Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

Sorry for the extreme lack of posting guys. The timezone for this game is really messing with my interest because I miss the last ~7 hours of the day. I'm trying really hard to get into it, but everytime I sit to post I just go meh. (I also bought Stardew Valley and it consumed my entire day off, send help)

I'm going through Ness' posts at the moment and as there's like 50 pages, it'll take a moment. I still feel that Lucanosa might be scum as well, if not then on the third party team.
I have no idea how quoting works, so I'm testing it before I respond to Kat.


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Ayyy, it works. OK, gonna do a pointless defense of someone else now.
@SarasaKat- I actually just read through it all. Jeez these reads are like incredibly long. x__x I guess I'll need to start taking more time on reading people & to write mine out ha.

Anyways, I do agree with most of your points, and you actually pointed out a lot of things I had missed. Like how she pretty much defended Ness after stating was null on him. Some contradictions you pointed out weren't really contradictions though. For example

Again, Ayaya contradicts herself:
Ayaya said:
Afterwards is Panda. M3ow brought up good points but I personally don't think someone who's trying to contribute should be seen as scum simply because they posted a lot of filler (I made that assumption on Kat on the last game, after all) if anything, she posts a lot that it's easier to find slips if she is scum. Null on her but I'll be reading through her replies throughout the game, and it would help if you post less so it's easier for me and others to read through x_x
Now the contradiction here isn't as obvious, but look at the tone of the how she says it. With her read of me, she says "she posts a lot to make it harder for town to find info" and followed it by "Thought unlike..." and gave things that I did that were pro-town, making the 1st item seem like her problem with me. However, in Panda's post, she says "I don't think someone who's trying to contribute should be seen as scum" and "she posts a lot that it's easier to find slips if she is scum", which is basically what was said about me in a positive light (whereas when she said the same thing to me, it was spun into a more negative light).
Ayaya was just saying (or at least, I think) how m3ow brought up good points, but she necessarily doesn't have to agree with them.

Of course that's just one tiny bit in your entire post that I don't agree with, so not like it matters much. Anyways, nice finds.
@SarasaKat- I actually just read through it all. Jeez these reads are like incredibly long. x__x I guess I'll need to start taking more time on reading people & to write mine out ha.

Anyways, I do agree with most of your points, and you actually pointed out a lot of things I had missed. Like how she pretty much defended Ness after stating was null on him. Some contradictions you pointed out weren't really contradictions though. For example

Ayaya was just saying (or at least, I think) how m3ow brought up good points, but she necessarily doesn't have to agree with them.

Of course that's just one tiny bit in your entire post that I don't agree with, so not like it matters much. Anyways, nice finds.
Haha, thanks! Yeah I saw that once Ness flipped scum and was like, "Wow ok lol"

meow's post was mainly arguing that Panda posted too much and was basically putting out filler, and Ayaya didn't agree that was alignment indicitive, and that's cool. That wasn't my problem with her. But Ayaya made Panda posting so much almost sound like a positive thing. Whereas when she said I was posting a lot, she kind of made it sound like a negative thing. Sorry if I didn't make that clear ^^"

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Ftr I don't think long posts like that are the norm - that's the longest time I've ever spent making a read! So don't feel too pressured, though in depth reads are always nice :p
Damn, thought I was almost finished but there's still a whole other half. This is gonna take years to quote.
Props to Kat for actually having the patience to write it out.
Okay this is going to be a wordy post because I'm getting all my thoughts out in one go. Just try and read it please. First up:


Because I don't want to get modkilled from not voting. I received quite a few warnings on the last game, so that's why. It's just a placeholder LOL if you want me to change it I will.

I've said why this pisses me off earlier. You don't just go "if you want me to change my vote, I will teehee!" That's not something that a town aligned player would say. It's called using your brain and thinking logically to then make a decision on who to vote for based on behaviour. Not LOL PLACEHOLDER!!11!

Finally had a chance to come on and see what's happened.... and LOL Ness trying to scare off new players D1 plus defending Rune's joke on inactivity... two strikes. Three strikes and I'll switch my shtlynch vote over to you because you're coming off scummy to me this is D1 mind you, I have nothing else to go off of, and choosing not to lynch is going to hurt us more than help

I feel like this is Lucanosa's attempt to lightly bus Ness. They slightly referenced each other, but it was more like "I'd like to lynch -my scum buddy- and x player, but I think x player is MORE sus". Ness said he "null read" Lucanosa, then "town read" him to push hard for Daniel's lynch.


