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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia II: Catch Scum or Catch Scurvy [Game Over/Town Win]

Vigilante shot: Kuma

Mafia hits: Gandalf, Lunatic, Tom

All 3 Mafia KP have been claimed. If anyone missed it.

Once again, if there is another Vigilante in this game, I need you to roleclaim immediately to me.
So much reading, I skimmed through what I could don't think I got the gist of it all though.
Can someone give me quick summary and the current thoughts against players?

If you're going to sign up for a forum game, please enjoy reading. Even when you know whats going on, its often helpful to re-read everything thats happened to look for inconsistencies.
There was a bright light cast on FireNinja1 toward the beginning of the game. It's died down since, and people have seemed to all but forgotten he exists.

Fine then BBG. I'll do just that.

My Suspicion List so Far

Lunatic - That choice of wording in her post when she said 'interesting' made me suspicious.

FireNinja - Very aggressive in the first few hours of the game. He may be a rigger (miller), and desperate to prove his innocence, or just scum.

iLoveYou - She basically reposted my suspicions about ITookYourWaffles, then ended with 'just some thoughts.' >_>

ITookYourWaffles - Who asks for PMs in the first few minutes of the game? A silly mafia member, that's who.

I'm mostly suspicious of FireNinja1 out of the others on your list. Aggressiveness may not be the smartest move, but it can be the most damaging move.

My suspicion list

Fireninja1: Overly aggresive, asks for a discussion to start, and accuses a new player.

ITYW: Asking to start a pm circle publicly a few minutes into the game. Thats just asking to get killed unless your mafia.

I want to here a defense from both of them before casting my vote.

FireNinja came in and provided a defense based around trying to start discussion. A couple of people decided that his behavior was consistent with previous games, and since (as is normal) he posted a couple of times the first day and basically vanished, no more attention has come his way. That's fine, but I would like to point out one thing.

It doesn't matter who FireNinja1 accuses, as long as he has information to back it up. If he doesn't, then we just simply ignore it. There's nothing wrong with aggressive behaviour but forcing people to create discussion at the start of the game is slightly rude, but nothing more. However, we need people to make discussion. You don't tell people to shut up, that's even more rude unless of course, they're spamming.

Waffles, on the other hand, is using somewhat different and strange behaviour from last game. However, I don't see her actions as scummy. She only made a silly action.

I would still like to know what the two think about your suspicions though.

FireNinja posted with reasonable explanations, so his case is settled.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Argh people are ninjaing me.

Our friend Kuma seemed to be one of those that defended him most aggressively. Certainly not grounds for a lynch, but I would like to at least see his name when today's lists start floating around.
So let me recap and see if i have everything straight.
>Kuma was acting suspicious
>Lynch votes had already been set in for Stargazer
>ILoveYou took it upon herself to have vig. kill Kuma (becasue she was being suspicious?)
>Now that night has passed shots are being first at Trundle and Waffles
>ILoveYou states that Trundle is accusing her of being Mafia and all
>Trundle is now the lynch candidate based on the story that ILoveYou has told us.

This is not meant to be an accusation or a defense of anything, just a recap to my understanding of what has passed. Is all this info. correct? or Did I miss something?
So let me recap and see if i have everything straight.
>Kuma was acting suspicious
>Lynch votes had already been set in for Stargazer
>ILoveYou took it upon herself to have vig. kill Kuma (becasue she was being suspicious?)
>Now that night has passed shots are being first at Trundle and Waffles
>ILoveYou states that Trundle is accusing her of being Mafia and all
>Trundle is now the lynch candidate based on the story that ILoveYou has told us.

This is not meant to be an accusation or a defense of anything, just a recap to my understanding of what has passed. Is all this info. correct? or Did I miss something?

That is an adequate summation.
So let me recap and see if i have everything straight.
>Kuma was acting suspicious
>Lynch votes had already been set in for Stargazer
>ILoveYou took it upon herself to have vig. kill Kuma (becasue she was being suspicious?)
>Now that night has passed shots are being first at Trundle and Waffles
>ILoveYou states that Trundle is accusing her of being Mafia and all
>Trundle is now the lynch candidate based on the story that ILoveYou has told us.

