Mafia TBT Newbie Mafia: Steven Universe Mafia [END - Town + Shiida Win!]

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Hey guys, sorry I keep not posting rip. Just read through and I guess I'll post my current read:

1. Miharu As stated earlier, agreeing with Tui, Miharu seems to have been posting quite a bit, to either A: Look like she's helping town and have us lynch the wrong person or B: Just be wanting to sincerely help town as a townie and just having fun in the game. I can't say for certain Miharu has my scum lean, so she'll be in the middle of scum nd null for me, I'm not sure how to feel about her. I've been leaning her a little more towards town though, so my read on her later will probably be different
2. Kirbystarship Kirby has been really scummy. During Day 1, many of his posts were just filler and he's been posting very little, as in his other Mafia games where he was playing townie, he was posting much more.
3. Enchilada/ Locket Hasn't posted, nothing to read
4. Xerolin Hello, its me
5. Moonbrink They've also been scummy. Early in the game they kept talking about how excited they were for the game to get worked up, yet she hasn't posted much to make that happen.
6. Seroja Seroja has been very contributional so far and has been giving me a town-vibe.
7. Cadbberry It's been hard for me to read Cad, so for now they get my null read.
8. tui Also been hard for me to read. Only thing I can currently note is what they said about Miharu
9. Lucanosa Hasn't been posting, not much to read.
10. Cass123 They seem to be trying to help town, but I can't say they are 100%
11. Rosetti She seems to be doing good at their first game and seem town to me
12. Esphas Rest in spaghetti, never forgetti </3
13. Shiida Do I even need to explain? Oh well. Early in the game she's been hinting that she is invincible during the night and it'd be a waste of KP. Later on shiida's been soft-claiming Onion, obviously
14. Qwerty111 Qwerty's been hard for me to read, not sure how to feel about them.
15. Mogyay She's been doing really good as her first game and just seems like she's waving a sign saying "Hello!! I'm town!!"

@Seroja I an see why she she had scum-read me earlier. I had been posting little and only coming out when I was asked a question, then dissapearing.
Hey guys, sorry I keep not posting rip. Just read through and I guess I'll post my current read:

1. Miharu As stated earlier, agreeing with Tui, Miharu seems to have been posting quite a bit, to either A: Look like she's helping town and have us lynch the wrong person or B: Just be wanting to sincerely help town as a townie and just having fun in the game. I can't say for certain Miharu has my scum lean, so she'll be in the middle of scum nd null for me, I'm not sure how to feel about her. I've been leaning her a little more towards town though, so my read on her later will probably be different
2. Kirbystarship Kirby has been really scummy. During Day 1, many of his posts were just filler and he's been posting very little, as in his other Mafia games where he was playing townie, he was posting much more.
3. Enchilada/ Locket Hasn't posted, nothing to read
4. Xerolin Hello, its me
5. Moonbrink They've also been scummy. Early in the game they kept talking about how excited they were for the game to get worked up, yet she hasn't posted much to make that happen.
6. Seroja Seroja has been very contributional so far and has been giving me a town-vibe.
7. Cadbberry It's been hard for me to read Cad, so for now they get my null read.
8. tui Also been hard for me to read. Only thing I can currently note is what they said about Miharu
9. Lucanosa Hasn't been posting, not much to read.
10. Cass123 They seem to be trying to help town, but I can't say they are 100%
11. Rosetti She seems to be doing good at their first game and seem town to me
12. Esphas Rest in spaghetti, never forgetti </3
13. Shiida Do I even need to explain? Oh well. Early in the game she's been hinting that she is invincible during the night and it'd be a waste of KP. Later on shiida's been soft-claiming Onion, obviously
14. Qwerty111 Qwerty's been hard for me to read, not sure how to feel about them.
15. Mogyay She's been doing really good as her first game and just seems like she's waving a sign saying "Hello!! I'm town!!"

@Seroja I an see why she she had scum-read me earlier. I had been posting little and only coming out when I was asked a question, then dissapearing.

How have I been less active and posting very little?
I'll make this read as brief as possible because it's supposed to be bedtime ;A;

Miharu - I am half and half about Miharu right now. I'm slightly townreading her because she was helping town as much as she can by initiating discussions and asking questions. I'm guessing mafia would not normally want to attract too much attention on them by leading - especially not in a slow game with few active players. Pretty sure mafia would prefer for someone else to start a suspicion first and then jump on it. The other half of me is just being overly cautious and is thinking this might be a new scum tactic or whatever. So yeah.

Kirbystarship - I'm a bit ambivalent about him. I was a bit suspicious of Tardis when he posted his sus on Esphas and Mog, following Miharu's sus on them, and mostly repeated what she said too.

Enchilada - Rip pal / Replaced by Locket

Xerolin - Null for now. I was suspicious of her mainly for 2 things : 1- her answers about preferring to be mafia and 2- voting no lynch without posting in the thread first. But, I'm dropping my sus on them for now because it's not fair to compare her answers to Tardis' from another game and she did explain why she did what she did. However, I would really appreciate it if she can at least post her thoughts every now and then, no matter how brief.

Moonbrink - I'm slightly scumleaning them. I was very suspicious of their line "have a lot of time to kill" (could have double meaning) and for avoiding the thread + not contributing anything despite being eager to see some tension happening in the thread lol. Andd why didn't you vote?

Seroja - I am town.

Cadberry - Like Kirby, a bit ambivalent. I see most of her posts are on answering other players' questions and pointing out what and what shouldn't be done in this game. It makes her seem active and helpful, but answering questions like that are safe and has nothing to do with actually helping town. She also jumped on the Esphas bandwagon pretty quick, but I dunno man, on the fence.