^ I already answered that.
I pushed almost being modkilled in the last game I played, which is why I'm voting everyday. Like I said, it's a placeholder. If you want me to change it just tell me

Not explaining reasoning? Jfc are you blind


Just got a chance to come on this morning. I've only had time to skim, so it'll be until later before I make any reads

I've asked before, and I'll ask again. Are you blind?
I haven't changed my vote to Ness yet, and I don't think I will after seeing Daniel flip-flop like a fish.

Um... I live in a different timezone than most of you, and I don't get on until later in the day.
If that's the true reason you're voting me, I see this as a cheap excuse for scum to jump on a bandwagon.

As far as the accusations against me, know this: my death will do nothing but show everyone's true colors. Most of the reasons I see people voting me, as previously stated, are of weak logic; and I like it was said, I can see this as a way for scum to easily knock out a shtty townie via bandwagon to get closer to their win con. LOL I honestly wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the people pushing my lynch end up bleeding red or yellow later on in the game.

As far as why I haven't changed my vote on Daniel yet, it's because after seeing how he's reacting, I think it'd be better if it just stayed there. Besides, I'm on the chopping block, so why does it even matter?

Nosotros, como en el pueblo.

I left the vote on you because I still suspected you as scum at that time.

Meow actually made a super solid case on Ness, yet Lucanosa still sits on Daniel with his scumbuddy. Honestly I think that is the absolute worst reasoning ever to vote for someone. If you're voting to just not get modkilled, then give up your spot to someone that will vote because they're actually playing. I will be surprised if Lucanosa is town aligned in this game. All he does is threaten town if he's lynched "you'll really regret lynching me" instead of providing anything of substance. My gut is screaming at these posts.

The Ness Reads


it didn't say that chub won't contribute to KP if he used an action in the role description


I'm going to put the posts themselves in a spoiler so that page doesn't drag on as there's a lot of text. This is only here for reference of what Ness has said in the game. I'll post my own tl;dr at the end instead of responding to every post:

*shrugs shoulders*
This is scummy as hell, and you're misrepresenting me in that last post I made by 1000% percent than it actually is. There isn't anything in that post I made that is trying to "scare away" any of the newcomers, as literally the only person i've acknowledged thats new at this point is Alexi. It was obviously a very throw away post in the trash that i've made, since i've acted like this before in TBT mafia, acting in an unkindly and upset way. Also, in defense of Rune, if I see that someone has faulty logic being strung at someone in a way like this then yes i'm going to defend them because it shouldn't be something to call someone scum. Also, we clearly have some discussion going on already, like M3ow pointing out her points on Panda. Instead of choosing to "shtlynch" me, why not instead try to test other players, and figure out whos scum that way so we'd have a shot at lynching scum?

In this post here, i'm not trying to come off as defensive but just generally explain something to the new player. I think I just over did it too much to where I came off as rude and overly defensive. It was also trying to explain that if Rune was really serious and was trying to lurk the game out, which if you look at his current posts he hasn't, then that would just be putting a stake in his heart, guaranteeing a lynch on him later in the game and ruining possible KP for his scum team.

Going back to the first time I defended Rune...

This is the first time I defended rune, and literally all I did was say that it was obviously a joke on Rune's part, since he's done this before in basically every game i've played with him. Lucanosa just said that the fact that I said this was a joke was suspicious just a few posts later, when Jacob also clearly just said the exact same thing as me.


I really don't understand the train of thought at all, how is me defending an obvious jokes on bad logic with someone, suspicious? If its because I looked overly defensive (which, you can read any game ever on TBT that i've played in, i'm always defensive like this) If I really need to spell this out for you, then i'll do it.

Either way, i'm generally having a Null read on Lucanosa right now. 1 because he's acting like he always does, but 2 is that he's voting Daniel when he's suspicious of me, which he really shouldn't be doing a placeholder considering we have plenty to talk about right now, and that his train of thought is misrepresenting me.

Anyway, I need to go ISO the posts right now. And geez this is probably the lengthiest post i've made in TBT mafia yet on someone. I need to reply to Alexi and co.

Excuse me, you just said that you think that Runeraider and Lucanosa are the best lynches for today. You only just now happened to have mentioned it being Panda in this post here.