This is not meant to be an accusation or a defense of anything, just a recap to my understanding of what has passed. Is all this info. correct? or Did I miss something?
I think that's all the major events
SirGanatar brings up a good point with Kuma and being aggressive with FireNinja. We should also note that while she was aggressive/eager towards FireNinja she was also just as eager with BBG and voting with the bandwagon.
It would appear SirGAnatar is suggesting that FireNinja is a mafia since he was defended so aggressively by a former mafia member. There was also a little tension between Dolby and FireNinja earlier in the game to which kuma came to his defense again here when Dolby accused FireNinja.
It doesn't matter who FireNinja1 accuses, as long as he has information to back it up. If he doesn't, then we just simply ignore it.

While I understand we are focused on Trundle, we also should also keep this under spotlight.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kuma, DOlby and FireNinja's post can be found on page 21, post #201 little bit before and after that post.
SirGanatar brings up a good point with Kuma and being aggressive with FireNinja. We should also note that while she was aggressive/eager towards FireNinja she was also just as eager with BBG and voting with the bandwagon.
It would appear SirGAnatar is suggesting that FireNinja is a mafia since he was defended so aggressively by a former mafia member. There was also a little tension between Dolby and FireNinja earlier in the game to which kuma came to his defense again here when Dolby accused FireNinja.

While I understand we are focused on Trundle, we also should also keep this under spotlight.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kuma, DOlby and FireNinja's post can be found on page 21, post #201 little bit before and after that post.

You do bring up a good point, I challenge fireninja, kuma comes to defence and I back down, kuma was mafia so why would she defend someone else? Because the defended is mafia, though this could be like the beary case in game two (defended by two mafia), I feel like this is substantial piece of evidence against fireninja (this has nothing to do with fireninja finding me suspicious). This is a good post for a new player, but then again so is sirGanatar's, I would like to here defences from both fireninja and Trundle before deciding my final vote
Good morning, everyone. No, I was not revenge voting, but I decided I'd vote and then after I woke up, I would put in my defense and case to why you should not trust iLoveYou.
So far in this game, I have been accused of being the godfather many times. Why is this? Well, iLoveYou didn't actually say this in her post (because she lies and is deceptive), that there has been a third vigilante claim already. Of course, why would she ask more people to claim if there is already one proven (Blu Rose), me, and the third person, who is less proven than I am. iLoveYou threw around that this third person who claimed is a newbie in the game, and she didn't want to talk to him/her about it because they would "easily make mistakes" and she would "assume they were mafia" while I have a chance at defending myself properly because I'm a strong player.
Earlier in the game, Superpenguin accused me for the Day 1 lynch. This is because I was acting differently 3 hours into that game than I was 24+ hours into the other game. It was mostly based around not having any suspicions, but that was because there was no one posting yet, no one TO suspect. I explained my stance on his poorly made evidence in the IRC later, and he revoked it and proposed that we lynch a lurker. I accepted, and it happened at the time that iLoveYou decided to vote for Stargazer a few minutes before we were going to. At that point in the game, there shouldn't have been any suspicions on me at all. There was nothing that showed in any way that I'm not vigilante. Unfortunately, some people still suspected me. Why is this? Let me ask you that question. Why do you suspect me? What have I done in this game that has caused you to think I'm the godfather. Farobi said that he's thought I was godfather since Night 1. Why? What have I done that shows any kind anti-town actions? Earlier in the game, I was talking with others in the IRC, and when they brought up Kuma to me, I agreed that we should lynch her.
So now we've reached that I thought in the IRC that iLoveYou could have been godfather and set the whole thing up. To be honest, I've never been accused of being mafia incorrectly before, so I wasn't sure how to take it. I was quite enraged, and after awhile, iLoveYou just wasn't making any sense (As Superpenguin can vouch for me for). She continually accused me for no real reason other than there is a third vigilante, who she wouldn't give me the name of, that claimed. After awhile of talking, I took back what I said about thinking she was godfather. That was just in the moment out-loud thinking.

