has happened in the thread and people are shouting "Meta! Meta! Meta!" but when you're using these as defenses passed Day 1 is when it starts to get scummy. One of the biggest reasons I don't participate early game is BECAUSE it's so much meta talk. I've been in one game prior to this and didn't know **** about meta then, and tbh meta talk just flat out bores me so I don't comment on it much now. Sometimes, but not always and I never use meta as my only defense unless someone just says "your meta is off Curry." with no other reasoning. If meta is determined off of one game and a micro and I have to play identical to that each time I play so I don't look like scum, then that's stupid af.

I also love how you say this when you are pushed to defend yourself

Clearly cases and defenses are useless banter to the game. It's funny because you're saying you don't see a need to defend yourself more when that was one of the reasons you criticized Daniel, one of the only people you made a valid case on, even if he did flip town.

So it's okay for you to not defend yourself, but yet when someone avoids defending themselves, it's scummy.

Again like I mentioned with tae, you're one of the people who call people out for filler posts, which is hypocritical when you post things like:

I'll be honest, you''re actually one of the least guilty of this, but if you're going to call me scum solely for filler and meta, take a look at your own posts. And before you say it, this point is a bit hypocritical to me too. I have a **** ton of filler this game, but like I said, up until I made my massive post I really just didn't give a **** about this game. Now I do, and now I'm seeing just how hypocritical people who blame filler posts as a scum read for someone are.

It's really convenient in your Day 2 will you townread (dark greened) tae but then Day 3 goes on and people start to sus tae and now all of a sudden he's a scum read for you? You admitted to flipping, but again one of your biggest reasons is that he has no scum meta. Notice in my case against tae I didn't once mention tae's meta. It shouldn't be a big point in why someone is scum read imo, especially when like me, you say he's following his aggressive meta flat out, but he has no scum meta so therefore he's scummy. Plus the Vig claim like other people have mentioned.

This whole game you've made cases on people who got mislynched, voted for a person who then flipped Doc on D3 when he showed up dead, blamed meta and poor reasoning or sometimes wrong reasoning in your wills for some of your sus reads. If you get lynched and flip green/blue I will **** a brick and happily accept any punishment given to me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My will:

I think I was on the right track on my theory of who is playing us as the mafia. Remember to not town lock everyone and never look back because I definitely think someone is playing us and I don't want this to turn out like Xeno where it becomes too little too late when people start to recognize it. As such, here is my final color coded list:

Wild Blue Yonder

Miharu was a town lean until her posts around Cad's death which made me rethink.

Actually, Curry: can you clarify when this will was written relative to the pre-automerge stuff
@Curry- I felt your fire in pushing Alexi today and you contributed to me feeling like she was the best lynch. What I need to look back at is how you came to focus on Alexi instead of tae today, because I can see it being strategic as scum if you two are the team today to try to distance to get one of you some more endgame credit because both of you were relatively scumread yesterday. If you have more thoughts than what you posted on how Aya2order's flip changed your feelings about there being one scum in Aya2order/Alexi, it'd help me read you.

When I made the post I was basing on who I thought had what role, to be honest I was sus of them both but if I had been right on how everyone's roles had played out, I figured it'd be Chrys or Oath with the GF role. However, once oath flipped scum as doc I was almost certain Chrys was scum too. I was pretty confident the remaining four would be somewhere in those names and when I did the Chrys/oath I mainly meant it as one of them would have the Godfather role specifically. The reason they were called GF was because of how I explained where I came to my other conclusions on who would have what role. I guess the / idea for oath/Chrys wasn't my best idea now that you point this out because it looks like if one flipped red, the other was clear. Once oath basically made my head flip on entropy though, I was almost certain that the last of the names on that list, Chrys, was scum.
Just heads up XD I will be working tomorrow from 9-5pm so I wont be on until 6ish or so cx

As for now I will be hanging out with my friends so ttyl :>
i'm really frustrated right now, with this game and mafia in general.

if i don't make reads i'm killed, if i do make them i'm killed. if i make reads they "suck", if i lynch scum i still suck and i got lucky or i bussed and i'm mafia. if i don't lynch scum or don't die i'm mafia. if i joke around in the thread and don't make wall length text posts, i'm mafia. if i lynch confirmed scum fmpov, i'm called a ****ing *****, accused of cheating and de-modded from the discord chat.

i don't normally get this emotional, but it sucks because i used to really enjoy this game and playing with everyone, but it became to the point where i'm expected/pressured to post a certain way and even if i DID, i was nightkilled for it. i tried to change it with this game and i made someone that was actually town modkill themself and de-mod me for literally no reason.

i'm fine with being pressured, i do get heated but it's seriously all in fun and good spirit and i never mean to directly attack someone personally. even when someone insults me, idc, but i don't take what cory said to me in his last posts lightly at all.

that said, i'm sorry but i've lost most of my motivation for the time being. i'm gonna try to take a break the next two days and refresh myself, if i live then i'll try to contribute but yeah i just need to step away for awhile