You also just did a direct word vomit of M3ow's entire ISO on Panda. This is hypocritical, since you yourself have barely made any posts that are actually contributing to anything. All of your posts this game is you posting one liners that all agree to something that has been said before, without actually saying anything useful.

Panda, how do you feel about this sudden attack on you?

I don't expect much, since obviously Day 1 doesn't give anyone much of a chance to be suspicious. It it was only a 3 hour difference when you said you 1st suspected Panda, but only 20 minutes before this post you clearly say that you want a Runeraider/Lucanosa lynch, or at the very least suggest them as great lynches for today.

I also just made my giant post on Lucanosa, which I expected you to comment on because you said you thought he would be a good lynch. I also saw you in the currently browsing bar when I posted it, so I know you saw it.

So in other words, I don't understand.

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I'm also seeing Iggy Koopa down their for the first time this game.

Panda is playing a lot like a townie right now. In all honesty this is what happens every game and this is her obvious town behavior.

I can't get that ISO up since i'm doing History homework, right after i have my math. We still have several hours to decide on a lynch.

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Also I agree with 2/5ths of this. Panda and Oath i'm feeling town, Kat is null, but I don't really agree with the Ayaya scum thoughts.

I can take a snapshot of my work for you if you're that disbelieving.

I've already showed some reasons as to why I think its Daniel, i'm too tired to do anything so good night.

Ok so i'm dead rn but if i don't post this now i'll never be able to post it. I think that Call me Daniel is mafia. Lets start off with meta, with 1 game as scum the other as town.

When CMD is town, he makes logically, well thought out posts that are generally just plain logical and not out of the ordinary. He actually helps town quiet a bit when he's town, like all of these quotes being town tells.

I'd like to take a minute to note that this entire scum ISO he made on Panda in this game is incredibly similar to our current situation.

Daniel usually goes after whomever he thinks is weakest in the thread, this game namely being Panda and Lucanosa He also makes really bad cases on people, and even looking at his Panda case this game, its literally exactly the same situation as we're in here with him and her.

With that done lets go to our in game behavior.

Like I said, he has some huge wash here. He says this 20 minutes before shifting right towards panda.

This looks incredibly familiar to this first part of the case he made on Panda in Game of thrones~

I'm gonna go onto the biggest reason I think that Call me Daniel is scum right now, this post.

Lucanosa has only been scum in 1 game, that was Forest Fire. This quote, this quote makes me think he is scum.
people would be suspicious and claimed it was as a "placeholder".
I highly doubt that Lucanosa would be quick enough to think of something like this to say, and this is looking like Daniel trying to go after Lucanosa since he's a weak target. Even looking at the post where he says "placeholder" seems to be genuine right now. let me go get it~

I see this as Lucanosa's genuine town behavior now. I think that Lucanosa is town, and that Daniel is scum in our situation. This is a bit of a blunted list because i'm tired as hell right now.

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Also forgot to mention:

-Panda is obvious townie and Daniel is still voting her
-Daniel is also suspicious of Lucanosa yet he isn't voting him
-Daniel is mainly suspicious of Panda just because she has been "spamming".

If you're currently alive in this game, please consider the following ~

1. **** you.
2. Please let me live past day one
3. Why do all of you assume that I get mad and overly defensive when I only made 1 post like that. I was going to play calmer this game, I didn't do ****.
4. Please remember what I said on Daniel
5. Go back to one.

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Also duck you all for lynching me because of a grammatical error.

Safe to assume that Daniel MIGHT not be mafia, but doesn't rule him out as a third party member.


-Defended Rune
-Null read Lucanosa and Sarasakat, THEN town read Lucanosa in order to push for Daniel
-Pushed hard for Daniel
-Said Panda is "obvious town"
-Town read Panda and Oath
-Specifically stated that Ayaya "wasn't scum"


Sarasa essentially summed up most of what I was thinking reading through Ayaya's posts. If you haven't read her post on Ayaya, go do it now.

Okay, as I said, I'm gonna look at the people who participated in the KP discussion as it's likely at least one scum is contributing there so they seem active while not really contributing.

As it can be seen above, the first person who brought up the topic is Daniel. I'm null on him because it's likely he's just saying that to get a discussion going. Also getting null from the rest of his posts.

