Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

Alright it was really only like 4 pages lol.
Removed my vote on Trojan, I still think them being quiet is suspicious but I'll save that for another day.
N e s s was my next vote and why I went with him. Everything from the beginning, how he went to being way defensive to "*shrugs shoulders* after many people pointed out his defensiveness, pretty much was my dealbreaker.. Idk why Daniel gave up so easily, but if anything that just shows he's town.. Voting for himself, again idk weird and yeah agreeing with SarasKat not a good sign but I'd like to give him at least another day as well.
@bold Mind explaining the contradiction?

Also, I don't get how voting himself means he's town. The whole thing screams manipulative WIFOM (Wine in front of me) to me.

After ISOing Ness, Meow's points seem pretty solid - and I found his behavior/tone suspicious this game as well. However, Daniel still seems scummier to me, so I'm keeping my vote on him. Ness would be my second choice though.

- - - Post Merge - - -

^ I think if one's inno the other is scum though

Post merge plz
@bold Mind explaining the contradiction?

Also, I don't get how voting himself means he's town. The whole thing screams manipulative WIFOM (Wine in front of me) to me.

After ISOing Ness, Meow's points seem pretty solid - and I found his behavior/tone suspicious this game as well. However, Daniel still seems scummier to me, so I'm keeping my vote on him. Ness would be my second choice though.

Err I worded that wrong, sorry. I do agree that it isn't a good sign but not enough to think that he's scum... Does that make sense? Idek I'm just waking up so my mind isn't 100% atm.
After reading his last post though it makes complete sense, voting himself out because of personal reasons. Sorry for your loss Daniel.
I'm sorry for my weird behavior guys. Yesterday I got the news that a relative died and my minds been so groggy with the news. I
Trying to play as if nothing has happened, but it's just getting to much. I can't play profiectly at this time. I voted myself because I just wanted to give up, but I'll try to help out before the lynch happens.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I did defend myself, everything meow said in her post against ness I said in reposonse to his post.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't think it would be smart to give up as scum hours before the lynch. That was just my personal emotions getting to me.
That's enough to change my vote. I'd like to believe you're not the type to lie about **** like that, and I feel like that explains your weird play. My vote's on Ness now.
Real sorry about your loss Daniel

If it gets too bad, you should consider replacement tho, there is no need for you to be bound to this game. you should be with your family

Changing my vote back to N e s s.
Thanks guys but I don't think it's enough to save me, I'll change to ness though if it can.
I didn't think the day was still open. I'm on my phone on lunch so please forgive any weird formatting.

I appreciate that Luca came back with a reasonable explanation, and explained why he kept his vote. I don't like that he keeps saying "are you blind" though. Seems more like just wanting to insult rather than explain.

I'm not really sure what to think. Everyone who talks a lot seems pretty townie to me (in Town of Salem the mafia is usually quiet)

I know the day is ending soon but I don't know who I want to vote for and don't really have time to go back and look.

For sake of time I'm keeping my vote as is (and I don't want to get mod killed day 1 for not voting)
I'm considering asking to be replaced, but I think if I log off for a day or so my mind should be clear enough to play better.
Plus I think we only have one replacement and I have a feeling Mother of Llamas is going to need it.
Day 1 is now over. The night phase will begin shortly. N e s s is set to be lynched is now allowed 1 single good-bye post. They are considered dead from this point onward.
Thank you guys for giving me a second chance, I won't blow it.

Logging of for now though, be back once I'm in a better state of mind.
Thank you guys for giving me a second chance, I won't blow it.

Logging of for now though, be back once I'm in a better state of mind.

Hmm I hope we're right. Crossing my fingers waiting for night post, I find it a bit interesting that Daniel doesn't want to stick around just a tiny bit longer to see what Ness is.... I'm just saying.

@Daniel sorry for your loss.
Hmm I hope we're right. Crossing my fingers waiting for night post, I find it a bit interesting that Daniel doesn't want to stick around just a tiny bit longer to see what Ness is.... I'm just saying.

@Daniel sorry for your loss.

IMO his mind isn't even on the game, at all. I've never experienced family loss that was close to me but I'd imagine that everything else around you it just a blur. I'm sure if RL circumstances were different he'd be interested in knowing. Just my 2 cents~
IMO his mind isn't even on the game, at all. I've never experienced family loss that was close to me but I'd imagine that everything else around you it just a blur. I'm sure if RL circumstances were different he'd be interested in knowing. Just my 2 cents~

@Alexi you're probably right.

@Daniel stay strong buddy, if you need anyone we're all here for you. Sending good thoughts to you and your family.

Night 1:

"All the little victims were covering in fear..
But from the crowd someone makes a courageous sound..
'Let us lynch the wicked N e s s' they cheer..
Convinced that he is the source of the evil around.."

N e s s has been lynched. His role is revealed to be Chub. The victims rejoice!


His role description:
Active Ability: Twice per game, you can chase a player target at night, trying to eat them. If they have selected to use an action, they will instead be forced to run, resulting in a roleblock. If they did not use any action that night, they will be devoured and killed. (If they have chosen to use an action on YOU, they will still die rather than be roleblocked.)"

After the cheering dies down, everything goes quiet.. Or does it? What is that ticking noise?
Someone among you have found..


Mister Boom, the living bomb! It looks very unstable..

Item information: Mister Boom will explode. The only question is when!
It will explode in 1 to 6 phases - Whomever holds it at that time dies. (or loses a night-life)
The thread will be informed when the bomb has gone off.
The bomb can be given away, stolen, or copied just like any other item.
If a copy of this item is made, the fuse timer of the cloned bomb may be different than the original.

This item will be distributed to a random person within the game before the end of the hour. (Victim, Horror, or Sin)

You have 24 hours to send in your night actions. Night ends tomorrow at 20:00 CET. New timer will be up shortly.