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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia II: Catch Scum or Catch Scurvy [Game Over/Town Win]

Guess I need to brush up on the actual mechanics. Whats the difference, exactly? I'll do some research...
Indeed! I wasn't familiar with kp yet, hasn't really come up. Thanks all! <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ooooh, it was orginally 2. Understood. o.0
Indeed! I wasn't familiar with kp yet, hasn't really come up. Thanks all! <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ooooh, it was orginally 2. Understood. o.0

Sorry for any confusion. It was an error on my part when working out the fairest amount.
Sorry for any confusion. It was an error on my part when working out the fairest amount.

Well I saw you throwing around the number 3 in IRC, so I assumed thats what we wound up with and you were just reminding everyone. I'll try to pay more attention from now on.
Can doctors protect themselves? I just want to be cleared on this before I send in my night action.
I would also advise the Doctors to take a look at the Detective list and potentially pick a person from there. If it makes you feel better, I did not come up with the Detective list. iTookYourWaffles came up with it, but I added her name. So even if you are suspicious of me, there's no reason not to look at that list.

Did make that list in advance because I have no time to post around 6 AM.

doctors- protect the strongest players (You know what to do) also protect people in DT list

DT list- iTYW, iLoveYou, Kuma, Trundle and Gandalf

Vig list- Don't use your actions for now but if you want to then feel free.

I failed to vote around 6 AM because the lynching plan wasn't that every, let's say most of us are not sure and I don't even understand why you guys pick the lurkers or inactive people this is why I didn't vote.

If you guys investigate me today it would be waste of time well it's your choice I don't mind. I'm not afraid of getting kill tonight as long as you guys do your job well.

Thank you, Tina! <3
Just be careful there SirGanatar maybe some of us will think that you're scum.
I voted for BBG originally due to the votes being stacked against him. Then, SP voted for StarGazer, and so, I went for majority.

I evenstated I was going for majority in the vote post. You can look at it yourself.

- - - Post Merge - - -

*even stated

Which is a very suspicious move. Jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like a pirate.

I failed to vote around 6 AM because the lynching plan wasn't that every, let's say most of us are not sure and I don't even understand why you guys pick the lurkers or inactive people this is why I didn't vote.

I am getting a little tired of people criticizing the lynch we had, yet are inactive and didn't decide to help out themselves. Waffles, if you didn't like the lynch, why didn't you offer any alternatives? We know "most of us are not sure" but you certainly did nothing to help.

Just be careful there SirGanatar maybe some of us will think that you're scum.

Well now we know who's on Waffle's pirate suspicion list.
I know this is late and probably most, if not all, night actions were sent in, but I just want to address the surgeon(s) protecting people on the Detective List scenario.

Oath and I were placed on a Detective list last game and then we were killed Day One, yes. However, we were not killed for being on a Detective list. The mafia wasn't scared the Detective would see us flip return town(me returning mafia, however) and then start building a circle around us. They didn't care, because the Detective would obviously still be weary of contacting one of us fearing the Godfather role.

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I like me memes.

You seem to have some worse problems to deal with.

Look in the tags. o_O

Yeah, someone is obviously crushing on me. <3
I know this is late and probably most, if not all, night actions were sent in, but I just want to address the surgeon(s) protecting people on the Detective List scenario.

Oath and I were placed on a Detective list last game and then we were killed Day One, yes. However, we were not killed for being on a Detective list. The mafia wasn't scared the Detective would see us flip return town(me returning mafia, however) and then start building a circle around us. They didn't care, because the Detective would obviously still be weary of contacting one of us fearing the Godfather role.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, someone is obviously crushing on me. <3

Hi <3
Captain's Log: Day 2​

Hammocks sway too and fro as the The Bellarbor braves choppy waters. The gunner lies awake, watching the slumbering crew. Silent and serene, it is near impossible to tell like this if any of them are traitors. Or maybe the pirates are among the sailors trying to navigate the ship through the night.

It might be the rocking of the boat, or maybe it was the shark soup they had eaten for dinner, but something was making the gunner?s stomach turn. Silently, the gunner exits the sleeping quarters and heads down to the infirmary. The surgeon is asleep in a chair by the far wall, embracing a rifle like a child would a stuffed animal. The gunner smirks and turns to leave - but pauses.

?Is someone there?? the gunner asks, ?show yourself at once to your superior.?

After a moment of hesitation, someone appears in the doorframe. She?s pale and has a distant look in her eyes. The gunner recognises her from the banquet the whole crew had attended in the juniors? mess hall: she had blown the crew away with her powerful, melancholic poetry.

?It?s only you? what?s your name again??

?I?m Kuma,? she says.

?Kuma,? the gunner repeats, ?what ails you??

?Excuse me??

?You?re standing in the infirmary.?

?Oh.? Kuma looks around, as if she had barely registered her surroundings until now. ?Just feeling a little seasick.?