The person who answered him first is Jacob, and out of all his posts, this stands out to me:

This post seem to indicate he's not reading the thread at all, claimed to read 12 pages back yet didn't see that the convo stopped after doughssant and I pointed out that KP discussion isn't helping much beside getting a discussion going.

And why do you think PL and no lynch is favorable when we're not even close to deadline and people have started discussing their suspicions at that time? You haven't even posted your reads or try to question people to justify that conclusion.

Next to join the discussion is SarasaKat. She mentioned she wanted to change her playstyle before the game started yet I'm seeing the same playstyle as in Papers Please here, which in that game made me think she's suspicious because she posts a lot to make it harder for town to find info. Though unlike Papers Please, half of the players are not posting as much so she did get a discussion going now. She also made newbies feel welcome and speak up which is good. Null for now but I hope you're town mom instead of scum mom this game lol.

Afterwards is Panda. M3ow brought up good points but I personally don't think someone who's trying to contribute should be seen as scum simply because they posted a lot of filler (I made that assumption on Kat on the last game, after all) if anything, she posts a lot that it's easier to find slips if she is scum. Null on her but I'll be reading through her replies throughout the game, and it would help if you post less so it's easier for me and others to read through x_x

And then we have Ness. His "lets try to do some math there" kind of piqued me at first since they furthered the KP discussion. I never played with him as mafia and I always read him as scummy at some point because of how emotional he gets (ex: Scummy Mafia where he got into a heated argument with Trojan) and the only reason I didn't go after him like others in Papers Please is because he RC'd to me. I'm gonna give him another read when someone has flipped but for now null.

I'm leaning on town for Runeraider and oath2order for now, so far nothing in their replies stands out to me and Oath is acting like in Forest Fire here (tho I never played with him as scum so not sure if there are playstyle changes)

Also leaning on town for doughssant since they pointed out what I was thinking. I think if they're scum they would've stayed quiet.

I woke up 2 hours ago and have only been looking at the people I listed above, so I haven't looked through everyone else as closely. Will read through the thread once again now.

Okay, finished reading through the thread. After seeing all the discussions going on between players, I noticed some things but not enough to really pinpoint their alignment, and so far Jacob is the one I find the most suspicious still, so I'm placing my vote on him.

Other players whose names are brought up (Lucanosa, Daniel, Panda, Ness) I see more as townie so far. Lucanosa is quick to assumptions as usual, and someone pointed out that they'd probably lay low as scum which I agree. Panda, Ness, and Daniel has some posts/behavior that seem a bit odd to me but I think I'll leave that to D2 since it's not odd enough for me to agree that they seem scummy. I can also see the logic in Ness' read, but I noticed how it's a bit odd that he went back to being aggressive in this game, when he said in previous games that he's trying to be less so.

Don't have reads for any other players so far that's worth pointing out.

That's because you're as experienced as Daniel and Ness here yet you're not contributing as enough as them (you've played more games than I did, even!)

Please post more and post seriously </3

Ayaya is usually pretty solid in posting reads, but I feel like all of these were very non-accusatory because it was all town and null reads with the exception of Jacob who is a fairly weak player. I feel like her posts so far come off as a lot of overview of what players have said to try and look like they're contributing a lot of text.

-Town read Runeraider, Oath, Doughssant, Panda, Ness and Daniel
-Scum read Jacob and voted for him
-Go read Sarasa's post

Other tidbits that stuck out to me as I reread the thread, feel free to comment on them:

I haven't really read much from this game so far, but this post kinda seems weird to me. I'm pretty sure Kat was reaction testing for the vote.

I bolded what stuck out to me. It kinda reads scummy to me, although I'm not exactly sure. I feel like there is an underlying tone of a mafia trying to keep composed even though attention has been brought to them so early in the game for literally no reason.

I also think her answer to #2 was a bit indicative. If I read it assuming she is town, it heavily implies that she isn't a townie. She would have worded it differently, I believe, if she were a townie. That hints at blue or scum. Overall, I am going to place my vote on Beardo for the time being, just to show indication that I believe this person may be scum.

Voting for Beardo based on the 3 questions? Is it just me or does this seem rushed and like Trundle's usual **** scum logic.

Now that I'm caught up, I actually agree with Ness' arguments. I also have something to add about behaviour.

- When Call Me Daniel plays as town, he plays a lot less serious. You often see jokes, memes, or just more lighthearted wording of posts.
- When Call Me Daniel plays as scum, he plays more serious. He is down to the point (even if his point isn't very good), direct, and actively searching for "scum".

