Mafia TBT Newbie Mafia: Steven Universe Mafia [END - Town + Shiida Win!]

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There isn't much else for me to say except to try to find the posts where you're claiming you can't be killed at night. Someone would probably get around to a read on you before me because often reads get posted while I'm writing one but I'll give it a shot.

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@Cad. Yes give me a moment to find it

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There is no way for me to know if you are actually town or not so you could be using this to confuse people.

but they surely would have been counterclaimed if shiida wasn't the onion? i don't see any reason why someone wouldn't counter that..
You can get killed at night but it would be a waste of a Kp unless you count as town numbers I don't really know.

I know that I can be killed at night. I never said that I couldn't though.

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I don't get why anyone would ever say that they can't be killed at night. Reading my post imo you should have been able to deduce that. @cass
Read the role list.

There are three roles that can block KP and there's Onion who doesn't care which side he's on.

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@shiida. I'm still scum leaning you as I did on day one. But I think you are third party, that would be why I voted Moonbrink to be lynched instead of you. You wanted a more in depth explanation so I gave you one.
Hi everyone, if applicable please send all of your actions to Crys (gun). (I currently received no actions) If you are changing actions, please let Crys know. :)
I will be stepping out with my family for a few hours so I won't be able to come on tbt. Thanks!
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I mean I will admit I think this discussion is pointless since most people except you seem to know what I'm saying and I think rather than you being scum you're just confused. But I guess I should try to clear things up anyway just in case.
If by confused you mean can't piece together evidence, then yes, I am terrible at that. I have thought you were Onion since before the game started.
There is no color for third party in the html code we're all using.

It was the pinkish color in Miharu's reads or yellow, pinkish was used last game for someone who was color blind and yellow is the normal color
but they surely would have been counterclaimed if shiida wasn't the onion? i don't see any reason why someone wouldn't counter that..

Sorry I didn't see your post after the page change. I'm not really sure what to say in reply, but I don't see why anyone would soft claim third party to begin with.
ok i just got home from work so i'm only catching up now
this also took like 40mins to write and it doesn't even look like much ugh
rip esphas </3

Who were the users that you were suspicious of and leaning to vote for here and why? O:

i'm really not good with going into readings so i'm pretty indecisive but whatever, some of the inactive people like enchilda (i have no idea what's going on with them/if they're playing or not), lucanosa and xerolin haven't pointed out much that's helping/contributing much towards us which could suggest to me that they could be hiding something and keeping a low profile, or they just don't have much to say right now since it's still quite early (but we've already discussed a lot so i'm still unsure), i was also a lil suspicious of tui but they seem to be more active from the last time i catched up
so i suppose i would've voted for one of them, but although as i've said some of my thoughts have changed since yesterday and im indecisive af - there's so many possibilities

looking at newer posts i'm taking into consideration with what others are saying, and catching up with more recent events so these thoughts are 'old' (not really but kind of), they're just not as uptodate - i'm bad at summarising;;

Who would you have voted for IF your vote DID matter on who would be getting lynch? o:

After finding out esphas was town, I would probably go with somebody I mentioned earlier in this post, I'm kinda edging towards lucanosa since they haven't made many posts and i'd like to hear more from them - although that isn't a confident choice, just simply answering your Q lmao

11. Rosetti - Right now the only thing I picked up from Rosetti was his last minute vote on Esphas. He said:

But looking at the votes, his vote definitely made a difference. If he had chosen No Lynch, Esphas wouldn't have been lynched today. There is a chance that he may be sheeping and trying to blend in with the votes on Esphas to get rid of a town member if he was mafia, though he did mention that he didn't want to waste a vote on No Lynch so what he did was somewhat understandable. This is just something that caught my attention. For now I'll have Rosetti as null since most of his responses did seem like he really didn't know what to do xD Though I'll be keeping an eye on him.

i believe whether or not i voted for esphas it wouldn't make a difference, including my vote they got a total of 5 votes, but without my vote esphas would still get 4, i could vote for anyone and they wouldn't have gotten the same number of votes/4 - nolynch would also have 4 votes but i don't think that effects anything right? (i'm not sure but it didnt say it did in the rules of the voting thread)

also i'm a she not a he LMAO
Sorry I didn't see your post after the page change. I'm not really sure what to say in reply, but I don't see why anyone would soft claim third party to begin with.

Since they win with both sides best to let people know so that way they dont lynch the person who could side with town. Also Shiida claims at the start of all their games
It was the pinkish color in Miharu's reads or yellow, pinkish was used last game for someone who was color blind and yellow is the normal color

I'll take another look at it. And for the record I have not seen any reads from the last game except what was reposted in this thread.
I'll take another look at it. And for the record I have not seen any reads from the last game except what was reposted in this thread.

last game was Miharu's first game so that may have been where she got the color, it was just to let you know for further reads
I actually wasn't planning to claim early in this game, but in town of Salem survivor is just one of those things I do first off every time.
Read the survivor's win condition.

I have several times. This discussion is pointless at this point. I didn't see a color for third party and I made a simple typo in my op this morning. Does that clear things up?

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last game was Miharu's first game so that may have been where she got the color, it was just to let you know for further reads

Okay, thank you.

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Since they win with both sides best to let people know so that way they dont lynch the person who could side with town. Also Shiida claims at the start of all their games

Good to know for future games.
I don't think it was a typo, but okay, as long as you understand third party isn't mafia and I never said I was invincible at night.
I don't think it was a typo, but okay, as long as you understand third party isn't mafia and I never said I was invincible at night.

I do understand that third party is not mafia and I also must have misinterpreted the post that I quoted.
I guess this is what I get for catching up on this thread as soon as I get up. Maybe I should wait until daybreak next time since I will actually be awake by then.
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