The gunner looks her up and down. ?Is it your first time at sea??


?And did you eat the shark soup??

Kuma nods. ?I found a finger in mine. I think one of the swabbies was playing a prank on me.?

?I think we made a grave mistake when we threw the cook overboard.? The gunner opens several cupboards, looking through them but finding nothing of interest. ?No doubt we?ll all die of food poisoning long before we run the risk of scurvy.?

Kuma forces laughter.

?The sea won?t settle before sunrise, so why don?t you join me for a drink of rum?? When an immediate answer doesn?t come the gunner spins around, staring at the girl. ?Need I remind you Kuma that turning down an invitation from a senior officer is considered to be incredibly rude??

They stop by storage first to pick up the alcohol, passing a swabbie along the way. Afterwards they head back upstairs. When they arrive in the juniors? mess, they find two of the crew already there. They both greet Kuma warmly, then stiffen when they see the gunner follow her in.

?Friends of yours??

?This is Lunatic and Tom,? Kuma says.

Tom leans back in his seat and gives a half-hearted salute. Lunatic avoids making eye contact entirely. The gunner walks toward the table, taking a seat beside Lunatic.

?Fancy joining us for a drink??

The sight of the rum makes Tom?s face light up. ?If you insist.?

?Only if you pour it in front of me,? says Lunatic.

The gunner smirks. ?Of course. Kuma, fetch us some glasses from the kitchen, will you??

Silence elapses. Tom seems unaffected as he sits and digs the dirt out from under his nails. Then he looks up and stares straight ahead. The gunner follows his line of vision to where Lunatic is practically trembling in her seat; her teeth are chattering so loudly that the gunner can hear it.

?You were the one who played the accordion at the banquet, right?? the gunner says.

Tom redirects his gaze. ?Yeah. What of it??

?You were good,? the gunner says, ?I play the harmonica myself.?

?You look more like a flute player to me.? He purses his lips and motions playing the instrument with his fingers.

Lunatic gives a nervous cackle.

The gunner raises an eyebrow. ?Something funny there, sailor??


?Maybe you should all play together some time,? Kuma says, ?Lunatic is a really good singer.?

She sets the glasses down on the table and sits down next to Tom. The gunner can practically feel Lunatic staring at them as the rum is poured and distributed.

?You?re quite talented yourself, Kuma,? the gunner says, ?your poetry reading was pretty impressive.?

Tom nods. ?It was powerful stuff.?

?To tell the truth,? Kuma starts, ?it was written about the crew of the first ship I served on. We were raided by pirates: they stole all the loot and slayed half the crew. Those who weren?t murdered went down with the ship. I managed to escape on a lifeboat with four of the sailors.?

The gunner leans back in his seat. ?Tell me more about this ship you used to work on, Kuma.?

?What do you want to know??

?Whether it?s actually real or if you?re just trying to earn my sympathy.?

The only sounds to be heard are the waves crashing outside and the persistent chattering of Lunatic?s teeth.

?O-Of course it?s real.?

?So you lied to me earlier when you told me that this was your first voyage.?

Tom, seemingly unconcerned, simply slouches further in his seat. ?You said that, Kuma??

?She?s a pirate!? Lunatic pipes up.

?Hey!? Kuma raises her hands in defence. ?Don?t just jump to conclusions like that, Luna??

A bullet pierces Kuma right between the eyes. She goes cross-eyed before keeling over backwards. The remaining three barely manage to steady the table before she takes it down with her. Red spills over the floor.

?I knew it, I knew she was?? Lunatic cuts off with a squeak. The barrel of the gun is pressed against her temple.

?Start talking or else you?re next,? says the gunner, ?you?ve been shivering like a nervous wreck ever since I got here.?

Her eyes are wide as saucers. ?I suspected Kuma. I knew she was scum! I wanted to tell you ? I really, really wanted to ? but I couldn?t do it while she was just sitting right there.?

The gunner?s eyes narrow. He glances to Tom, still cool as a cucumber despite the fact he?s sitting beside Kuma?s corpse.

?Honest to God, I?m just an ordinary sailor!? Lunatic?s trembles have escalated, with her chest rising and falling rapidly as if she?s having a panic attack. ?Give me a chance to prove it to you, please, please, please??

Glass shatters and Lunatic falls face first onto the table. Her untouched drink tumbles over, mixing with the blood weeping from the back of her head, dribbling around her ears, and landing on the pure white tablecloth. A wash of green and the gunner feels the almost forgotten stomachache returning.

It takes a moment for reality to set in. The gunner flinches as another gunshot pierces the air, striking Tom in the jugular. There is no time to check the wound; the gunner turns around and aims their own weapon at the now broken window behind them.

There is no one there.

Kuma the Cabin Attendant couldn't keep her stories straight.
Lunatic the Sailor let her nerves get the best of her.
Tom the Sailor will never again ridicule a senior officer.

You have 24 hours to decide which of you will walk the plank.