There have been a few games with small exceptions to this. The only issue with the whole scenario is that I am currently reading his posts as town regardless of how he is playing.

Here we have Trundle agreeing with Ness on Daniel, but then just town reading him at the end? Ness tried to get Daniel lynched for the who game, so how can you agree with Ness but then town read Daniel?

I have my suspicions for both Daniel and Lucanosa, but since I don't really favor one over the other in terms of lynches, and I see a greater chance of Daniel being lynched than Lucanosa, I put my vote on Daniel. See you guys in the morning.

I think Rune is trying a lot harder this game to appear active and like he's trying to help town because I had his scum behaviour pegged from last game. The trouble is that this still follows the scum meta of **** voting just to not get modkilled. There's no good or valid reasoning behind his votes as he's just bandwagoning with everyone else.
Also can we keep most of the posts to English because this is an English forum. Things like que are alright because everyone can understand it, but when you have full sentences in another language, translators tend to mess up the meaning. Just a bit annoying so far because I'm sure most of us don't speak Spanish. :lemon:
Damn, thought I was almost finished but there's still a whole other half. This is gonna take years to quote.
Props to Kat for actually having the patience to write it out.
Being stuck in a room can give you a lot of patience :lemon:

I like Minties' post overall. Only thing I'm eh on is Luca - I honestly feel like he's like "lynch me and you'll regret it" every game but his unusually high activity worries me.
Hello, and welcome to the part where Rune makes himself look like a scummy scrub because he wanted to defend someone. I did see quite a few flaws here, so I'm going to point them out and then give my read on Kat at the end.

Also, just so I don't get called out for anything dumb, I'm gonna put up signs to let you know when I'm making a joke, so you can't misread me, because apparently I need to do that now.

This seemed like she was trying to cut off conversation to the point of calling people who were in it scummy.

Is Ayaya a she? I don't know anymore. Someone please put up a gender reference sheet. Anyway, she was trying to cut off the conversation because it was a pretty unnecessary conversation, and she didn't say that people in the discussion were scummy. She said that if the conversation were to continue, scum would likely participate in order to fake activity. Bit of a misunderstanding here, although I don't think it was unintentional. More on that later.

She never responded. She even quoted my question in her analysis of this discussion (her 3rd post), but she never answered. So I know she saw it. But here we are, without an answer. And without one, the only thing I can assume she was doing was trying to cut off discussion out of intimidation.

OK, so I'm going to assume that there is some kind of explanation to this if it's in context, but since I haven't looked, I have no idea if that's true. So I'll let you have this one, besides the (awful) explanation that she missed it somehow and was just mindlessly quoting. I would like Ayaya to answer this, please.

I think this was a little psychological manipulation on her part.

This is probably a bit too far of a stretch here though.

First off, you pretty blatantly omitted some relevant posts.

Yeah, couldn't think of a good reason to do this. The problem with 2 team mafia is that I actually can't dismiss that Ayaya is scum even if you're pushing on them , because scum will actually be scumhunting for real instead of pretending. But maybe Ayaya didn't think those posts were necessary or meaningful? Or maybe they missed them while they were looking. There's more than two sides here.

Now onto the reads you made:


Ooooh, let's!
RUNERAIDER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: Making a slightly offensive joke and hurting someone's feelings on the internet.


So getting a discussion going is scummy if it's done by Jacob, and null if it's done by Daniel? That seems a bit shady.

This is the part where Kat begins to get a bit scummy. Ayaya wasn't reading Jacob as scum because he was trying to get a discussion going. She was scum reading him because he seemed to be not reading. The bit about getting a discussion going was what he was missing. Let me re-bold it for you.

Written by Ayaya: This post seem to indicate he's not reading the thread at all, claimed to read 12 pages back yet didn't see that the convo stopped after doughssant and I pointed out that KP discussion isn't helping much beside getting a discussion going.

What I've done here is bold the point Ayaya was trying to make and put in italics the evidence she was using. It wasn't that she was trying to scumread him because he was making pointless discussions at all, it was because he was deliberately ignoring posts that could incriminate him. This is quite a large oversight on Kat's part, and honestly I couldn't say this is a town move without using the (awful) argument of saying you somehow missed it.

On the other hand, here is her read of Daniel:

As it can be seen above, the first person who brought up the topic is Daniel. I'm null on him because it's likely he's just saying that to get a discussion going.

