not at disneyworld
Yes, roleclaims are a good part of the game(near the end), but you really shouldn't roleclaim to more than like 2 people at a time. Your methods may be effective, but they are also unorthodox and are a danger to Town. Unless you are trying to get Town killed (in other words you're scum), then your methods are a danger to Town.@ Tina - Towards the later part of the game, figuring out exactly which people that have which roles is often crucial to Towns victory, because that is the best way to notice if the scummy people have made RoleClaims that quite frankly doesn't add up. However, I do agree that delaying this process until a few days has passed is a good idea - Information is so important in Mafia and it's very true that something that really screws town over is often leaked to the baddies. I'm going to be very careful, and I hope everyone else follows your example.
Was this really necessary?I will keep the posts lacking valuable information to a minimum, but I wanted to say Hello and that I hope this will be a fun game round. I'd also like to applaud Minties on really setting a nice tone for the day with her story. I am a fan of BioShock and your writing was excellent! I hope the other day-and-night openings will be just as fun to read.
Aww, look at Sataric, being all "useful". All pro-town? Yes. Is it fake? Probably. Why do you not post a defense, and you throw out random names?If you are certain that you will be able to tell if Waffles is scum based on his actions later on, then I guess it would be a waste to get rid of him right now - He is at least more active than MissNoodle is in the other Mafia game currently being carried out too. PurplPanda did kind of screw up a bit during that round and I was able to figure out his role really early when he started talking about his daily power, but he certainly tried his best to be helpful. (And if he slips up as town, he could slip up as scum too!) I do not know anything about Alise but if you are certain that she will be useless then I think she sounds like our best option currently. But that is based entirely on what you've told me about her, so it would be useful if someone else could confirm her lack of activity and if she's forgotten to use her actions multiple times in the past.
Again, was this necessary? One useless post I can understand, but you seriously need to stop the spam.
Again, another useless post. Minties can announce it herself.It was not stickyfied before, but that has now been taken care of!
Feloreena just told me that she got a PM from Minties in which it said that she would have a spot in this gaming round, though I am not sure which player she is ment to be replacing. But Ashtot is also on the replacement list in case a secondary player would be needed. I think it will work out.
This strategy is flawed. I'm willing to bet at least two of the people you have been communicating are scum. You're also bringing up other games. I ask that you stay on topic, as at this point you are just a distraction.No - You are mistaken. My strategies are solid and I will likely be one of the key players to winning that game. Most of the scum that has died already has been killed partly because of me pulling certain strings behind the scenes. Of course it's a team effort but I managed to get everyone working together and it was through that hard work that we managed to go from a really dire situation with ALL Mafia still alive to a scenario in which it looks like we're going to win for certain, unless someone does something really stupid. There is room for error in any strategy but I performed much better than you think, even though my strategy was primarily built around me being an ******* towards people. I got all the RoleClaims way ahead of anyone else, and without sharing much information with anyone until today. (Which I did because I imagine I'll die once night comes) Trust me, when that game is over and Town has won, the other Townies will be thanking me, just like I will be thanking them.
Sataric is a distraction to Town, whether he be scum or Town. His strategies will end up getting us killed, and he has already distracted us enough by getting into an argument. I am placing my vote for him, unless significant evidence is provided for another player. As I and many others have said before, roleclaims are going to get us killed.
Also, I apologize if some of this sounds like Cory's case. I don't remember exactly what his post said, even though I read through it several times. I am tired, and honestly I can't think straight.