Cave Johnson died, and not having any family to inherit his vast fortune,
Caroline was placed in charge of the facility and its staff members. She found it would be easier to merge her mind with
GLaDOS, so she had Apertures greatest minds work their hardest on what she wished for. If she merged with
GLaDOS, she would have more control over Aperture and be able to keep a close eye on the facility.
The date came when
Caroline was to become Artificial Intelligence. The scientists placed a headset on to
Caroline's head and connected it to the some what placid
The switch was flicked and a loud noise rang.
Part way through
GLaDOS twitched and started yelling!
Caroline sits up right and sparks flash out of the head set.
GLaDOS screams!
Caroline, blood drips from
Caroline's nose and eyes. As she was not concious she was unable to panic and try to call for help.
GLaDOS had stay quiet in the hopes of destroying
At full power, blood is spurting from every place it could possibly come from, ears, nose, mouth, eyes and various places.
Caroline's brain was frying and no one was there to stop it. A huge power surge happened and
Caroline exploded.
GLaDOS stayed quiet, secretly ecstatic about what had happened. Blood, guts and flesh splattered around the room. There were no words for what had happened.
Back in Aperture Testing Facilities.
Tina, you must complete test #102 by using the propulsion gel . Remember, the propulsion gel makes you go very fast, so be careful" says
GLaDOS in a sinister tone.
Tina beginss the test, after spilling the propulsion gel on the floor space, she whizzes along it. Although, they placed it incorrectly, they fly across the room, of which is still under construction and they glide at maximum speed into a spiked object.
Tina now impaled through the stomach,
Tina is writhing in pain, but she attempts to pull herself off.
*Switch" The lights flick off.
Feeling alone,
Tina tried to push off the spike, until she is finally free.
Tina lands on the floor, already losing so much blood, she lies there in agony and a puddle of blood forms.
Tina slips into shock from the blood loss and pain and reaches out for something.
Tina lies there, lifeless in a pool of her own blood. A not to their left, written in blood.
Although, no one would ever read it. It was enveloped by blood in minutes.
Princess the Detective (Caroline) fried to help herself.
Tina the Test Subject (Townie) whizzed to her doom.
Being Cave Johnson’s second in command and then placed in charge of the facility, you are the eye in the sky. You see all that happens throughout Aperture with all of the cameras hidden in the test chambers and facility grounds. You PM the hosts each night to discover the role of another player of your choice.
Test Subject
Being out through your paces by GlaDOS and threatened with death if you do not comply, you are trying to escape as well as complete each test to the best of your ability. You help destroy GlaDOS and her followers. Your only weapon against attacks is your portals, use your voice to pass through them.
Day 2 Starts and will end 11pm Friday 18th July