I'd also like to take note of the remaining town members.
- Ashtot
- iLoveYou (Proven townie)
- Me (vigilante, still have to use shot)
- Dolby
- ProfGallows
- River (roleclaimed Chroma)
- Jeremy
- Minties (Townie, bound to die from lover)
- Karen (Kingmaker)
- Kuma
- Horus (Doctor)
- Mino (Inspected, returned townie)
This is all in EST by the way.
Now, night happened pretty quickly. All actions were sent in. This means that whoever is scum has been online between 10:19PM and 11:33PM.
- Ashtot (last online at 10:31PM)
- iLoveYou (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- Me (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- Dolby (Last online 9:56PM, impossible for him to be scum)
- ProfGallows (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- River (Last online 11:43PM)
- Jeremy (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- Minties (Townie, bound to die from lover)
- Karen (Kingmaker)
- Kuma (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- Horus (Doctor)
- Mino (Townie, proven not scum via rolecheck)
Therefore, the list of possible scum is as follows:
- Ashtot (last online at 10:31PM)
- ProfGallows (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- River (Last online 11:43PM)
- Jeremy (Online throughout entire night cycle)
- Kuma (Online throughout entire night cycle)
Ashtot, I am very iffy on. He went to bed right after night began, perfect time for him to quickly send in the action and be done with the game for the night. In addition, I did mention the awesome coincidence between him, the relative newbie, lynching scum on the first day, and then how he just so happened to have a hunch that
Trundle was scum. Lo and behold, Trundle flips
ProfGallows was begging to be rolechecked. He kept asking in the IRC if his rolecheck returned yet, and if he could join us in our conversations. Not likely scum.
Jeremy is possibly scum, though he was certainly very helpful with the lynch of Gandalf. Not likely scum.
River was able to hide away for most of the game up to this point. I could see her as scum, but she did roleclaim chroma. That said, the last time she roleclaimed, she did end up flipping as Serial Killer Gollum, so I am pretty inclined to believe her on this.
Kumafia. I would almost guarantee she's scum. Relatively inactive in the beginning, just like how she was relatively inactive in Mafia 6. She passed the "DT inspected you and you returned roleblocker" test by directly saying "I'm not roleblocker!" However, the inactivity and the following two posts make me suspicious. Kuma has a nice little tell when she's mafia. She gets snappy. The following is from this game.
I didn't roleblock you. You claimed in pm that you were in contact with a vig and kingmaker and you said the vig got blocked even though you told him not to shoot. Want to see the evidence? I screenshotted the whole conversation from yesterday. I'm a townie. Get that through your head. Like I told you last night, it was most likely a random block made from a random roleblocker.
And this is from Mafia 6:
Has anyone even f***ing realised that FN1 hasn't even posted yet? You never know that he could be the godfather. All of us that are town could be godfather, yet people seem to realise that it's not possible, that "oh! Kuma must be godfather because she came back as town!" when obviously, either Farobi or FN1 just has an equal chance of being godfather as well. In the remainders of "town", there are flithy liars. I am not one of them in this game, as I am undoubtedly a townie.
Claimed she's townie? Check. Throws a little fit over being accused? Check.
Horus, I would suggest you read over this and look at who you think is likely to be scum. As I
still have my shot left, I will shoot either Ashtot or Kuma tonight, whichever one doesn't get lynched.