So, let's look at everything here, people.
-I was inspected and came back Vigilante
-iLoveYou accused me based off of this, and her whole evidence to support my lynch was "He thinks I'm godfather now, too" (which is a lie)
-I have been pro-town all game, and even offered support when Kuma lynch was brought up (If iLoveYou wouldn't sacrifice her roleblocker, why would I if Godfather?)

So far, you have no real evidence against me in any way. She is basically going off of her gut feeling that I am Godfather, which is clearly just a ruse to get a good player killed. Here is my proposal.

Do NOT lynch me today. If I really am Vigilante, the mafia will most likely kill me tonight because they obviously all know now. I have not used my shot, so let me shoot someone. If I'm still, for some reason, in your suspicions by tomorrow, you can go ahead and try to lynch me.

For today's lynch, I'm not saying that we should lynch iLoveYou. While she has been quite suspicious so far in the game and has had plenty of opportunity to coax the town if she WAS Godfather, I believe the lynch of another could be better.
Good morning, everyone. No, I was not revenge voting, but I decided I'd vote and then after I woke up, I would put in my defense and case to why you should not trust iLoveYou.

Blu Rose trusted me, and look where that got us. We got down the Roleblocker on Night One.

So far in this game, I have been accused of being the godfather many times. Why is this? Well, iLoveYou didn't actually say this in her post (because she lies and is deceptive), that there has been a third vigilante claim already. Of course, why would she ask more people to claim if there is already one proven (Blu Rose), me, and the third person, who is less proven than I am. iLoveYou threw around that this third person who claimed is a newbie in the game, and she didn't want to talk to him/her about it because they would "easily make mistakes" and she would "assume they were mafia" while I have a chance at defending myself properly because I'm a strong player.

I only lie to potential Mafia players. I try to bait the Mafia as often as I can, which is what explains this crazy Town behaviour of mine. I lie to try to catch people lying. I wanted to see your reaction to a third Vigilante. I wanted to see who you would shoot & who you wouldn't, if you really are the Vigilante.

Earlier in the game, Superpenguin accused me for the Day 1 lynch. This is because I was acting differently 3 hours into that game than I was 24+ hours into the other game. It was mostly based around not having any suspicions, but that was because there was no one posting yet, no one TO suspect. I explained my stance on his poorly made evidence in the IRC later, and he revoked it and proposed that we lynch a lurker. I accepted, and it happened at the time that iLoveYou decided to vote for Stargazer a few minutes before we were going to. At that point in the game, there shouldn't have been any suspicions on me at all. There was nothing that showed in any way that I'm not vigilante. Unfortunately, some people still suspected me. Why is this? Let me ask you that question. Why do you suspect me? What have I done in this game that has caused you to think I'm the godfather. Farobi said that he's thought I was godfather since Night 1. Why? What have I done that shows any kind anti-town actions? Earlier in the game, I was talking with others in the IRC, and when they brought up Kuma to me, I agreed that we should lynch her.

You literally jumped on StarGazer741 without even explaining your vote. Why? To save Kuma. Kuma was in talks of getting lynched and I'm sure you were happy that the attention got onto someone else.

I suspect you because Gandalf got hit. He did it on purpose to loudly say in the Mumble "I'm definitely not going to die Night One". Tom then replied "You're the Doctor?" and Gandalf did not reply because I immediately covered it with "No don't say it". He did this hoping that there was at least one Mafia player in there to take that bait. Who was in the Mumble?

You, Me, Tom, Gandalf (+ a bunch of people not playing in Mafia)

I'm Town, Tom died town and Gandalf got hit by the Mafia. That leaves you. Chances are you guys felt like you found the Doctor and that's why Gandalf was targeted.

