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Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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you know how ppl say not to claim because it dwindled down the pr pool

Are we gonna notice that tae claimed townie >_<
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super messed up :/
I figured that was a meme along the lines of my read list labelling myself scum, but major oof if it's a real claim
Also, let's not forget punchy stating that my claim is fake than being fake mad (along with heyden) because I did claim is like 180. Like, if you are doubting my claim then why are you made that I claimed, especially after i stated shawo wasn't the other person.
you know how ppl say not to claim because it dwindled down the pr pool

Are we gonna notice that tae claimed townie >_<
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super messed up :/

bc i said im town? thats messed up? lmao are you done grasping?
Also, let's not forget punchy stating that my claim is fake than being fake mad (along with heyden) because I did claim is like 180. Like, if you are doubting my claim then why are you made that I claimed, especially after i stated shawo wasn't the other person.
I get what you're aiming at here but from his point of view he's probably just upset that you're creating more confusion with a needless role claim. If it's false then that's really weird and completely pointless for a mafia to do, seeing as it gets exposed the minute you or your "partner" dies. And I see no reason for a townie to lie being a Mason except insanely selfish self-preservation, which I don't put past you.
bc i said im town? thats messed up? lmao are you done grasping?
I don't think they were susing you because of your claim, I just think they were pointing out scums hypocrisy to me when I claimed when other people like you have claimed.
I don't think they were susing you because of your claim, I just think they were pointing out scums hypocrisy to me when I claimed when other people like you have claimed.

i put it in my reads all the time. i ALWAYS make my name green i always make jokes. lmao.
f11 has been grasping at straws towards me this whole game.
I get what you're aiming at here but from his point of view he's probably just upset that you're creating more confusion with a needless role claim. If it's false then that's really weird and completely pointless for a mafia to do, seeing as it gets exposed the minute you or your "partner" dies. And I see no reason for a townie to lie being a Mason except insanely selfish self-preservation, which I don't put past you.
I see what you're saying but if there is no excuse for me to lie, why would town be confused in the first place?
Literally all you did by claiming is give the mafia information.

Not exactly, he could just be bluffing.

But the rest of y'all what the **** are you doing. This just turned into an insane ****fest. Y'all need to stop responding for like half an hour to calm down and actually get some intelligent discussion going other than beating up on Antonio (admittedly rightfully so). This isn't sussing out scum, this is turning us all against each other. We're not actually getting anything done. Just going around in circles.

I believe Antonio's claim, though I'm not entirely sure why he thinks that his partner claiming on Day 2 is instantly believable. Just because someone claims to be his partner doesn't mean they actually are.
i put it in my reads all the time. i ALWAYS make my name green i always make jokes. lmao.
f11 has been grasping at straws towards me this whole game.
I mean, I know that but that exact situation probably wasn't about you personally, it was just a general statement.
I really can't go into depth here, I have a book test due in a few hours and I haven't even finished the book yet but current thoughts:

Damniel - Slight scum-lean? At first, I had more of a town-lean but skimming over posts, I did kind of change my mind. @Damniel I kinda wanna see some reads if you haven't done any recently. I know that you have thoughts on a lot of players and I see that scrolling through, but I wanna see a bit about most/all of the players.

Trundle - Null. I used to have a more scum-lean towards Trundle, but I really don't feel anyway about Trundle right now. Trundle has the ability to very easily flip to either scum or town (in my reads.)

Emolga59 - Slight scum-lean. Emolga seems to be hella bandwagoning. First off, Emolga is pretty much MIA. None of Emolga's posts have had a lot of meat in them and most of them are just simply questions and they haven't given anything.

DinoTown - Null/very slight town-lean. I understand where Dino is coming from about their reads D1. They haven't given off much in their posts.

f11 - Null. I feel like f11 is gonna be REALLY hard for me to read throughout this game.

Oath2Order - Null. I can't get a decent read on Oath. I wanna see more thoughts from Oath, if possible.

PunchyDaHufflepuff - Slight scum-lean. I don't like Punchy's posts, they're all SUPER vague.

(I'm gonna stop skimming through posts here and go from what I can remember)

amazonevan19 - Very slight town-lean.

Geoni - Null. For some reason, I still have a very slight gut feeling that Geoni is scum? I don't see much scum with his posts though.

Antonio - I'm confused as to why the **** you would out yourself as mason?? I literally gave up the thought of there being a mason in the game. This role-claim as scum would be hella weird.