Tui - Null. Her reason behind no lynch is pretty sound. However, this could be a tactic used to pin suspicion on certain people in the future. Quite unlikely, but not impossible.

Lucanosa - Null. Looking forward to your reads. Also, why didn't you vote?

Cass123 - Cass is really cute no lie. I can really see she was trying hard to be helpful and also learn as much as she in the process. She was very quick in being suspicious of everyone though, but yeah, I guess this game can make people paranoid.

Rosetti - Hmmmmmm, a bit wishy-washy in their posts but that could be because they were truly clueless. Null.

Esphas - Town, Connie ;A;

Shiida - Hinted at being third party.

Qwerty111 - They're generally inactive as both mafia and town so. Null for now.

Mogyay - Town-lean. Her posts were pretty transparent and straightforward. Nothing suspicious for now^^

Note: I'm using yellow instead of orange because these are very slight scum-leans.

Also rip it's hard to determine someone's motivation for doing something because they might just be clueless (as proven by Esphas) but the mafia could use this as an excuse and slip under the radar.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, thank you Xeroling for making an effort, I really do appreciate it! I'm heading to bed now, it's 3am. Good night!
Cadberry - Like Kirby, a bit ambivalent. I see most of her posts are on answering other players' questions and pointing out what and what shouldn't be done in this game. It makes her seem active and helpful, but answering questions like that are safe and has nothing to do with actually helping town. She also jumped on the Esphas bandwagon pretty quick, but I dunno man, on the fence.
I made a case about who I thought was scum, Esphas was my main read, I didn't jump on it, I read through posts and pointed out why I thought they were scum.
I made a case about who I thought was scum, Esphas was my main read, I didn't jump on it, I read through posts and pointed out why I thought they were scum.

Thank you Cadberry^^ that's why I wasn't fully scumreading you. It was just an initial feeling/suspicion.
Thank you Cadberry^^ that's why I wasn't fully scumreading you. It was just an initial feeling/suspicion.

Understandable, and so people know my second top scum lean is Moonbrink which I have explained before but to reiterate, the only talk about wanting tension, once it was on them they avoided the thread and have been online since questions and suspicions were pointed to them, makes me think they wanted to sheep and go with others votes when people cracked under pressure and wasn't expecting themselves as a target.
i made a huge read list but i'm not gonna post it since night has pretty much ended HOWEVER i'm surprised no one is really suspecting luca right now? i mean luca you said you'd changed your mind about a few things since the lynching so i'd like to hear more about that but you haven't posted here (you might be busy but you did post 2 hours later) you're fine calling out the 'noobs'
I'm a little upset about how everyone jumped on Mimi's bandwagon on lynching Esphas, and then he flips town, but almost every D1 lynch is a ****lynch, and with a newbie game I'm honestly not surprised :/
with your slightly condescending attitude but give me one post of your where you explained this/tried to help? if you really thought it was a bad idea lynching esphas you could have voiced your opinion like some of us did. if your town it'd be better if you actually tried to help instead of blaming which makes me think you're scum. you didn't even vote? i could be wrong since i'm kinda new but if you'd voted no lynch wouldn't that have made a huge difference to the outcome? ugh i'm nervous right now
i made a huge read list but i'm not gonna post it since night has pretty much ended HOWEVER i'm surprised no one is really suspecting luca right now? i mean luca you said you'd changed your mind about a few things since the lynching so i'd like to hear more about that but you haven't posted here (you might be busy but you did post 2 hours later) you're fine calling out the 'noobs' with your slightly condescending attitude but give me one post of your where you explained this/tried to help? if you really thought it was a bad idea lynching esphas you could have voiced your opinion like some of us did. if your town it'd be better if you actually tried to help instead of blaming which makes me think you're scum. you didn't even vote? i could be wrong since i'm kinda new but if you'd voted no lynch wouldn't that have made a huge difference to the outcome? ugh i'm nervous right now

actually mog, I am slightly suspicious of him but I'll wait for his reads or whatever before I put my sus on him.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also yeah I can't sleep without knowing ;A;
actually mog, I am slightly suspicious of him but I'll wait for his reads or whatever before I put my sus on him.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also yeah I can't sleep without knowing ;A;

a townie and godfather died if I understood correctly. idk their usernames tho.

The Homeworld Gems weren't very discreet. Near Connie's house an unnatural pool of water as found. Lapis was already known in Beach City from stealing their ocean, the residents barely tolerted her after that. But after what the town people saw to Connie, they couldn't take it anymore. A small group, that included Lars purged after the Homeworld Gems, using a trail of water to follow. What they saw hiding near the beach was Lapis, sitting, looking at the horizon. She wass startled when she saw the group of teens. In reaction, Lapis grabbed one and threw him in to the water. Lars couldn't swim, and soon drowned. In retaliation The group was able to over come Lapis, crushing her gem and burying her into the Sand. This was small fraction of the fighting which Beach City would have to go through.

Miharu should have learned how to swim.

Kirbystarship might grow as a tree in the sand.

role pm said:


role pm said:
You are Lars

Beach City Resident - You are a resident of Beach City, you must protect your home from those who want to destroy it. You care much about Steven and want aide him and the Crystal Gems in defending Earth. Your only weapon is your voice and your vote.

Town Remaining: ??/??
Mafia Remaining: ??/??

Players remaining: 12/15

Mafia KP = 1

You have 48 hours to decide who to lynch. The player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. Day two ends roughly 3PM EST time. Good luck.
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