Mafia TBT Mafia: Game of Thrones - A Crown for a King - GAME OVER

based on the fact that he suggested a very specific role name for third party? i dont think an actual third party wud do that tho

I've seen it before. I mean, I've no idea how experienced Sataric is, and usually experienced players don't make that mistake. But I've definitely seen it happen before.
It WAS Blu Rose.

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This last paragraph to me seems kinda evasive how he points out Sataric and then backs away from it.
First two paragraphs are ****posts which are unhelpful and add nothing to the game.

I disagree. This is Blu's town behavior. When Blu is mafia they appear a lot more articulate and put together because he thinks his posts out more as to avoid suspicion. On the part you found evasive, Blu said "idk it's hard to put into words" which, if Blu was mafia, would have just been a whole deleted paragraph altogether. I see full truthfulness.

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Kinda curious for more of Tom's thoughts on the lynch now that llama has flipped town. I'm just going to bring up something that happened earlier this game:


Really off, but i can't put my finger on it. More like saying, it's okay we get a few mislynches.

Stating the obvious.

Seems like a really fake statement, so bland.

Not getting a good feeling from them, hasn't really contributed and only posted the obvious to make it seem like they're there when they haven't done much.

This post is literally just pushing a single player with really no reasoning from the start of the game. This was shortly after I mentioned that I found a post from llama suspicious right here.

Thinking from the perspective of Daniel as mafia, I believe he just wanted to jump on my read (my post there was actually nothing substantial, I just posted so Kit and Ness wouldn't yell at me (spoiler: they did anyway)).
So Daniel actually posts almost exactly the same as I do here for reasons I do not know and then proceeds to elaborate on pretty much nothing in the quote above. I'm not sure what he was trying to get across - either trying to push the conversation forward or pushing town lynch, but it's stupid and scummy. Either way, if that doesn't look off to you I don't know what does. Your move, Daniel.
I disagree. This is Blu's town behavior. When Blu is mafia they appear a lot more articulate and put together because he thinks his posts out more as to avoid suspicion. On the part you found evasive, Blu said "idk it's hard to put into words" which, if Blu was mafia, would have just been a whole deleted paragraph altogether. I see full truthfulness.

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Kinda curious for more of Tom's thoughts on the lynch now that llama has flipped town. I'm just going to bring up something that happened earlier this game:

This post is literally just pushing a single player with really no reasoning from the start of the game. This was shortly after I mentioned that I found a post from llama suspicious right here.

Thinking from the perspective of Daniel as mafia, I believe he just wanted to jump on my read (my post there was actually nothing substantial, I just posted so Kit and Ness wouldn't yell at me (spoiler: they did anyway)).
So Daniel actually posts almost exactly the same as I do here for reasons I do not know and then proceeds to elaborate on pretty much nothing in the quote above. I'm not sure what he was trying to get across - either trying to push the conversation forward or pushing town lynch, but it's stupid and scummy. Either way, if that doesn't look off to you I don't know what does. Your move, Daniel.

Oh no we both thought the same person was suspicious and said why, guess that makes me scum!
Why would you bring up Petyr Baelish as a third party? I find that really odd.

Given the scenario you suggest, wouldn't Stannis/Melisandre be a more likely evil third party?

If anything, given how Petyr Baelish works, he'd more likely be a neutral with a very neutral role, or even the miller since so few people trust him.

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Especially since Petyr loved Cat. So if we were to assume a Stark town-team, which I can confirm fits with the character who I have the role of, wouldn't Petyr more likely to be a good-neutral or a neutral-neutral, if not a miller?

I am extremely curious at why you specifically picked Petyr for an evil neutral.

I guess it depends on Minties interpretation of the story but Petyr is the ultimate puppet-master in the Song of Ice and Fire series. He's behind almost every single major event that goes down yet he's always far out of the spotlight. Furthermore, every single family in the series has cooperated with him at some point and he's stabbed them all in the back since he only cares about himself (and Catelyn/Sansa, to some extent). If I would design this game, he'd be my first go-to-choice for a third party role. That is, if the focus is NOT on "The Night's Watch VS Wild Walkers", which I think Jon Snow being a green role confirms.

