Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

It's day one, don't expect any evidence.

idk how srs ur being here, but these kind of replies bother me tho

yes, it's d1. yes, it is pretty likely to be a mislynch. but you can't act like we're just helplessly random voting lol, and I'm not addressing just you here but mostly Lucanosa who keeps calling his vote a shtlynch

in Papers, Please if I wasn't too busy to push Jacob in time before voting ended we could've lynched scum d1. Instead scum lead a Ness lynch and killed a blue role. yes, it's harder to read more experienced players but it's also easier to read others. so this isn't an excuse
Read like 12 pages and it seems like we are trying to squeeze something out of a lot of nothing fam

I guess the most sus action up till now is N e s s being exceedingly hostile towards alexi when she was just trying to help, but thats about as much as we can get day 1 right (unless ur Blu Rose and scum slip D1 LOL)

PL or no lynch is looking pretty favorable

Did we ever come up with a reasonable guess as to how many town vs maf vs 3rd party? or did the convo just drop
No lunches are always a terrible idea. Lynching
Someone with the chance of finding scum is better than not.
idk how srs ur being here, but these kind of replies bother me tho

That's nice.

iyes, it's d1. yes, it is pretty likely to be a mislynch. but you can't act like we're just helplessly random voting lol

We are though

i, and I'm not addressing just you here but mostly Lucanosa who keeps calling his vote a shtlynch

fair enough

iin Papers, Please if I wasn't too busy to push Jacob in time before voting ended we could've lynched scum d1. Instead scum lead a Ness lynch and killed a blue role. yes, it's harder to read more experienced players but it's also easier to read others. so this isn't an excuse

should've would've could've

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Read like 12 pages and it seems like we are trying to squeeze something out of a lot of nothing fam

I guess the most sus action up till now is N e s s being exceedingly hostile towards alexi when she was just trying to help, but thats about as much as we can get day 1 right (unless ur Blu Rose and scum slip D1 LOL)

PL or no lynch is looking pretty favorable

Did we ever come up with a reasonable guess as to how many town vs maf vs 3rd party? or did the convo just drop

Does it really matter though i mean we have no way to confirm it one way or another.

No lunches are always a terrible idea.

not always. Dethy games they are the best idea. Probably good in plenty of other set-ups.
Read like 12 pages and it seems like we are trying to squeeze something out of a lot of nothing fam

I guess the most sus action up till now is N e s s being exceedingly hostile towards alexi when she was just trying to help, but thats about as much as we can get day 1 right (unless ur Blu Rose and scum slip D1 LOL)

PL or no lynch is looking pretty favorable

Did we ever come up with a reasonable guess as to how many town vs maf vs 3rd party? or did the convo just drop

3-5 maf
3-5 3rd party
the rest town

seems to be the general consensus. personally I don't think it's 5 but I've heard others say that. idk why everyone's focused on that rn, maybe that's why there's little substance so far. we'll have a better idea after night. it's pretty interesting that you say you read the thread, which mainly consists of everyone debating the team sizes / kp, yet you missed that lol

no thoughts on Panda?

no lynch is a realllly bad idea btw, it's not like we have "nothing" to go off of while i agree that there's not a whole lot, but a no lynch tells us nothing.
1. it's pretty interesting that you say you read the thread, which mainly consists of everyone debating the team sizes / kp, yet you missed that lol

2. no thoughts on Panda?

1. idk it just kinda like dropped so I thought i missed something, turns out i didnt
2. nothing new to say, I assume she's asleep right now cuz she stopped posting. I wanna see what she says about ur comment about her drunk comment. nothing particularly scummy from her rn but im not gonna let her under the radar at all
Finally had a chance to come on and see what's happened.... and LOL Ness trying to scare off new players D1 plus defending Rune's joke on inactivity... two strikes. Three strikes and I'll switch my shtlynch vote over to you because you're coming off scummy to me this is D1 mind you, I have nothing else to go off of, and choosing not to lynch is going to hurt us more than help

*shrugs shoulders*
This is scummy as hell, and you're misrepresenting me in that last post I made by 1000% percent than it actually is. There isn't anything in that post I made that is trying to "scare away" any of the newcomers, as literally the only person i've acknowledged thats new at this point is Alexi. It was obviously a very throw away post in the trash that i've made, since i've acted like this before in TBT mafia, acting in an unkindly and upset way. Also, in defense of Rune, if I see that someone has faulty logic being strung at someone in a way like this then yes i'm going to defend them because it shouldn't be something to call someone scum. Also, we clearly have some discussion going on already, like M3ow pointing out her points on Panda. Instead of choosing to "shtlynch" me, why not instead try to test other players, and figure out whos scum that way so we'd have a shot at lynching scum?