PandaDarling - Null. Strange posts in a way. Panda's posts seem very lax in some spots and very tense? in other spots.

Sheabae - Where did @Sheabae run off to?

tae - Null.

glow - Null.

Shawo - Town-lean. I thought that Shawo was pretty scummy at first, but after more activity and that EoD outburst, I think Shawo is pretty townie.

Mogyay - Slight town-lean. This is gut feeling in a sense, but I also feel that if mog was scum she'd be more scum-slippy.

Heyden - Null.

Harbour - Null.

A lot of these are null and I don't have a lot of town-leans. There's like a 100% chance that these will change after end of night.
Going to have to be quick about this. Glow ISO

does anyone else keep clicking the "post merge" bar thinking it's a spoiler or is that just me
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this is a good train of thought, that struck me as preemptive as well. it shows that trundle is putting consideration into how he's perceived, i.e. possibly negative interpretations of his actions and whether or not they seem "scummy", rather than just providing content

at the bare minimum, it was just helpful to know the forum mechs
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oh man is that edit thing gonna pose a problem LOL
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i swear to h*ck i did not edit, also post merges are kinda my aesthetic now so, this is a damper
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interesting vibe where did u get it

This was in response to Amazon. At the time I vibes with it because I didn't like how self conscious Trundle was being but he's more of a townread atp and I think it could have been NAI. She's saying something topical but it's yet another person helping build up what I believe to have been a town wagon.

out of everyone's entrance so far, yours has felt the most out of place
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that was pure gut actually, but i think it was the "gonna make a better post than this" like u know what ur about to say is half-baked

I've covered this previously, and asked her what was half baked about it, not getting an answer. I really expected one if she really felt some type of way about me and wanted to solve me.

despite trundle seeming too aware of how other people are perceiving him, i actually can hear his how his thoughts connect to one another through his posts and i don't think that's easily replicated as mafia

i do take interest in tae's post about trundle, i'll quote it 1 sec

side note, mobile is much friendlier i dig it

Backs off Trundle once he's gotten more attention but it's too soon for me to just outright say it was part of that scum agenda I'm talking about, he wasn't a wagon just yet and I had a mindmeld with her thoughts on tae here. I also townleanish tae now though.

whoops i got distracted

but yeah this is a confusing post, isn't being a devil's advocate considering the oppositional argument?

isn't wavering back and forth a form of that?

i also feel that the TP thing is fluff, i personally find it not useful to conjecture about a third at this point. the game isn't filled with too much flavor/lore so there's not much basis for assumptions apart from
...well, player count, KP ratios? i guess

Same thing here more or less.

i am very partial to the way that evan is reading this game, he has outlined relevant interactions extremely well; i find it really helpful to interpret interactions by trying to determine T v. T / M v. M / T v. M. so i am filled with bias but i feel like evan was bleeding town in his entire reads post

but it's difficult for me to accept this part because i don't think trundle fits as mafia here. he has a handful of lines that i wish i could go back to but i have no idea how to search yet lol. specifically, i think it was the very direct reference to his role PM, i don't recall that it's common for a host to copy-paste a "town" PM here. so it's kind risky to mention specific wordings of PM unless given a town PM as a safeclaim.

Evan was bleeding town D1 for sure but he's had some questionable moments tonight and I wanna know what she thinks about his Locket case.

ah yeah i needed to re-read that entire conversation, which i actually just did (by way of a painful CTRL-F search). yes i realise trundle showed me how to search i have now seen the light

i think it's noteworthy that daniel picked up on that wording, as well as jacob and (on a lesser scale), geoni. i realise now that what i said about the role pm wording was true of DANIEL(/jacob/possibly geoni), not trundle. it's actually pretty odd that trundle referenced the OP to see town's wincon instead of his own PM

the funny part is that this moves geoni/jacob/daniel to a townlean and idk how to sort trundle anymore ^_^

Not finding this sus of Trundle though? I was back and forth on him too but that's what this kind of gets at.

i'm sorry guys i'm normally scheduled to be in class for 9 hours on Tuesdays + i woke up to a call from work and worked all this morning so this is actually the worst possible day in my schedule for a vote to happen ;____;

i'm reading now

Irl excuses, again, make people hard to read but I expect that if you can't catch up glow you'll find a way around it to try and solve with the time you have? That's more a concern for this night phase if anything, you were trying something at EoD and you do your own thing when voting at times I know but where's the follow-up?

page 16 makes me think dad is town
i want to literally lynch everyone that posted a meme on pages 18-19

Meh about this post

i just realised theres no way that i'm reading 10 pages with any sort of critical thinking applied to it

You're not excused from trying.

i'm actually down

her or oath

Thoughts on Panda, then? Why are you holding back? Ignore that I have also been holding back tonight tho.


