Mafia TBT Newbie Mafia: Steven Universe Mafia [END - Town + Shiida Win!]

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Nice shot man, I am going to guess Jackofalltrades or One shot vig made that rad shot!!
I mostly make reads on D2 so I'll make a reads when D2starts.

I'M FINALLY DONE OMG JSKLDFJSLKFJSL Reads takes me forever to freaking make man LOL (Though I'm pretty guilty of like getting distracted since I keep wanting to take a short break after typing up a few reads LOL, so if anything I think this took me maybe around 1-2 hours without the distractions to make haha!) This was so tiring omg xD Anyways, I'm kind of not liking how it's pretty inactive here when I'm gone and not questioning people :') It seems like people are trying to suspect me for being the most active when in fact, not many people are posting at all or helping this thread move forward :')

On a different note, I'll like to see everyone's reads on all the players so far with reasons! Please and thanks! :3

Also a side note for everyone, I have work tomorrow (Wednesday) from 9am to 5pm PST time so don't expect me to be on until 6ish of tomorrow xD Though I may try to check in during my lunch break if I finish lunch quickly hahaha!~ Or if it's slow tomorrow and I may have some time to sneak on my phone to check in ;D

Color Coding
Scum lean
Town lock
Town lead
Third Party

1. Miharu - Hello!~ It's a me ;D
2. Kirbystarship - Looking through all his posts, I have a few questions for him. He definitely seems slightly suspicious, but in general Kirby is just always hard to read LOL So here are my questions for you:
1. When replying to Cass123, you said that everyone could always do a no lynch vote. You also said that another time in reply to shiida's post about her wanting to lynch herself. To me it looked like you wanted a no lynch because from your post here:

it seemed like you weren't 100% sure on who to lynch despite your suspicions on Esphas and mogyay. So why did you vote for Esphas instead of No Lynch? o:

3. Enchilada - There's really nothing I can say about Enchilada LOL He hasn't posted once in this thread. I'll be really upset if he was mod killed and turned out to be Town :') And of course, right now he's null for me. ; v ;
4. Xerolin - I'm looking through her replies and responses to my questions and to everyone's reply about her and after re-reading it, she doesn't seem as suspicious as I thought she was. The only thing I really find suspicious about her now is the fact that when we asked her a few questions, she just disappeared from the thread yet, just like Moonbrink, she was still posting in other threads around TBT. Though it's not as bad as with Moonbrink xD The only question I have for you Xerolin is this question that you haven't answered yet on this post:

Xerolin is pretty much known to not be active in Mafia games, so I'm taking that into consideration. For now I'll be having her down as null. xD

5. Moonbrink - I'm going to go ahead and scum lean Moonbrink for now because she's just really suspicious. She seemed eager for the game to start when she asked "so, when will this thread get started >.>" yet she hasn't been posting anything of content and she HAS been active on TBT, but hasn't been replying back on this thread. I find it hard to believe that she could "forget" about this thread if she "can't wait for it to get tense". Not to mention she said that she has a lot of time to kill. Most of her posts are just filler posts and hasn't been providing us much information at all. I would believe if she had a lot of time to spare, it'll make more sense for her to try to post reads or even try to help town with what little input she may have.

Also I'll be posting her most recent post that I questioned below in the spoiler:

After my last question to her post up above in the spoiler, she just disappeared from the thread again. It really seems like she's trying to avoid mine and many other's questions (I believe there were a few other questions she has not answered yet from other players). I looked through her recent activity on TBT, and she's posting in other threads so I really just don't know what's up LOL Not to mention when she suddenly appears in the thread again, she believes Kirby is scum because of his "great deductions recently and is quite active", yet I believe as of right now I was the most active and I pretty much made the first case on Esphas, so idk why she didn't suspect me as well? Was she worried about how I've been questioning a lot of people and she didn't want to feel pressured from me? Idk haha Not only that, shiida and Cass123 were also pretty active during this thread according to the post count at that time. xD

