This Is My Design
doc should be on me, i thought that was obvious since pregame.
You are entitled to that opinion but that is really not something I can agree with. As a matter of fact, all this talk about you dying on night one makes it seem far less likely to actually happen in reality since it's the most predictable of outcomes, and a scum team that's predictable is easy to take down. Whomever should be healed or not really shouldn't ever be decided during the pregame though, before roles have been handed out.
That said, I understand your frustration from dying early. But remember that Last Wills are included in this game, and even though you express having little faith in people picking up where you left off, I can assure you that I will do my best to take all of your reads into account in case your life would end. (Provided that you flip town, of course)
Tom's playstyle so far reminds me of the Game of Thrones mafia when he was indeed scum. I think he'd make a great target for a detective to check tonight, and I can state that openly since we know there's no framers in the mix. Of course that is not my call to make, though. Just something to consider.
By the way, a question for Minties:
In the role list, there's a Miller named Ymir. Am I right to assume, although this is not directly stated, that it's a SELF-AWARE Miller? I just want to be absolutely sure. Thanks!