Gandalf was on the Detective list and we publicly asked Doctors to protect names on that list. Why would the Mafia try their luck on Gandalf of all people? They didn't target anyone else on that list. I even said it publicly, if the Mafia try to hit anyone on that list chances are that'll allow us to meet the Doctor/Detectives. The Mafia's motivation to target Gandalf even though he was on the Doctor & Detective list was most likely because you guys thought you found the Doctor. No one else got targeted, Trundle. That list was going to be untouched if it were not for the bait Gandalf left.

He did publicly accuse Kuma, which is why the Mafia should have known that he would be protected. We knew that Kuma was Mafia, enough to be able to use our Vigilante to shoot her Night One.

If you guys want to try to take Gandalf out now during this Night, you have to be willing to waste 2 KP on him.

So now we've reached that I thought in the IRC that iLoveYou could have been godfather and set the whole thing up. To be honest, I've never been accused of being mafia incorrectly before, so I wasn't sure how to take it. I was quite enraged, and after awhile, iLoveYou just wasn't making any sense (As Superpenguin can vouch for me for). She continually accused me for no real reason other than there is a third vigilante, who she wouldn't give me the name of, that claimed. After awhile of talking, I took back what I said about thinking she was godfather. That was just in the moment out-loud thinking.

So, let's look at everything here, people.
-I was inspected and came back Vigilante
-iLoveYou accused me based off of this, and her whole evidence to support my lynch was "He thinks I'm godfather now, too" (which is a lie)
-I have been pro-town all game, and even offered support when Kuma lynch was brought up (If iLoveYou wouldn't sacrifice her roleblocker, why would I if Godfather?)

So far, you have no real evidence against me in any way. She is basically going off of her gut feeling that I am Godfather, which is clearly just a ruse to get a good player killed. Here is my proposal.

We didn't discuss the Kuma lynch enough to happen. There was no movement on her. Also may I remind you that StarGazer741 made his move that time and the attention was focused onto him instead. She was literally saved because of StarGazer741.

There are plenty of other good players left in the game Trundle. I haven't gone after them, instead have been working with them. If I wanted to get a good player killed I would have asked the Vigilante to shoot a random strong player, not someone I suspect of Mafia.

The problem is .. if we rely on inspections we will NEVER find the Godfather. The Godfather has the ability to pick any role they like. This is why I am completely ignoring the fact that you got inspected and returned Vigilante. I'm going with my gut instead.

Do NOT lynch me today. If I really am Vigilante, the mafia will most likely kill me tonight because they obviously all know now. I have not used my shot, so let me shoot someone. If I'm still, for some reason, in your suspicions by tomorrow, you can go ahead and try to lynch me.

If you really were the Vigilante you would be more confident. You would say: "I am the Vigilante therefore the Mafia will take me out tonight". I'm not willing to take that risk at all.
Alright, feel free to lynch me. Honestly, I don't know who is scum right now, but I'm glad you're happy that I've created such a diversion for you. Obviously, my town members are going to blindly follow Kayla, because that's what they do. Trust Kayla, and hope she's right.
Trundle, if you were the vig, wouldn't you be begging the doctor for protection? Instead, you seem to have given up, and just gone with the "I'll die tonight oh well".
Trundle, if you were the vig, wouldn't you be begging the doctor for protection? Instead, you seem to have given up, and just gone with the "I'll die tonight oh well".

If I'm being lynched today, the doctor can't do anything about it. Also, I know who the doctor is, and it just wouldn't quite work.
If I'm being lynched today, the doctor can't do anything about it. Also, I know who the doctor is, and it just wouldn't quite work.

Your defense is that you're the vig. If we were to believe that, in your mind, you'd be killed overnight. Why wouldn't you ask for nighttime protection and bring up another candidate for lynch?
Your defense is that you're the vig. If we were to believe that, in your mind, you'd be killed overnight. Why wouldn't you ask for nighttime protection and bring up another candidate for lynch?

I've already tried, but as you can see, I'm already being bandwagoned and well on my way to majority vote. Obviously, if things turn around, I still have opportunity to do this.
Alright, feel free to lynch me. Honestly, I don't know who is scum right now, but I'm glad you're happy that I've created such a diversion for you. Obviously, my town members are going to blindly follow Kayla, because that's what they do. Trust Kayla, and hope she's right.