I've seen it before. I mean, I've no idea how experienced Sataric is, and usually experienced players don't make that mistake. But I've definitely seen it happen before.

Experienced enough to not make that mistake, at least. Truthfully there could be other third party options for sure - There's a thousand characters to choose from in the Game of Thrones series - But very few of them are allied with one another, so they'd likely be anti-town in any case. Doesn't matter what they are named if we cannot figure out what their powers are. But I think Petyr is in the game, and I think you're the one that got given his role and that's why you're getting nervous. ;)

In any case, the point of my post was to shed some light onto things for those players not familiar with the Game of Thrones universe. I keep hearing people say "But Jon Snow is such a major character!" - Which is true, for certain, except those who are familiar with the books knows that Jon Snow has no desire whatsoever to play the game of thrones and has no allegiance to any of the houses except for the Night's Watch which is truly neutral.
Eh, I'd quibble on that. There is a very clear DESIRE to play the game of thrones and win Winterfell, Jon is tempted sorely especially later on. He ends up deciding not to in all of the cases where it could come up (I won't go into exacts because spoilers), but he definitely has a desire to. Also he shows clear allegiance to the Starks even if Aemon convinces him that he cannot meddle.

But ignore my quibbling, I'm just a book fanatic.

(Also Petyr can't be said to have been in almost all the major events. A few key events were his fingers but mostly he's just been avoiding the crossfire. Tywin, Tyrion, Varys, and Cersei have all been very big in key events that changed the series. Though Cersei is usually a lot less of a major figure in the big events then she thinks she is.)

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Also I already claimed that my role tended to suggest your Stark's side as town theory was accurate.

How in the hell would you get Petyr Baelish from that? o_O
...and maybe Tina/Meg. I can tell they're IRL friends so they might know each others roles

We're not discussing the game; that'd be against the rules. But yea, we know each other IRL - we live together.

i just read through like 400 posts
gj guys we caught scum <3
i'm gonna bet on a mafia dream team this game


This means that the Stark family is likely the primary blue roles, and that the Lannister family is the Mafia roles. That means we're probably looking at something like a minimum of 4 named Mafia roles. Cersei Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Tywin Lannister, and Tyrion Lannister are likely all the in the game. Tyrion COULD be a miller, because he's not very close with his family in the later books, but it's not certain at all.

We also likely have an EVIL third party in the form of Petyr Baelish. In truth, very few people in the Game of Thrones world is "good" so the possibility for evil third party people is higher. This is something worth keeping in mind and being afraid of.

Now, I am not at all for a mass role-claim because it takes 90% of the fun out of the game - But every character has a unique name as far as I can tell, and it'd be fairly easy to someone familiar with the Game of Thrones lore to be able to tell which people are good and which are bad if the names come forward. Just think it's worth mentioning.

Also I already claimed that my role tended to suggest your Stark's side as town theory was accurate.

These post says to me that a mass role-claim is not the way to go. Scum team probably have fake claims, or if they've someone knowledgeable on their team (seems that Sataric, Ender, Endless, Meg, and I'm assuming others as well are all familiar with Game of Thrones) they may be able to come up with fake claims for their team themselves. If neither of those happen, it would be an obvious help of course - but if they do have fakes claims then all mass claiming will accomplish is segregating the greens from the blues. Especially if what Ender is saying here (above) is true.

Lacking motivation, but a brief chart of my thoughts currently-

oath2order, Tom, Trundle, Ashtot
I am always overly paranoid when playing with these four. I don't know how to read them currently - especially Tom. What Sataric said about llama's claim was interesting. Personally I don't know Game of Thrones, but Jon Snow is the one character I had heard of!