Seriously? I mean, seriously? Is that all you have against me, other then me correcting you from a clearly obvious joke post?
If Rune was being serious with that post and he actually was going to try to lurk this whole game out, then he would be scum claiming day one, and burying himself a giant grave that has an audio button on it doing this over and over again.

In this post here, i'm not trying to come off as defensive but just generally explain something to the new player. I think I just over did it too much to where I came off as rude and overly defensive. It was also trying to explain that if Rune was really serious and was trying to lurk the game out, which if you look at his current posts he hasn't, then that would just be putting a stake in his heart, guaranteeing a lynch on him later in the game and ruining possible KP for his scum team.

Going back to the first time I defended Rune...

Pardon, what do you find suspicious about a joke?

This is the first time I defended rune, and literally all I did was say that it was obviously a joke on Rune's part, since he's done this before in basically every game i've played with him. Lucanosa just said that the fact that I said this was a joke was suspicious just a few posts later, when Jacob also clearly just said the exact same thing as me.

Nah, i think hes just being ironic cuz last game he was inactive and got killed
but he was scum that game

I get it, it's a joke. I'm sus of Ness because he defended your joke, and the way he did doesn't make sense. The way he defended you is why I'm sus; not the joke itself. I've already moved on from the joke and onto Ness. Remember, this is D1. Nothing is really serious. Literally almost all of the games I've played on here, D1 is nothing but shtposting and memes extreme

I really don't understand the train of thought at all, how is me defending an obvious jokes on bad logic with someone, suspicious? If its because I looked overly defensive (which, you can read any game ever on TBT that i've played in, i'm always defensive like this) If I really need to spell this out for you, then i'll do it.

Either way, i'm generally having a Null read on Lucanosa right now. 1 because he's acting like he always does, but 2 is that he's voting Daniel when he's suspicious of me, which he really shouldn't be doing a placeholder considering we have plenty to talk about right now, and that his train of thought is misrepresenting me.

Anyway, I need to go ISO the posts right now. And geez this is probably the lengthiest post i've made in TBT mafia yet on someone. I need to reply to Alexi and co.
Just quickly popping in before I head to uni (I'll be back in a few hours to post). I find it kind of funny how many people are advocating a policy lynch considering how many people foamed at the mouth when Tom and I suggested it in Papers please mafia. Seems a bit hypocritical. I'll have a read when I get home.
Just quickly popping in before I head to uni (I'll be back in a few hours to post). I find it kind of funny how many people are advocating a policy lynch considering how many people foamed at the mouth when Tom and I suggested it in Papers please mafia. Seems a bit hypocritical. I'll have a read when I get home.

i am innocent of that mostly because i didn't play that game
Voting panda, not a fan of her playstyle this game as stated before.

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Also something I find really interesting about 2 scum team games are that even scum is scumhunting for the opposing team. So bussing, weak scum hunting, and bad reads don't nessarsarily mean scum because all of us are hunting for someone.
Voting panda, not a fan of her playstyle this game as stated before.

Excuse me, you just said that you think that Runeraider and Lucanosa are the best lynches for today. You only just now happened to have mentioned it being Panda in this post here.
To be honest, it seems panda is trying too hard to seem town. She's posting way to much with little content, i even ignored some of her posts because they're so pointless and too many. It just seems to me like new scum trying to appear town.

You also just did a direct word vomit of M3ow's entire ISO on Panda. This is hypocritical, since you yourself have barely made any posts that are actually contributing to anything. All of your posts this game is you posting one liners that all agree to something that has been said before, without actually saying anything useful.

Panda, how do you feel about this sudden attack on you?
Voting panda, not a fan of her playstyle this game as stated before.

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Also something I find really interesting about 2 scum team games are that even scum is scumhunting for the opposing team. So bussing, weak scum hunting, and bad reads don't nessarsarily mean scum because all of us are hunting for someone.
Agreed, but only to an extent - people can still bus their scumbuddies and show alliances through bad play (like giving good reads on everyone except a few people).

I got what I wanted out of my vote so :) Imma pull it off for now, and look deeper at what I just skimmed.
Excuse me, you just said that you think that Runeraider and Lucanosa are the best lynches for today. You only just now happened to have mentioned it being Panda in this post here.

You also just did a direct word vomit of M3ow's entire ISO on Panda. This is hypocritical, since you yourself have barely made any posts that are actually contributing to anything. All of your posts this game is you posting one liners that all agree to something that has been said before, without actually saying anything useful.

