Literally, i'm ok with a lynch on me, but i'm a vanilla townie and you should probably do someone else to lynch. I can be helpful and I am town. look at my meta, I am town if you read back.
Also why am I being lynched when I have 2 votes on me.
780Ender explains more as to why Llamas was pocketing her posts.
840 Tom says he?s considering these 4 people to lynch, one including Llamas.
853 , 854 and 855 all state that they want Llamas to be lynched without providing any feedback as to why. Ender I can understand, but Tom never stated a reason to lynch Llama and Daniel hasn?t brought up lynching Llama since post 692, and I still think that Daniel?s reasoning for this lynch is really weird.
868Endless says here that Llama?s isn?t the best lynch for today.
872Panda never mentioned any sort of suspicions towards Llamas up until this point, and sheeps along with everybody on the Llama?s lynch.
918 Tom once again says that Llamas is up for lynch.
940 (its only fair that I put myself on this list) I say here that a Llamas or M3ow lynch is better over myself.
Really off, but i can't put my finger on it. More like saying, it's okay we get a few mislynches.
Stating the obvious.
Seems like a really fake statement, so bland.
Not getting a good feeling from them, hasn't really contributed and only posted the obvious to make it seem like they're there when they haven't done much.
I don?t like this post. It went over my head before but Daniel is calling Llama?s out as scum here for the blandest of reasons. It was too early in the game to make any sort of case either.
Why are you all posting like a bunch of idiots? You aren't accomplishing anything with baseless accusations Day 1 arguing back and forth. You also aren't obligated to defend yourself in any large amount because there is nothing to defend and nothing to put suspicions on.
Just from my reads, anyone that is getting super defensive after someone very mildly puts suspicion on them, they are probably stupid or scum.
Also, Kit you should really gather an opinion and stick with it. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion doesn't mean you have to move on to a whole new read. Play like you're pushing towards a goal if you want to win this freaking game. Holy crap.
Trundle is another one of my major town reads because of the way he posts. I really like the way he makes lengthy posts talking about something, obvious town Trundle.
It was day 1 and there wasn't anyone that stood out to me for scum.... I was gonna post some reads about a player I found mildly suspicious but there wasn't much to it and it wouldn't help town that much and I'd rather contribute things I'm confident about.
Mm usual tomfoolery or scumminess?
Feel however you like, kinda werid that you think I'm scum just because I find your vagueness avoidant and unhelpful
Actually, I voted for m3ow_ in the strawpool I believe. Not that it matters much. I am not very confident in declaring someone fully scum-read yet as it has been so long since I played Mafia on TBT and I struggle with figuring out which behaviour is common and normal for people still. But I think that m3ow_ is acting very odd if they'd be town aligned. But mister Tom - You really think that NONE of the people on the list that you yourself put together seem like a good lynch option? I find that both peculiar and scummy. Or did I misunderstand you?
Panda As annoying as I think she is, this is her obvious town behavior. Her points on me are bad and just posts one liners but this is obvious town.
Enderwiggin: His points about Llamas and Kit are good, overall town.
KarlaKGB: I feel like their posts are town oriented, mainly the same boat as Sataric.
Tom: Even though he was the one who casted the vote for Llama, its not his fault. Other people had been pushing for a Llamas lynch, he just did what everybody was asking him to do. I also like that he pointed this out-
Generally spammy, unpredictable and generally unhelpful. At most I can only say you were helpful in Reindeer mafia and that's because you shot Rudolph for me.
Kit: She?s been defending me a lot, and I agree with oath on her distracting town with her posts, but I have her down as null because she?s only recently started contributing a bit. During Forest Fire, she did contribute quite a bit but she just sheeped along with everybody and stayed quiet the whole time. Now, she?s mostly been s###posting the entire time. Null for now.
Ashtot: I like the way he?s been posting and he?s been suspicious of little things that go over people?s heads. I also really liked that he went from s###posting to now being much more serious. I have him down as null because of post about Endless however which isn?t much.
Endless: Progressivily pushing the day forward with his posts, but from what others are saying its giving a slight gut feeling, so I just put him down as null. Overall town however.
M3ow_: I don?t know what to think of her, I have mixed feelings about her. While I feel like she got over defensive when it wasn?t a serious suspicion on her, I can?t tell what she is. I?d prefer to hear what other?s judgements of are her before I can say she?s a scum read.
Trojan: Usual behavior, but null.