Oh, we are not blindly following.
She has made a great case for herself, beary and I in the information that she told me who to shoot, I told beary who I was going to shoot, I shot, and Kuma died Mafia.
If "blindly following" means to use facts, and even deaths, to prove that she is innocent, then yeah, we are blindly following Kayla. If "blindly following" means that we have come to the conclusion that she is town with pretty much more evidence than any other game, then, by all means, I'm blindly following.

##VOTE: Trundle

And, yes, I do know that I still suspect FireNinja.

Shoutout to Kayla who told me that I was going to die. <3

More proof.
Fortunately I was able to place in a vote for Trundle.

I thought of compiling who defends who each Day Cycle as well (not Night Cycle unless there is something important) and use that against suspicious people so I started to do so. It's kind of empty considering how some people haven't really posted too much so it would be nice if everyone started posting once they aren't so busy.
iTYW via pm said:
I might not able to post this on Night 2 if you want to say something regarding to this feel free
Vig List

DT List
The Lurkers / Non- Contribute / People's Suspicion List
*iTYW (if you want to waste action on me trust me, I'm not afraid , heck I dunno if I'm a miller plus not all townies know about this)
*Dolby (I suspected him def. Trundle)
The newbies
Not suspecting them I'm curious

Medic List
- You know what to do, and please protect the vigilante if you can.

Pretty self-explanatory.
I think I'm going to make a case for a couple of other players (who I truly believe are Town aligned):

Beary509 - She was trusted with Blu Rose's Vigilante role since the beginning of the game. If she were Mafia she would reveal Blu Rose's role and have Blu Rose roleblocked + killed. This did not happen so she is definitely Town aligned.

BellBringerGreen - Kuma jumped to vote on him to get him lynched. If he were Mafia, Kuma would not consider voting for him on a day like Day One.

These are the names that I'm personally not sure about:


There are others, but I'm getting more Town vibes from them than anything else at the moment.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Dolby, I really don't know why you're trying to hard to defend me, unless you're the detective. You've made 3 posts in the last little while defending me, and, obviously, you know something. You're pretty much begging the mafia to kill both of us, so great going there.

This in particular stands out for me, in regards to Dolby.
Captain's Log: Night 2​

As had been predicted, the storm persisted long after sunrise. It’s almost lunchtime when Trundle feels it’s finally safe enough for him to leave the quarterdeck without jeopardising the entire crews’ safety.

“I’m going to eat and get some sleep. I’ll be back by sunset,” Trundle says, “Think you can keep her afloat until then?”

“We’ll try our best,” says one of the crew.

“No pressure or anything, but just remember that everyone’s lives are in your hands.”

He restrains a chuckle at the look of sheer panic in their eyes. Nothing shapes up a crew of lily-livered sailors like giving them a life or death chance to prove their abilities. Of course, he had often considered what would happen if the sailors failed in their task; but, to date, his methods had proved to have a 100% success rate.

The officers’ mess falls silent when he arrives. The surgeon, the boatswain, and the quarter master don’t even look up from their meals. Although concerned, his stomach is rumbling after skipping breakfast. He gets his lunch—leftover shark soup with a side of slightly hard bread—before taking a seat among his fellow officers.

“How goes it?” he asks.

“We’ve good and bad news,” says the quarter master, “the bad news is that three of the crew have died.”

“And the good news?” Trundle asks.

“One of them was a pirate.”


“One of the servants: Kuma,” says the surgeon, “do you know her?”

“Can’t say I do,” Trundle says, “I’m not too familiar with the servants.”

“Me neither,” says the surgeon, “so when she came to the infirmary last night complaining of insomnia I didn’t hesitate to turn my back on her - but then she somehow managed to knock me out with a mild sedative.”

Trundle raises an eyebrow. “That’s a clever move for a servant.”