In games I've seen Karla play as mafia I've always been able to suss him out before Day 2. Nothing is standing out to me right now.

Has provided genuinely useful information. I don't believe he's trying to mislead us with it.

Going by Sataric's Jon/Sam theory, inclined to think town.

Daniel, Ender, m3ow_, Trojan
All people I don't believe I've played with, but they're near the top of my list currently. I want to look into their posts more later when less apathetic.

Kit, Blu Rose
Flip-flopping on these. Kit and Blu Rose I don't really get what they're doing and if it's scummy or I simply don't like their play styles. Will look into them again later.

Panda, Ayaya, Jello, Dolby, AVidear, Endless, Meg
Can't get a read on them.
tbh I can just imagine Tina and Meg with their laptops, glaring at each other suspiciously over the top of it as they type
tbh I can just imagine Tina and Meg with their laptops, glaring at each other suspiciously over the top of it as they type

LOL. Oh, totally:
Endless, I find your attempt to appear as if you've done anything but agree with me pretty funny. I understand that it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you just aren't that great at this game, but we still love you so its okay. The truth is, sometimes you have okay reads, but other times they are completely backwards. If I remember correctly you scumread someone who was very obviously town in a recent game which had pretty much shattered any reputation you had, and it seems as though you're still on that track. You're right about me being Town, but it has. Nothing to do with me "watching and then pointing fingers". I was away all of yesterday until after the lynch happened, which if you had read my post and seen that I said that I'd just read about 30 pages, you would understand. Your lack of effort and bandwagoning would seem like a scumtell in the past, but now that you've shown that you just don't really know what you're doing, I'm having a hard time telling of you're just dumb Town or Mafia.

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I'm deciphering all of the posts that are related to Llama in some way. It will be up in an hour or so, writing in google docs
Also I already claimed that my role tended to suggest your Stark's side as town theory was accurate.

How in the hell would you get Petyr Baelish from that? o_O

Simple. From your other recent post.

If anything, given how Petyr Baelish works, he'd more likely be a neutral with a very neutral role, or even the miller since so few people trust him.

Especially since Petyr loved Cat. So if we were to assume a Stark town-team, which I can confirm fits with the character who I have the role of, wouldn't Petyr more likely to be a good-neutral or a neutral-neutral, if not a miller?

You seem to know a lot about Petyr Baelish's involvement in this Mafia game considering you're assuming Petyr Baelish isn't actually in the game. Maybe because in your role description it says something regarding your love for Catelyn Stark; Something that implies that the Starks are the core of the town, which also made it easy for you to agree with me when I suggested that? You can't fool me!
Alright, Kit is either mafia, or as incapable of coherently constructing reads as daniel. Kit, for your sake I hope it's the former.

Kit's reads are trash for the following reasons: The panda read, I've already addressed.
Ender is pulling his usual bull****, nothing to look at there.
There are roughly 4-5 inactives including Tom, singling Tom out makes absolutely no sense. Moreover, being inactive is only a scumtell if you're avoiding the game, which Tom, as a reasonable player, has absolutely no motivation to do.

Additionally, what the living hell are they trying to achieve by pushing the the king? What do they contribute towards the day by doing that? Both you and I know the answer is absolutely nothing, but they're trying to make it out as otherwise? For their sake I really hope they aren't town.

M3ow is horribly obvious mafia and needs to be killed ASAP. I haven't the slightest inkling as to how Ashtot picked up on this one but I'll give it to him, their responses after he pushed them is singleminded defensiveness towards Ashtot. That level of defensiveness (Irrational defensiveness) just about only ever comes from mafia. (Most likely because they feel like they have more to defend than the case presented against them, knowing that the person is right, regardless of the strength of the case.)

I can follow the train of logic on Ayaya being mafia, for similar reasons I don't care to repeat. I don't feel like emphasizing this read because it's been done to death by Endless and Karla.

