the fact that I don't have to try to blend in w/ town and I can just post freely
also ;-; I can't believe you died, I mean I'm not surprised since you contributed a lot
RIP Mimi </3
I'm used to 48 hr games so I spaced it out last night otl
>.> I'll try not to repeat it again
also seeing how miharu flipped town, this bit is towards the newbies: you should dig up more than just her reads; you need to dig up everyone's reads and compare for similarities and differences, since hers probably aren't 100% accurate, but they at least give some truthful insight since she didn't lie (scum would forge reads). consider everyone else's reads as possibly forged, so if you compare and also look overall at who's sus, you can sometimes pinpoint scum and then question them until they break. this is where the whole pressure thing is v important in mafia, because if someone makes a case on you, your reactions and not necessarily your answers are what gives you away.
looking back, and going over everyone's reads, I've found something odd; also I'll try to make a post w/ links to everyone's reads since it's taking forever to go back and collect links LOL
(Miharu accurately scumread Kirby, even though she did scumread Esphas as well, it makes me believe some of her reads are partially accurate.)
mogyay, cass, seroja, and tui are all read overall as town in almost everyone's D2 reads, but notice how tui's first reads: [x] targets mostly those who are townread as scum, and cadberry as town (which people have mixed feelings for in most reads), until she finishes her reads later at night, which seem to follow the same format (shiida third party, same people townread, etc) as most other's reads
plus tui seems to be posting minimally, contributing mainly these reads she made. this little bit sorta caught my eye.
as stated before, the same 4 people ^ are contributing quite a bit, and they're townread in most reads, so I'm going to townread them except for tui (null) for now.
I've found another odd thing looking back and comparing reads, which I'll elaborate later once I can collect all of the links to reads in one cohesive post
mogyay, cass, seroja, and tui are all read overall as town in almost everyone's D2 reads, but notice how tui's first reads: [x] targets mostly those who are townread as scum, and cadberry as town (which people have mixed feelings for in most reads), until she finishes her reads later at night, which seem to follow the same format (shiida third party, same people townread, etc) as most other's reads
plus tui seems to be posting minimally, contributing mainly these reads she made. this little bit sorta caught my eye.
as stated before, the same 4 people ^ are contributing quite a bit, and they're townread in most reads, so I'm going to townread them except for tui (null) for now.
I've found another odd thing looking back and comparing reads, which I'll elaborate later once I can collect all of the links to reads in one cohesive post
the only person who i read as scum who we now know isn't is miharu - i gave my reasons behind that and i got it wrong. my second scum read was kirby who did turn out to be scum. my third and last scum read was seroja and they have replied to me and given their reasons for doing the things i was suspicious about, and i still have a scum read for them now though it's not as strong as my initial read.
at the end of the day these are my reads and my suspicions, and i can't see how they raise suspicion just because i read a couple of people differently to the majority because the point of the game is to discuss and question these differences in order to decide who to vote in the lynches. the fact that the last half of my reads were similar to everybody else's was just coincidence - i did my reads in the order of the names in the OP, and the only reason they are split into two posts is because i didn't have the time to sit and do it all at once.
and with regards to the minimal posting it's just because i've been busy with school and socialising (and unfortunately will be in the next couple of days.) i've already said that as much as i'd love to be able to post when i have nothing or little to do at school but i can't get signal or mobile data there to do so unfortunately! i'm around for most of today so i'll try and question a few of the things that i find to be 'off' so i've contributed more than just my reads.
i made a huge read list but i'm not gonna post it since night has pretty much ended HOWEVER i'm surprised no one is really suspecting luca right now? i mean luca you said you'd changed your mind about a few things since the lynching so i'd like to hear more about that but you haven't posted here (you might be busy but you did post 2 hours later) you're fine calling out the 'noobs' with your slightly condescending attitude but give me one post of your where you explained this/tried to help? if you really thought it was a bad idea lynching esphas you could have voiced your opinion like some of us did. if your town it'd be better if you actually tried to help instead of blaming which makes me think you're scum. you didn't even vote? i could be wrong since i'm kinda new but if you'd voted no lynch wouldn't that have made a huge difference to the outcome? ugh i'm nervous right now
you haven't been posting freely though, does that make you scum? i also re-quoted all my questions to you that you didn't answer. we never did get to hear your insights regarding esphas at all, only your insights after miharu was killed. although you are being helpful towards the new players it's only after miharu actually called you out on it so i don't think you helping is a sure sign you're town. let's hope you actually go through with your post this time, unlike before. right now i'm leaning on scum for you.
i also think it's important to look at miharu's reads to gain some potential insights into why she may have been killed (she was a very strong town player so these don't have to necessarily mean anything (as luca mentioned) but i think it's important to look)
qwerty111: when i called you out you did make one read but i don't think it was that helpful, other people had already made a case against moonbrink. i do think your read was actually kind of insightful but it was only one so i'd like to see more, it looks like you're trying to blend back into the shadows now the heat is off you again. it's also really suspicious how you're avoiding any questioning. you didn't answer my last one to you and you didn't answer miharu's either. what are you so afraid of? i keep going back to your answers where you say you're on edge if you're mafia...
moonbrink: i'm leaning mafia towards you, i find it really odd how you actually had a right read on kirby but you acted so coy about it. as qwerty mentioned there were other more active players but you only mentioned kirby? not only that but you said kirby's reads were good? as far as i can see they're not that good. so why did you suspect him for all the wrong reasons despite being right? lucky guess or were you working together? are you throwing us off the scent by pretending to suspect him? the reason i mention this is because why else would you post something so stupid
why post it if you think it's wrong. unless you want us to believe it's wrong so we didn't lynch kirby? don't post reads you think are wrong as that's just going to confuse town.
i will post reads on everyone later (might just colour code people depending on time, sorry busy day with work and school) but these are my main suspects right now
Good morning folks. I'm just popping in. I'll be starting to form my reads in about 1.5 hours when I'm more awake. I'm still trying to get the hang of it but I'll try to make one on every player.
