TBT Neighborly Games - Splatoween?

I should be able to make it to this one. Last time I should had been able to make it, but had to appease a unreasonable side-job boss. About ready to tell them to stick it next time lol.
I see no reasons why I wouldn't be able to join saturday's session. Unless my internet randomly dies that day or something idk
See you guys there!
Done for today! I'll be traveling from June 20 to July 10 so I won't be able to schedule any definite times right now, but there are a couple of days I'll be homebound and may be able to pop in - we'll see what happens. Otherwise, I plan to schedule some when I return.

Until next time! 👋

June 29 Update
I wasn't able to bring my Switch, so games will only be scheduled for sometime after July 10, 2022.

Arena Information for Saturday, June 18 @ 3:00 p.m. EDT
Arena Name: TBT
Arena Password: 3333

Saaaaatttuuurrrdaaaay! Hope you're all having a great one. We'll be starting up the arena for some Super Smash Brothers Ultimate friendlies soon at 3:00 p.m. EDT today. You're welcome to play or spectate anytime as long as space is available. We typically play for 1-2 hours. :)

You're also invited to chat with us in the #multiplayer channel on the TBT Discord during games.

See you then. 👋

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Can't wait to tussle with you all. Totally not rusty at all.

Done for today! Thank you for coming out. :)

Arena Name: TBT
Arena Password: 9999

A little reminder that we'll be heading back into the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate arena for some friendlies later today, July 15, at 5:30 p.m. EDT.

Rust and dust welcome. 🥳

We'll also be in the #multiplayer channel on the TBT Discord if you'd like to chat there during games.

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Thank you for hosting, mar-mar!! It was a lot of fun! I'm glad I was able to win my first match of the games against @nerfeddude and her Mega Man (even though I lost pretty much every battle after that, haha). I'm admittedly not the best at timing Little Mac's special, but it finally clicked when I needed it most.

Thank you for hosting, mar-mar!! It was a lot of fun! I'm glad I was able to win my first match of the games against @nerfeddude and her Mega Man (even though I lost pretty much every battle after that, haha). I'm admittedly not the best at timing Little Mac's special, but it finally clicked when I needed it most.

I'm actually surprised that k.o punch reached me, I wish the sweetspot of Mega's up-tilt had similar range. Lowkey forgot how to fight Lil' Macaroni for a second, but that was a good game nonetheless x)
Ahoy! Happy weekend, everyone!

We'll be playing some Super Smash Brothers Ultimate friendlies tomorrow, Saturday, July 23, at 3:00 p.m. EDT. :)

We typically play for about two hours and you're welcome to stop by anytime. Spectators within the arena are also welcome if space permits.

If you'd like to chat during games, we'll be in our usual #multiplayer channel on the TBT Discord.

See you then! :D

Done for today!

It's go time! Super Smash Brothers Ultimate friendlies are live now.

Arena Details:
Password: 8888
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I’m pretty late to the party, but I’m really enjoying Mario Party Superstars. I’d love to be added to the ping list, if sessions for that particular game are still going on!

Also, if any forum members want to play online sometime, let me know! My profile is private so you may have to message me.
I’m pretty late to the party, but I’m really enjoying Mario Party Superstars. I’d love to be added to the ping list, if sessions for that particular game are still going on!

Also, if any forum members want to play online sometime, let me know! My profile is private so you may have to message me.
Oh, if there's a ping list for it I'd like to be added too!

Also, I'd play with you Croc :lemon:
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I’m pretty late to the party, but I’m really enjoying Mario Party Superstars. I’d love to be added to the ping list, if sessions for that particular game are still going on!

Also, if any forum members want to play online sometime, let me know! My profile is private so you may have to message me.
Oh, if there's a ping list for it I'd like to be added to!

Also, I'd play with you Croc :lemon:
Added you both to the forum ping list.

Superstars appears to be popular so I'm hoping to arrange a session or two in October. (y)
I’m hoping I’ll be able to make one of those sessions with my work schedule. I’m looking forward to it!