See how it's a completely different point?

Again, Ayaya contradicts herself:


This is just a nitpick, but for the sake of being complete and making myself feel superior, the word you're looking for there is an inconsistency. It wasn't a contradiction that you 'found', it was Ayaya being inconsistent with her reads. All in a days work for a Grammar Nazi!


Now the contradiction here isn't as obvious, but look at the tone of the how she says it. With her read of me, she says "she posts a lot to make it harder for town to find info" and followed it by "Thought unlike..." and gave things that I did that were pro-town, making the 1st item seem like her problem with me. However, in Panda's post, she says "I don't think someone who's trying to contribute should be seen as scum" and "she posts a lot that it's easier to find slips if she is scum", which is basically what was said about me in a positive light (whereas when she said the same thing to me, it was spun into a more negative light).

In the former post, Ayaya is talking about her reaction in the GLORY TO ARSTOZKA game, in which she was town. Plus, you're taking this completely out of context. In the first post, she's talking about your meta as well as what she thought about you as town in another game. In the second post, she's talking about Panda, whose alliance is still not confirmed, and what she's thinking about her behavior in this game so far.

Plus, since this 'contradiction' (it's not a contradiction, it's a inconsistency) spans multiple games, there is an argument here. Now, I don't want to give my thoughts away here, because I really want to see what Ayaya says about this topic in particular and if it fits my theory, but it does explain the inconsistency here. I will post my theory after Ayaya responds specifically to this question.

@Ayaya: Please, why did you say that constant posting was a scumtell in the last game, and not in this game? If I'm right, this will be another debunk, but until I get word from her on this, it's still an unresolved point.

Huh, and you don't find it fit to give Rune a reason besides nothing stood out to you about him? That seems like a very null indicator - a town read off of that seems kind of odd.

First of all, her post on me made me feel very unloved. :(
Secondly, this will probably be used against me later if this continues, so that's irratating.

And now my actual point - the answer is literally in your quote. She said right there that nothing in my replies stood out to her. Yes, that does seem like a null read, but considering that so many people have posted not a lot and I was quite active then, nothing scummy at all does seem like a slight townread to me. Read - slight. Not a very strong read at all, but she's leaning. If this really is mafia trying to cover up for me, it would probably be a bit more conclusive than leaning.

And I kind of pointed this out already, but dough did join in on the conversation you considered suspicious so.

Already replied to this, see the first '''contradiction'''.

I'm relatively OK with the post content itself, but I find it interesting she's defending Ness (the bolded) after she just got done saying she null read him. And it wasn't a perfectly neutral null either.

It wasn't so much as defending Ness than rebutting Jacob.

...Kind of like what I'm doing now...

OK, I'm going to just point this out before anyone has the chance to pull me up for this. I have a null read on Ayaya, and this isn't a post defending her, as you can see from the numerous times I conceded that it was a bad move on her part. I'm simply pointing out some discrepancies I saw in Kat's post. Don't say that I was defending Ayaya, and Ayaya's scum, therefore I'm scum. It's not like that at all.

She points out something suspicious Ness did but then goes on to say "I always read him as scummy at some point." so if she can't find anything good that Ness did, that implies a slight scum lean. Yet she posted here defending him.


Again, she's defending a mafian as a townie but that isn't the main point here. She is extremely vague here. "I noticed some things"? " 'x' has some posts/behavior that seem a bit odd to me"?

For the first point, that's actually pretty decent but she isn't directly saying that she's reading Ness as scum yet. Instead, she' simply stating that there's a high chance that she'll read Ness as scum somewhere down the line. Not a defense.

Secondly, she is simply stating here that she found Ness to be odd, kind of like in the first post where she was finding his heated arguments at the start of the game odd because it was a lot more emotional than his earlier games. I do agree that her second post did seem pretty dismissive of Ness's behavior, but I do understand the mindset of wanting to focus on a specific scum read - it helps you to pick up on their scummy actions better and stay more focused on scumhunting. While I would probably be a bit more suspicious of Ness in this position, I would honestly probably be doing the same thing. A bit weird, but it's understandable in my opinion. Again, it's not a defense, which is probably my biggest problem here. You keep sayig that Ayaya is defending Ness here, when in reality she's simply dismissing and not focusing on Ness and his actions. This is not a defense.