Ok so I was reading back and found this from Endless. He never followed up on the M3ow lynch.
i'm sorry fam school is killing me
I disagree. This is Blu's town behavior. When Blu is mafia they appear a lot more articulate and put together because he thinks his posts out more as to avoid suspicion. On the part you found evasive, Blu said "idk it's hard to put into words" which, if Blu was mafia, would have just been a whole deleted paragraph altogether. I see full truthfulness.
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Kinda curious for more of Tom's thoughts on the lynch now that llama has flipped town. I'm just going to bring up something that happened earlier this game:

This post is literally just pushing a single player with really no reasoning from the start of the game. This was shortly after I mentioned that I found a post from llama suspicious right here.

Thinking from the perspective of Daniel as mafia, I believe he just wanted to jump on my read (my post there was actually nothing substantial, I just posted so Kit and Ness wouldn't yell at me (spoiler: they did anyway)).
So Daniel actually posts almost exactly the same as I do here for reasons I do not know and then proceeds to elaborate on pretty much nothing in the quote above. I'm not sure what he was trying to get across - either trying to push the conversation forward or pushing town lynch, but it's stupid and scummy. Either way, if that doesn't look off to you I don't know what does. Your move, Daniel.
am i that predictable </3
jk i entirely notice this myself--making up emotions is a lot easier than putting them into words
i've had like three mafioso games in my life, though, trundle, one of them had me dying like literally right away
We're not discussing the game; that'd be against the rules. But yea, we know each other IRL - we live together.
These post says to me that a mass role-claim is not the way to go. Scum team probably have fake claims, or if they've someone knowledgeable on their team (seems that Sataric, Ender, Endless, Meg, and I'm assuming others as well are all familiar with Game of Thrones) they may be able to come up with fake claims for their team themselves. If neither of those happen, it would be an obvious help of course - but if they do have fakes claims then all mass claiming will accomplish is segregating the greens from the blues. Especially if what Ender is saying here (above) is true.

Lacking motivation, but a brief chart of my thoughts currently-

oath2order, Tom, Trundle, Ashtot
I am always overly paranoid when playing with these four. I don't know how to read them currently - especially Tom. What Sataric said about llama's claim was interesting. Personally I don't know Game of Thrones, but Jon Snow is the one character I had heard of!

In games I've seen Karla play as mafia I've always been able to suss him out before Day 2. Nothing is standing out to me right now.

Has provided genuinely useful information. I don't believe he's trying to mislead us with it.

Going by Sataric's Jon/Sam theory, inclined to think town.

Daniel, Ender, m3ow_, Trojan
All people I don't believe I've played with, but they're near the top of my list currently. I want to look into their posts more later when less apathetic.
Kit, Blu Rose
Flip-flopping on these. Kit and Blu Rose I don't really get what they're doing and if it's scummy or I simply don't like their play styles. Will look into them again later.
Panda, Ayaya, Jello, Dolby, AVidear, Endless, Meg
Can't get a read on them.
first part: lol
second part: tbh i don't like my playstyle this game either
Endless, I find your attempt to appear as if you've done anything but agree with me pretty funny. I understand that it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you just aren't that great at this game, but we still love you so its okay. The truth is, sometimes you have okay reads, but other times they are completely backwards. If I remember correctly you scumread someone who was very obviously town in a recent game which had pretty much shattered any reputation you had, and it seems as though you're still on that track. You're right about me being Town, but it has. Nothing to do with me "watching and then pointing fingers". I was away all of yesterday until after the lynch happened, which if you had read my post and seen that I said that I'd just read about 30 pages, you would understand. Your lack of effort and bandwagoning would seem like a scumtell in the past, but now that you've shown that you just don't really know what you're doing,
I'm having a hard time telling of you're just dumb Town or Mafia.
please don't call endless dumb town; he's at least doing more productive than the real dumb town here
I'd love to see you actually try doing something.

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Perfection takes time, i'll say that~