“Stupid more like.” The surgeon produces an empty bottle from their pocket and sets it down on the tabletop. “Due to her asking for a sedative I discovered that someone had been messing about in the infirmary. A bottle of pentobarbital was missing from my supply cupboard.”

“Pentobarbital?” Trundle asks.

“A little of it will make you hallucinate; a little bit more will knock you out; but a large dosage is lethal,” the surgeon says, “it’s pretty dangerous stuff, so I kept it hidden away under lock and key. But somehow 3DSfan134 got a hold of it - that’s how he poisoned the captain.”

“How did he get the key?”

“That’s still a mystery,” the quarter master says.

Trundle shudders as he spoons shark soup into his mouth. It wasn’t too bad when it was still fresh at dinner yesterday, but when reheated the taste is awful. He takes a bite out of the stale bread to try and absorb the foul liquid now festering in his belly.

“The question is, who would be smart enough to know that pentobarbital is lethal?” the boatswain asks aloud. “No way is a lowly cook going to know something like that.”

Trundle shrugs. “Maybe whoever gave him it knew?”

“Who could know that except for the doc?”

The table falls silent. Trundle waits for the surgeon to make a defence but none comes. It stays that way for so long that Trundle wonders if the conversation is over. He’s almost considering leaving and going to bed when someone finally speaks.

Kuma was hiding among the servants,” the quarter master says, “is it safe to assume that all of the pirates are hiding among the lowest ranks of the ship?”

“Unlikely,” the surgeon says, “the lower ranks wouldn’t be able to tell apart pentobarbital from it’s similarly named cousin pentothal: a risk they couldn’t afford to take, given that it’s a truth serum in addition to being a sedative.”

“They knew the captain was onto them,” the quarter master adds, “and if they made a mistake with the dosage then she would have blabbed everything.”

“Are you saying that the captain knew who the pirates were?” Trundle asks.

“Highly likely,” says the boatswain, “why else would they have killed her?”

“We’re getting off track,” the quarter master says, “the question at hand should be: what ranks would it most benefit the pirates to hold if they aren’t going to disguise themselves as servants?”

Trundle is unsure what to do with his hands now that he has finished his meal. He wrings his fingers beneath the table, trying to think the situation through. His fellow officers were proving to be smarter than he ever gave them credit for.

“A ship’s doctor would be an appropriate role to fill,” Trundle says, “think about it: access to all those dangerous tools and drugs - it’s easy for anyone in that situation to be able to wipe out the crew.”

“How about a fully skilled sailing master?” the surgeon counters, “even after the crew are long dead they are still going to need someone around to sail their stolen ship.”

“Ridiculous,” Trundle says, “anyone can steer a ship. Go up to the quarterdeck right now and see for yourselves.”

He is prepared for a comeback, but no one says anything. They seem to be thinking over his words. He smothers a yawn and wonders how long this is discussion is going to go on for. At this rate, he’s only going to get an hour or two of shut eye before he’s needed back on-deck.

“You know,” the boatswain says, “this investigation would be so much easier if we had bothered to let 3DSfan134 defend himself before we tossed him overboard.”

Trundle nods. “Yes, but our good ol’ friend the doctor here knocked him out without hesitation.”

“Yes, but only after you, Trundle, directly accused 3DSfan134 of being scum,” the surgeon says, “isn’t that right?”


Trundle freezes. He can hear his own pulse in his ears, rapidly accelerating as he looks around the table and sees three pairs of eyes staring back at him with stone cold hatred.

“You’re not going to defend yourself?” asks the quarter master.

The surgeon smirks and reaches under the table, producing a rifle. “If you run you’re dead, Trundle.”

The next few minutes pass in a haze of colour. It feels like only seconds before he’s standing at the stern of the ship, taking baby steps along the plank. If he dares to try and escape he knows his head will be blown off in an instant. It’s not worth it.

He takes a deep breath and jumps into the blue.

Red bubbles to the surface.

Trundle the Sailing Master underestimated his fellow officers.

You’ve 22 hours & 20 minutes to submit your night actions.
Mafia KP = 1
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