6. Seroja - I'll like to town lean Seroja for now :3 She seems like she's trying her best to help town by asking questions/giving reads/etc. So far none of her posts have really gave me any red flags yet. Her post in regards to Esphas's death also seemed genuine and like she was really upset that we chose the wrong person to lynch : ')
7. Cadbberry - Right now I have Cad as null for now, after the last game I played with her, I just find it hard for me to read Cad LOL So as the game progresses, I'll determine more when I see more posts from her. Most of her posts so far seemed more of a filler post to me (or like posts that were answering people's questions they had about the game etc etc, you'll see what I mean if you look through her posts XD ) There was only like 1-2 posts from her that had some pretty good content :3 Though it's understandable since the game didn't progress much during that time xD
8. tui - Tui hasn't posted too much, but her posts and opinions all seemed genuine. Her post about Esphas and her views on him was pretty right and she backed up her vote on why she voted for No Lynch. For someone who's playing for their first time, I think she's doing pretty well on her insight with Esphas despite the fact that she was inactive until the last few hours (which she listed her reasons why). Though I could see this as her trying to seem like town since Mafia KNOWS who each other is, so it's easy to say/defend someone who they know is town to seem like they are town and to lessen people's suspicions of them on Day 1. Though I may just be overthinking it ahaha it's just something I'm considering for future reference. This doesn't just apply to tui though. For now I'll like to half town lean her and half null her. I'll be looking forward to seeing more posts and insights from you! :3
9. Lucanosa - Right now I have Lucanosa as null. He hasn't posted much content for me to read him yet xD Hoping to see more posts from him and many others soon! :3 (I guess the only thing that stands out to me is his answer to the question of what he wanted to be known to do this game which was "help the newbies", that definitely seems helpful, but Lucanosa hasn't really posted much yet and doesn't seem very active right now if he wants to help the newbies xD My only question for you atm Lucanosa is, how will you be helping the newbies? o: What do you plan on doing to help us? :3
10. Cass123 - Right now I'll have Cass on half town lean and half null mainly because it DOES seem like Cass is trying her best to help out town and she's doing pretty well with helping, but most of her suspicions on the players (like Esphas/Kirby/Moonbrink) have already been brought up first by me or other players and she's just questioning them further xD So to me it seems like somewhat sheeping haha! But I may just be overthinking things! As this thread moves forward, we'll see! Right now I'm not really suspicious of Cass ahaha, it's just something I'm keeping in mind since not much as happened yet :3
11. Rosetti - Right now the only thing I picked up from Rosetti was his last minute vote on Esphas. He said:

But looking at the votes, his vote definitely made a difference. If he had chosen No Lynch, Esphas wouldn't have been lynched today. There is a chance that he may be sheeping and trying to blend in with the votes on Esphas to get rid of a town member if he was mafia, though he did mention that he didn't want to waste a vote on No Lynch so what he did was somewhat understandable. This is just something that caught my attention. For now I'll have Rosetti as null since most of his responses did seem like he really didn't know what to do xD Though I'll be keeping an eye on him.
12. Esphas - deceased :') Forgive me ; v ; <3
13. Shiida - I would like to believe that Shiida is the Onion haha XD She's been hinting since the beginning that she's an onion and she's been showing us that she doesn't want to be on the bad side of either sides since her main goal is to stay alive throughout this entire game to win. Though there is a chance that she could just be fooling us, but knowing shiida from playing with her last game, she did say that she's known for claiming early, so seeing her hint at her role is no surprise ahaha!
14. Qwerty111 - I'm pretty suspicious of Qwerty111 now due to her response to Mogyay. It definitely felt like she was on edge from feeling pressured. Her response looked like she was being really really defensive. Not to mention the fact that she had nothing to say about what's been happening so far when we asked (I don't even think she answered my question for her yet, though my question was simply what input she has with what's going on and if she could make any reads, though she pretty much answered it for me with her reply back to Mogyay's post). She's played 4 games so far, so I would assume she would at least have a small input on my situation with Esphas during that time. Even a little "oh I think Esphas seems like town and is just messing up since it's his first game" or vice versa would have sufficed. xD

After that last post from mogyay (up above in the spoiler), Qwerty never responded back even though she posted in regards to shiida's comment about shiida telling Mafia that shooting her(shiida) would be a waste. xD It looks like to me that she's trying to avoid Mogyay's post.

15. Mogyay - For mogyay's first game, I believe she's doing pretty well so far with her reads and input! I'll definitely like to town lean her since to me it looks like she's trying her best to help out town. I'll just like to put in that if Qwerty111 flips scum, then I'll definitely like to town lock Mogyay. Mogyay's post about Qwerty's response to her question definitely looked like Qwerty was on edge from feeling pressured.

Here are miharu's reads

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I mostly make reads on D2 so I'll make a reads when D2starts.

Nice shot man, I am going to guess Jackofalltrades or One shot vig made that rad shot!!

ok I'm still awake I'll be dead at work but whatever.

@shiida, if mafia had 2 kp, and only miharu died, does that mean someone got protected?
ok I'm still awake I'll be dead at work but whatever.

@shiida, if mafia had 2 kp, and only miharu died, does that mean someone got protected?

My guess is Kirby attacked a veteran on alert.

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In which case that vet is S.C.R.E.W.E.D
ok I'm still awake I'll be dead at work but whatever.

@shiida, if mafia had 2 kp, and only miharu died, does that mean someone got protected?

If you don't mind me answering. Either someone got protected or someone used a different power than shooting.
I guess vets can't alert in this game, but it's basically reflecting a mafia shot. So yea someone was probs saved somehow and a Vig got tardis.

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If you don't mind me answering. Either someone got protected or someone used a different power than shooting.

Why either?

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What do you mean a different power than shooting?
I guess vets can't alert in this game, but it's basically reflecting a mafia shot. So yea someone was probs saved somehow and a Vig got tardis.

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Why either?

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What do you mean a different power than shooting?
Could be both I guess.
Jasper, Steven and Garnet can all block attacks.
I have no idea. Its my first game but I saw those things on the role list.

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Can we get a timer on the voting thread?
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