Middle of the road
Oath2order: I?m still not a fan of the push on he made on me by saying I was overly defensive when I wasn?t. This isn?t after the scum read panda made on me, this is before in this post:
Ayaya: Came in at the beginning of the game and was a bit weird, and has disappeared since. Don?t know what to think either.
Scum reads
Call me Daniel: Sorry to single this one out, but I dislike the way he?s been posting. He hasn?t been doing anything much of substance and I like stated above dislike this post.
Really off, but i can't put my finger on it. More like saying, it's okay we get a few mislynches.
Stating the obvious.
Seems like a really fake statement, so bland.
Not getting a good feeling from them, hasn't really contributed and only posted the obvious to make it seem like they're there when they haven't done much.
2 people that don't sit well with me this whole game.
Meow for literally only posting to defend themselves and being quiet the rest of the game, when in forest fire Mafia they actually where scumhunting. They're not doing anything but defending themselves and disappearing
All llamas has been doing is agreeing with people and stating the obvious.
Both are relatively quiet and seems to only pop in every one in a blue moon to say something that doesn't help town to satisfy our suspions. I Believe one or both are Mafia, though I dislike illama more for the more obvious newbie scum play.
To me he?s seeing these 2 as easy lynches for the day, and the bolded is making me feel weird about it. Daniel is either dumb town or scum, I hope its the 2nd right now.
Can?t read, needs more posts.
Blu Rose
Sorry this took so long. I?ve been putting it off for the majority of the day. Also as a side note, i've been really rude and annoying most of this game. I can be decent at this game, as I won a game as scum the other day on a different website. I'm aware that I can really suck at this, but I can try to start posting things of substance.
While I admittedly didn?t look at all of his posts yet, the ones I see while I was looking at exchanges between players makes me think he?s town. Only played 1 game with him where he?s scum and only read 1 game where he?s town, but so far he?s contributing a lot more than when he?s mafia, and I?m finding myself either agreeing or seeing where his logic comes from most of the time, so I?m inclined to believe he?s town for now
Daniel (CMD)
While I did read him as scum very hard on the previous game (he turned out to be town) I?m trying to be less biased this time and so far, all of his posts seem consistent to what he?s thinking/saying, and he plays similarly to when he?s town. Though it could just be that he?s better this time compared to when he first became scum. None of his posts didn?t strike me as odd yet, so I?m leaning on town right now.
And these people are on my slightly leaning on town list:
Never read the game where he plays as mafia so I have no idea his scum playstyle is, but I did notice he is less aggressive this time, which he acknowledged. I think he?d stay aggressive as scum to make himself look consistent, but so far his playstyle is a toned down version of him in Reindeer mafia. I also noticed he?s doing another silly test and being quick to think someone is town this time too (as he did read me and Dolby as town there)
I noticed he?s trying to be more serious in this game. The playstyle change is a bit alarming but I think it?d be unfair to see him as scum based on that. Honestly I?m happy he?s just not spouting one liners so I?d like to see him more in this game.
Him defending Ashtot was a liiiittle bit odd, but so far like Ashtot and CMD he?s contributing and staying consistent so I?m leaning on town for him.
I?ll post the people I have my suspicion on after the Night post so I can confirm some things first. The rest of the players either falls under that or can?t read yet.
Also, does anyone else find the timing of Dolby?s post a bit odd? Like it?s a coincidence?
Hey guys, sorry for not posting the last few days. Yesterday, my family's internet router stopped working and I now have 1.5 hours left on a library computer to do what I want, currently reading through the thread. It should be replaced by Tuesday though
He posted just right when people are talking about him getting lynched/modkilled.
I was reading Tom?s Kingmaker game and I noticed in that game, Dolby seems to stay under the radar while everyone else are pointing fingers at each other. If he does have internet problems then I?m sorry to hear that, but it?d be kind of sad of us for knowning his playstyle on that game and letting him stay under the radar again.
If any players who?ve played on that game can give their thoughts on this I?d be very appreciated.
While I admittedly didn’t look at all of his posts yet, the ones I see while I was looking at exchanges between players makes me think he’s town. Only played 1 game with him where he’s scum and only read 1 game where he’s town, but so far he’s contributing a lot more than when he’s mafia, and I’m finding myself either agreeing or seeing where his logic comes from most of the time, so I’m inclined to believe he’s town for now
Daniel (CMD)
While I did read him as scum very hard on the previous game (he turned out to be town) I’m trying to be less biased this time and so far, all of his posts seem consistent to what he’s thinking/saying, and he plays similarly to when he’s town. Though it could just be that he’s better this time compared to when he first became scum. None of his posts didn’t strike me as odd yet, so I’m leaning on town right now.
