Look at the old post... bottum page 3.
All players have voted except for bambam but he's banned from TBT temp so he doesn't count. It's Sundown! Retrieve all your Pikmin!
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Gengar is dead with 4 votes, he was the Serial Killer! He gets a last gasp.
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Night begins! Send your PMs in if you have one to send!
Night deadline has passed.
It's Daylight! Wake all your Pikmin!
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The mafia were sleeping and forgot to kill. Zzzz...
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Day begins! Start voting, 7 is lynch!
I have suspicions os Super Naruto..... although I could just be insane....

VOTE: Super Naruto
SPORGE27 said:
I have suspicions os Super Naruto..... although I could just be insane....

VOTE: Super Naruto
I think I might know what you are now based on what you said... Well, lets find out if you are insane.

VOTE: Super Naruto
Super_Naruto - 6

Updated: 11:47 Pacfic