Mafia TBT Mafia: Attack on Titan [Sign Ups]

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If it's starting today just a heads up I'm away from home right now (Ash don't kill me). Home Tuesday but I don't know how late.
Coasters can hide when they are mafia mother almost won the game in Donald Trump mafia. But Panda bussed her so she lost.

I thought we'd all established by now that MOAL is about as real as the Loch Ness Monster.
All accounts are my alts. Except for you who is reading this.
That can't be right, I'm reading this and now I'm having an identity crisis. I thought for sure I was Tina.... WHO AM I??

Now everyone will understand the FFXIII love. As everyone besides me hates that game.
Lightning is love, Lightning is life!

Wow this game has a lot of spam.
I think Mouthwashies is making a new thread because of that.
Don't worry Tom darling I'll protect you from the evil Tardis. As you are part of me.
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