TBT Mafia VII: Animal Crossing; The Sequel (Signups)

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If Harry wants to play then he could take my place. I'll probably die in 1-2 days anyway.
If Harry wants to play then he could take my place. I'll probably die in 1-2 days anyway.

Tinaa> take my place. I don't wanna play :)
<VillageDweller> ok fine only if you're sure of me replacing you
<Tinaa> yes
<Tinaa> definite
<VillageDweller> OMG ARE YOU 100% TOTES SURE
<VillageDweller> o
<Tinaa> YES
<VillageDweller> sorry
<VillageDweller> :)
<VillageDweller> ok i will!!!!!!!
<Tinaa> 100% sure. take my place

hi apparantly i'm playing now?? yay turnips (i probably need to say this again)
When are we going to be PMed our roles?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I do that with most threads I need to keep tabs on, so I can just look up Feindra 5ever, and all of the threads I need will pop up.

Brb dying of laughter
Yay VD is playing <3 If we're ever scum again i won't fail you senpai
Really guys, if you're making these puns, you're twice as horrible as Thunder.
I think I got everyone covered, it was kinda confusing reading the last couple pages.

I'm aiming for a game start late tomorrow night, just so everyone knows.

Also, WOTC votes are still very split at the moment. Haven't got any more than 3 for a single player right now so if it stays that way I probably won't WOTC anyone. 3 is a ridiculously disproportionate amount compared to 35 players playing, it would not be fair.

Will you only allow actions through PMs on the forum, or will you accept it through scum chat/Skype/Steam?

Will allow through forum PM, and scum chat. IRC/Skype/Steam/any other way of contacting me, it would better to just use forum PMs to keep track easier.
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