So, I'm gonna try and keep this brief because this post is already so long. I will go into more detail later as well as give some more reads of who I think could be on the scum teams. Basically, I'm relatively sure that Kat is scum, more specifically on the third-party team. Not just for this post, mind you, but also for a number of other reasons which I'll talk about later.

No your first impressions. You said Ness was scummy the whole game, though you only mentioned Trojan/me in your first post.

Well, I may not have mentioned it, hell, it may have just been a personal disliking because he came off like a douche. Either way, I was suspicious.
I think Rune is trying a lot harder this game to appear active and like he's trying to help town because I had his scum behaviour pegged from last game. The trouble is that this still follows the scum meta of **** voting just to not get modkilled. There's no good or valid reasoning behind his votes as he's just bandwagoning with everyone else.
Just about to explain this as well as yell at literally everyone because they missed this. It's SO OBVIOUS THAT IT'S DANIEL THAT IT HURTS AND I WILL SHOW WHY.
So Minties literally put everything I wanted to say and summed in up in a post better than I ever could.


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*About Lucanosa
@Rune why do all the quotes you pulled for that post not have the "originally posted by" at the top it makes it really hard to follow and i also don't like that you are tampering with the quotes, might be taking things out of context and what not.
Okay this is going to be a wordy post because I'm getting all my thoughts out in one go. Just try and read it please. First up:


I've said why this pisses me off earlier. You don't just go "if you want me to change my vote, I will teehee!" That's not something that a town aligned player would say. It's called using your brain and thinking logically to then make a decision on who to vote for based on behaviour. Not LOL PLACEHOLDER!!11!

I feel like this is Lucanosa's attempt to lightly bus Ness. They slightly referenced each other, but it was more like "I'd like to lynch -my scum buddy- and x player, but I think x player is MORE sus". Ness said he "null read" Lucanosa, then "town read" him to push hard for Daniel's lynch.


Meow actually made a super solid case on Ness, yet Lucanosa still sits on Daniel with his scumbuddy. Honestly I think that is the absolute worst reasoning ever to vote for someone. If you're voting to just not get modkilled, then give up your spot to someone that will vote because they're actually playing. I will be surprised if Lucanosa is town aligned in this game. All he does is threaten town if he's lynched "you'll really regret lynching me" instead of providing anything of substance. My gut is screaming at these posts.

The Ness Reads


I'm going to put the posts themselves in a spoiler so that page doesn't drag on as there's a lot of text. This is only here for reference of what Ness has said in the game. I'll post my own tl;dr at the end instead of responding to every post:

Safe to assume that Daniel MIGHT not be mafia, but doesn't rule him out as a third party member.


-Defended Rune
-Null read Lucanosa and Sarasakat, THEN town read Lucanosa in order to push for Daniel
-Pushed hard for Daniel
-Said Panda is "obvious town"
-Town read Panda and Oath
-Specifically stated that Ayaya "wasn't scum"


Sarasa essentially summed up most of what I was thinking reading through Ayaya's posts. If you haven't read her post on Ayaya, go do it now.

Ayaya is usually pretty solid in posting reads, but I feel like all of these were very non-accusatory because it was all town and null reads with the exception of Jacob who is a fairly weak player. I feel like her posts so far come off as a lot of overview of what players have said to try and look like they're contributing a lot of text.

-Town read Runeraider, Oath, Doughssant, Panda, Ness and Daniel
-Scum read Jacob and voted for him
-Go read Sarasa's post

Other tidbits that stuck out to me as I reread the thread, feel free to comment on them:

Voting for Beardo based on the 3 questions? Is it just me or does this seem rushed and like Trundle's usual **** scum logic.

Here we have Trundle agreeing with Ness on Daniel, but then just town reading him at the end? Ness tried to get Daniel lynched for the who game, so how can you agree with Ness but then town read Daniel?

I think Rune is trying a lot harder this game to appear active and like he's trying to help town because I had his scum behaviour pegged from last game. The trouble is that this still follows the scum meta of **** voting just to not get modkilled. There's no good or valid reasoning behind his votes as he's just bandwagoning with everyone else.

