I am trying to forward who I think is suspicious, not sure why that is an issue. At least I have forwarded some names, all you've been doing is throwing your ego around and blindly defending anyone who has been brought up for discussion without posting your own thoughts. I also think you're being way too harsh on new players who are actually trying and making some good points, just because you have played more games doesn't necessarily make you a better player (not trying to be rude sorry).
It's not like we can't change votes later either. But for now, unless something changes, I still feel No Lynch is best.
Anyway I'm not voting yet because there's still plenty of day 1 left, and plenty of time for scum to slip up.
The majority seem to want a no lynch, so if this is the case, I'll be adding my vote if nothing new pops up after a while.
I would like to put up a lynch candidate, Jennifer. For one thing she has said numerous times that she does not want to play the game and is just playing because Tom made her. It seems like she is trying to ruin the game for other people just because she does not want to play it. This is the sort of attitude I dislike. Also, it seems like she is able to easily manipulate new players, which is a majority of the players playing this game. If she is scum we will be in trouble because the new players will vote for whoever she votes for. In my opinion, we should not no lynch and we should vote for Jennifer because she does not even want to play and people will just be following her the whole game.
The List:
I haven't been rude at all.If you didn't see yourself as rude, you would've said that to begin with so you obviously know you're rude to some degree. I don't see how you can't think randomly choosing someone to get rid of isn't rude. Here are people trying their best and you're just being super judgmental.
"almost" =/= always.
1. First of all Cory, you are a jerk.
2. Just because I don't want to play doesn't mean I'm not going to try to. I'm offended you think I'm trying to "ruin" the game. If I was, I wouldn't bother and would've been telling people to vote me out.
3. If you honestly think Tom could give me an evil role and live to post the game, you don't know me well enough. I would've kicked his butt.
Instead of voting No Lynch, pick the one out of these players you find the most suspicious (Check their forum activity in general and whatnot, so you know they've been online!) and cast your vote for that person instead. Else we'll never get anywhere.