Panda, how do you feel about this sudden attack on you?

What do you expect from Day 1? While I am lacking presence, as I'm just observing, Panda posts a ton that to me is an attempt to make herself town. She spams with no real thought, while I just sit back and watch what's going on. It's only day 1 and I can't give the best reasons for voting today, plus meow is usually excellent on her reads so there's not much else I can add that wasn't said by her until panda comes back.
1) Are we seriously considering policy lynches again? ._. There is PLENTY to go off of - why tf would we policy?

2) @ Beardo Wow what a scrub smh
Reaction testing is when someone does an action not because they believe in it necessarily, but because they want to see the reactions of the players around them and see if their reaction would be scum/town indicitive. Voted you cause I knew you and knew how to react to things, and it wasn't a player who exactly would get reaction testing so it'd be a genuine reaction. There's also the fact that I wanted to see how newer players reacted to a vote that made seemingly little sense.

Funny how two out of the three you listed voted against you though. :lemon:

3) I'd definitely be down for a Panda lynch if her actions didn't remind me of how I acted last game. I'm leaning towards her, though. Meow makes a good case.

@Meow I threw a vote like that last game and you didn't comment on the vote at all. Why comment now?
What do you expect from Day 1? While I am lacking presence, as I'm just observing, Panda posts a ton that to me is an attempt to make herself town. She spams with no real thought, while I just sit back and watch what's going on. It's only day 1 and I can't give the best reasons for voting today, plus meow is usually excellent on her reads so there's not much else I can add that wasn't said by her until panda comes back.

I don't expect much, since obviously Day 1 doesn't give anyone much of a chance to be suspicious. It it was only a 3 hour difference when you said you 1st suspected Panda, but only 20 minutes before this post you clearly say that you want a Runeraider/Lucanosa lynch, or at the very least suggest them as great lynches for today.
I think lucanosa or Rune raider would be a good lynch out of gut suspicions and we wouldn't lose great players if we lynched one of them.

I also just made my giant post on Lucanosa, which I expected you to comment on because you said you thought he would be a good lynch. I also saw you in the currently browsing bar when I posted it, so I know you saw it.

So in other words, I don't understand.

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I'm also seeing Iggy Koopa down their for the first time this game.
What do you expect from Day 1? While I am lacking presence, as I'm just observing, Panda posts a ton that to me is an attempt to make herself town. She spams with no real thought, while I just sit back and watch what's going on. It's only day 1 and I can't give the best reasons for voting today, plus meow is usually excellent on her reads so there's not much else I can add that wasn't said by her until panda comes back.
@bold Welp that's hypocritical lol. You say you can't do much b/c it's Day 1, and yet you value Meow's accuracy on Day 1? If Meow can do something accurate, why can't you?

And you just admitted to sitting back, which shows no proactive activity towards helping town. That seems suspicious in of itself.
Tbh I'm starting to get worried the newbies that haven't looked at the game yet will look and be like, "holy crap that's too many posts for me to read" and then just not.
I can relate to this.

I apologize if i have been inactive and was not helping in the progression of the scum hunt, i have been busy as **** (Sorry for the profanity, i have been driven nuts due to the topic i'm going to bring up, my immensely petulant friend, and some hard work i have to do with my other friend) due to my Final Exams.

All i'm seeing is what i usually see in Day 1 of every single Mafia game i play, some people do a random joke vote and it eventually escalates to some enlargement which seems to stall the scumhunt in a fashion. I'm not planning on voting Panda but if she does any actions which contradicts my view on her which is starting to show judging by her actions, then i'll put my two cents in for a consideration of a Panda lynch.

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I can relate to this.

I apologize if i have been inactive and was not helping in the progression of the scum hunt, i have been busy as **** (Sorry for the profanity, i have been driven nuts due to the topic i'm going to bring up, my immensely petulant friend, and some hard work i have to do with my other friend) due to my Final Exams.

Hey man, its alright. Most people have finals this time of year (me included, but its my STAAR tests as i'm a freshman in highschool)
I can relate to this.

I apologize if i have been inactive and was not helping in the progression of the scum hunt, i have been busy as **** (Sorry for the profanity, i have been driven nuts due to the topic i'm going to bring up, my immensely petulant friend, and some hard work i have to do with my other friend) due to my Final Exams.
Yeah I get you fam. Irl's more important. If it's too much, you can put off reading back till later and comment on what's going on right now - that's much better than saying you're going to read back and getting overwhelmed! :)