I'm pretty sure if I was trying to not get killed I wouldn't have put out my suspicions at the time. I liked Sarasa's reaction test to Beardo and I believed (and still do) that Beardo acted pretty defensively to something so small.
I agreed with Ness' points and what he was saying because Daniel really was acting suspiciously, but as I said at the bottom of my post, I read his posts as town posts and I believe they are quite sincere. That is why I didn't vote for him regardless of the points stacked up against him. I always read Ness' arguments as quite sincere, as they very well could have been considering there are two scum teams this game. If I was on a mafia team with Ness, I am sure splitting the mafia's votes and letting a team mate be lynched so early when so little suspicion was on him would not have been a good idea even if I was bussing like I normally do as scum. I, in fact, believe my posts show why I am indeed town.
I believe some of you are forgetting something that was mentioned so early that it's very likely for either mafia team to be making good points this game because literally every player in the game is hunting someone. Ness may have legitimately been hunting third party.

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And as I mentioned about how it's very likely that scum and third party will be making completely valid points to find the other mafia team this game, I believe there is a possibility of even Minties being third party. It doesn't make any of her points less valid, of course. Confirming someone as town this game is definitely not going to be the easiest and I hope the items that exist in the game help a lot.
@Sataric: I deeply apologize i broke the rules of the game, i promise i will not do it again and post forgotten info a later post.

Well i missed, but GLORY TO THE TOWN with the Scum lynch.

Sorry if i'm being a detriment due to my inactivity, i have been studying like crazy due to the approach of Final Exams. I won't be able to put my two cents in on this situation but i promise i will give out my view on the situation either later today or tomorrow.

rune why can't you automatically quote instead of manually doing it, its hard to determine who said what...
Well, I agree with most of Minties case, not so much on the Ayaya part, but then again, its hard to determine who's who with 2 scum teams on the loose

(Read the whole thing because I do calm down after a bit, but I left it in because I thought it was funny :D )

also trigger warning, im gonna try and keep this as kid-friendy as i can but seriously i am reeeeeaaaally annoyed at every single one of you for giving daniel a free pass on this matter

and daniel dont hate me or think im making a personal attack on you because im not, its just that you screwed up real hard and i need to put this out there

also be warned because i am viewing this objectively which noone seemed to do and just saw that hes a bit sad and went 'oh well, hes a bit sad. i know that if im sad i would say that i screwed up, will do a intentionally scummy thing such as annoy the town and generally confirm myself as mafia, la dee da'

its moments like these that endless needs to be here so that he can serve justice



Huh, I really dug myself in a deep hole. </3

It's okay though, If I don't die today, I'll continue wasting towns time on pressuring me. Might as well spare you guys the headache.

tell me with a straight face that out of context that doesnt look like scum giving up completely

read that post again imagining that daniel was town. it literaly makes no sense whatsoever.

now, read it now that you know daniel is scum. OH LOOK IT MAKES SENSE NOW

OK, I'm a bit calmer now, so I'm going to try and talk about this more civilly.
If, as everyone seems to believe, Daniel was indeed town, he would not being saying that he 'screwed up'. He would be saying that the town screwed up, wouldn't he?

And all this isn't even taking into account that he was emotionally charged at the time. Even if (I'm gonna get yelled at for even suggesting this) the relative dying story was a ruse, it still makes no sense whatsoever that they would post this. The last but about annoying town is a bit more believable, because he would be vengeful towards town for killing him. However, this is again directly contradicted IN THE SAME POST by him saying that he screwed up. It's a no brainer that he would be saying, like Luca for some reason, that town is the one who screwed up for voting him. There's no way to argue against it.

So then, why did Ness push on Daniel? Because Ness is mafia, and Daniel is third party. Simple. It makes the most sense out of literally any other interpretation you could come up with.

So, in conclusion, Daniel is third party, and there's no way I will ever change my mind. I would be incredibly annoyed if Daniel isn't killed at some point, and I would advise any vigs to kill him.

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rune why can't you automatically quote instead of manually doing it, its hard to determine who said what...
Well, I agree with most of Minties case, not so much on the Ayaya part, but then again, its hard to determine who's who with 2 scum teams on the loose

This is for Panda too.
Any part in which I didn't directly say where it was coming from is from Kat's post with no exceptions as far as I can tell. Also, don't ask the same questions.

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@Rune why do all the quotes you pulled for that post not have the "originally posted by" at the top it makes it really hard to follow and i also don't like that you are tampering with the quotes, might be taking things out of context and what not.

I never tampered (except for correcting 'ok' to 'OK' out of habit) with any of the posts, they're all copy and pasted.