Feels TMI/shamey at EoD when she was off town wagons.

##VOTE: oath

Went over this vote but I don't necessarily count them being teamed out.

for what its worth, he's looking at it from a pure numbers perspective and applying epicmafia rules to it

i think his opinion is misguided, because he fails to acknowledge how powerful lynch information (i.e. votes and lynch resistances) are

Is his opinion being misguided indicative of him being sus though? You a knowledge his epicmafia perspective where NLing is actually more viable and this essentially counts as being anti-NL. What are you doing with the lynch information?

it's really not useless at all. you literally posted about how daniels push on ness last game made him obv mafia. stop lol

He can question Dan, why can't he?

she isn't a noob.

Got a meta read on her?

whatever dude
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lul yes please scumread the people trying to switch off a townlynch. bye lol.

Yes, you can suspect people switching off a townlynch, it's potentially TMI. And you aren't out of those waters given how you weren't caught up.

i came in late because for the past 12 hours I've been on & off meetings for school/work all day

like i legitimately just clocked out of work 10 minutes ago and its 9:41PM and during that 12 hour duration all i had to eat was a banana hahahahahha

you should hope you're n1d (yeah right) because i'd love to deathtunnel you for contriving a pool based off people THAT DIDN'T VOTE THE DEAD VILLAGER.

Not helpful.

ironic shawo tells me that i haven't read the game when i was like 30 pages in before stopping. there's only 10 that i was missing before EOD. and you have OPENLY admitted to not reading the majority of early game lol. you can have reads without reading every single post.

anyway i'm really annoyed and i feel like i'm just going to be antagonistic to everyone that says something about me voting mafia instead of town. i voted OATH not panda by the way so are u sure u ~read~ shawo?

i'll take notes in a google doc.

see ya

I mean I guess there's going to be a antagonism then because multiple people don't feel well about you. And for me? With you being off wagon and saying you were willing to solve Panda but not working with Punchy/Heyden, I can't bring myself to be okay with that even if I know you play your own game when town because at a point like that, town compromises.
everytime i'm about to scumread geoni he posts something towny

slippery......aren't u.....but ?wait?oath push (??) i'm cool.. we're cool....... unless....?

i guess i'm just lost on how dad managed to sr jacob AND trundle despite what happened regarding the role PM lmao
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wincon PM *

Did I cover this? I'm pretty sure I explained my reread of that early on and those takes certainly changed.

guys its really hard to make compiled posts bc xenforo saves what u quote and then adds it in rly weirdly am i just dumb help


[ spoiler ] stuff [/ spoiler ]

You can drag quotes around in the quite add preview to order them how you want.

All in all I have a light scumlean on you for not showing that drive to solve people and really dig in when you sink your teeth into something, convenient progressions, questionable lack of compromise at EoD, not sharing your notes and thoughts at some point tonight, regardless of work or lack of being caught up.

You aren't out of suspicion and your day2 and day3 will ideally show the townglow qualities you are lacking.
who tf is shaebae
the tone in tae’s reads felt weird

will go on computer in a second

oath is still coasty

need more from him

also are people still tied up about me writing like this

it’s nai


i smell cap
i have 0% faith in antonio being real btw

let's leave that

let the mafia handle it
how do i block another player
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this is aids
i hope they kill antonio tbh

that was literally the single worst thing you could have done
can you start trying pls
this gives me time bomb/veteran flashbacks

Punchy gameplay has been basically weird. His gameplay has been basically writing not-needed posts that don't contribute to finding out who's scum and when he does state his opinion on someone, it's usually a small one line post that barely adds anything to the game. He's basically contributing without contributing.

I literally found all those quotes on the first page, btw. There are probably tones more but my point still stands.

My bet is a Punchy/Heyden/Shawo team up. Heyden being mad ONCE I stated that shawo wasn't the other person, along with punchy seems fishy enough. Like, why weren't y'all made before that and why didn't you quote my actual claim instead of me stating that it wasn't shawo?

I think they are mad because they couldn't use shawo previous claim of PR to pretend to be my partner.
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