And these people are on my slightly leaning on town list:
Never read the game where he plays as mafia so I have no idea his scum playstyle is, but I did notice he is less aggressive this time, which he acknowledged. I think he’d stay aggressive as scum to make himself look consistent, but so far his playstyle is a toned down version of him in Reindeer mafia. I also noticed he’s doing another silly test and being quick to think someone is town this time too (as he did read me and Dolby as town there)
I noticed he’s trying to be more serious in this game. The playstyle change is a bit alarming but I think it’d be unfair to see him as scum based on that. Honestly I’m happy he’s just not spouting one liners so I’d like to see him more in this game.
Him defending Ashtot was a liiiittle bit odd, but so far like Ashtot and CMD he’s contributing and staying consistent so I’m leaning on town for him.
I’ll post the people I have my suspicion on after the Night post so I can confirm some things first. The rest of the players either falls under that or can’t read yet.
Also, does anyone else find the timing of Dolby’s post a bit odd? Like it’s a coincidence?
He posted just right when people are talking about him getting lynched/modkilled.
I was reading Tom’s Kingmaker game and I noticed in that game, Dolby seems to stay under the radar while everyone else are pointing fingers at each other. If he does have internet problems then I’m sorry to hear that, but it’d be kind of sad of us for knowning his playstyle on that game and letting him stay under the radar again.
If any players who’ve played on that game can give their thoughts on this I’d be very appreciated.
Also, I haven't been as active as much as I want to because my sister's wedding is coming up in a week (14 Feb, on Valentine's!) and I've been helping my family around for that Forgot the wedding is close when I signed in for the game... Will most likely be MIA on 12-14 Feb AEST because of this.
I can still pay attention to the thread and dedicate at least 2-3 hours per day to this game, but I'd probably be late to most discussions and post around this time/early morning EST.
If you think I'm suspicious from my inactivity then that's perfectly fine, I'd be suspicious of myself too. Just wanted to let you guys know why.
The reasoning behind her nulling me and Trojan I can understand and Towning Ashtot, but for making Trundle a null and making Daniel a town read are weird. Seriously, Trundle should be on the top of the town list. I can't understand why Enderwiggin or Karla aren't in the towns list either.
The fact that she's scum reading Dolby for telling us he can't post because or irl issues is scummy as well. She didn't share us any of her Scum reads either.
The reasoning behind her nulling me and Trojan I can understand and Towning Ashtot, but for making Trundle a null and making Daniel a town read are weird. Seriously, Trundle should be on the top of the town list. I can't understand why Enderwiggin or Karla aren't in the towns list either.
The fact that she's scum reading Dolby for telling us he can't post because for irl issues is scummy as well. She didn't share us any of her Scum reads either.
I mean ness, the same can be said about you too. You don't post anything useful and when you were set to be lynched you were switching from being okay with being lynched and
I mean ness, the same can be said about you too. You don't post anything useful and when you were set to be lynched you were switching from being okay with being lynched and
wanting another candidate lynched because they suddenly became suspicious of you. Easy candidate to want to kill to save your skin.
Honestly, I think you're town because you role claimed, but saying you're suspicious of me for the same stuff you did is stupid.
Its hypocritical of me to be talking about you seeing 2 people as an easy lynch, but its not just that. You haven't been contributing much to the pot either. Llama's claimed townie, so I wanted to have M3ow lynched because she was the 3rd option.
I only started to want a Llama's lynch when the day started ending because we didn't have much to go off of. I never shared a scum read on Llama's until the day was ending because of what I said just now, but you went after her for bland reasons. Thats my thought process to you being scum.
The reasoning behind her nulling me and Trojan I can understand and Towning Ashtot, but for making Trundle a null and making Daniel a town read are weird. Seriously, Trundle should be on the top of the town list. I can't understand why Enderwiggin or Karla aren't in the towns list either.
The fact that she's scum reading Dolby for telling us he can't post because or irl issues is scummy as well. She didn't share us any of her Scum reads either.
Why are you trying to dictate my reads Ness? You have reasons for your read, I have mine. As for Ender and Karla, those players fall under "can't read yet", and I did say I was waiting until Night post (or Day 3 post, just noticed that error) so I can confirm my suspicion first.
And I didn't scum read Dolby either. Just pointing out that his post timing is coincident with when Town is considering to lynch/modkill him. I thought it was a bit odd which is why I asked for players from Tom's Kingmaker game their thoughts.