Here are my D2 reads as promised. I'm not sure why my last post isn't showing up as the last post. Hopefully the post glitch has been fixed.
Town Read Town Lean Null Third Party Scum Lean Scum Read
Locket For now I?m going to scum lean you. This may change later. You replaced Enchilada over 24 hours ago and you still have not made any reads despite saying that you were going to and being active on other threads today. There was also only one kill made by mafia N1.
Xerolin I?m going to null read you for now. You haven?t made very many posts but you are active in other threads. Your read on Kirbystarship was accurate but the one you made on Miharu was not. You seem to care about town but I?m still not sure about you.
Moonbrink You are without a doubt scum lean to me. You might be confused but you haven?t given me a reason to trust you. You still haven?t answered the questions I asked after my last read on you. You also didn?t vote D1. Additionally, you seem to be admitting defeat after getting 3 votes against you and are not trying to fight your case.
Seroja Town Lean. Your scum leans seem to be spot on with mine. Initially you thought [COLOR="#008000" Esphas][/COLOR] was scum but later changed your mind and gave your reasons. You seem to genuinely care about the town.
[COLOR="#696969"] Cadbberry [/COLOR] Null read for now since I?m having trouble reading you. You haven?t made a lot of reads but you have been asking a lot of questions. You also haven?t answered Mogyay?s question as to whether you shot Miharu .
tui I?m going to town lean you for now but that may change. You haven?t made a lot of posts so it?s hard for me to read you. You did question why those who thought [COLOR="#008000" Esphas][/COLOR] was indeed town voted for them instead of no lynch.
[COLOR="#FFA500"] Lucanosa [/COLOR] Scum Lean. So far you have made a total of 6 posts. Your reads are very minimal, only saying who you town leaned or read as null. There?s not much else for me to say at this point but I?d like to see your opinions about other players.
Rosetti Null read for now. You haven?t made much of a contribution yet and you have only posted 9 times so there isn?t much for me to read. If you truly believed [COLOR="#008000" Esphas][/COLOR] was innocent you could have voted no lynch. There would have been more no lynch votes if you had done so. This could be a rookie mistake since this is your first game so that?s why I?m null reading you for now.
[COLOR="#FFD700"]shiida[/COLOR]Third Party. You soft claimed third party before the game even started and all of your posts suggest that you are what you claim.
Qwerty111 Scum Lean. You seemed very on edge when you posted your RSQs and when Mogyay questioned you. So far I believe you have made one read, on Moonbrink, after I already posted a read on him. Your edginess makes me very suspicious. You have only posted 8 times though so my opinion on you could change.
mogyay Town Lean for now. You are probing a lot of people and making some good reads. You still seem a little on edge but that could be because this is your first game. I want to trust that you are town but that could change.
Obviously these reads are not completely accurate since it is unlikely that there are 4 mafia remaining. I'm still trying to work on my reads skill.
the only person who i read as scum who we now know isn't is miharu - i gave my reasons behind that and i got it wrong. my second scum read was kirby who did turn out to be scum. my third and last scum read was seroja and they have replied to me and given their reasons for doing the things i was suspicious about, and i still have a scum read for them now though it's not as strong as my initial read.
at the end of the day these are my reads and my suspicions, and i can't see how they raise suspicion just because i read a couple of people differently to the majority because the point of the game is to discuss and question these differences in order to decide who to vote in the lynches. the fact that the last half of my reads were similar to everybody else's was just coincidence - i did my reads in the order of the names in the OP, and the only reason they are split into two posts is because i didn't have the time to sit and do it all at once.
and with regards to the minimal posting it's just because i've been busy with school and socialising (and unfortunately will be in the next couple of days.) i've already said that as much as i'd love to be able to post when i have nothing or little to do at school but i can't get signal or mobile data there to do so unfortunately! i'm around for most of today so i'll try and question a few of the things that i find to be 'off' so i've contributed more than just my reads.
I didn't mean it in a way as to scum-lean you, which I even stated in my post that I view you as null, I meant it in a strange coincidence kind of way o: since it was really odd to me w/ the timing of your posts, that's all
you haven't been posting freely though, does that make you scum? i also re-quoted all my questions to you that you didn't answer. we never did get to hear your insights regarding esphas at all, only your insights after miharu was killed. although you are being helpful towards the new players it's only after miharu actually called you out on it so i don't think you helping is a sure sign you're town. let's hope you actually go through with your post this time, unlike before. right now i'm leaning on scum for you.
by posting freely I meant being open and not hiding stuff; if anyone has any questions for me (or ones I haven't answered yet), feel free to ask! xD I'm sorry for any confusion
as for the Esphas ordeal, as I stated, I simply wasn't on since I assumed like most games this was a 48 hr game, which was an honest mistake on my part; I'll make sure to read the times from now on (if I even play another game), and to clean up my schedule in advance. although, if I was on during time to where I could've voted, I would've likely not voted or #NOVOTE because it seemed to me more of a mistake on his part than him acting scummy, since as I said previously, he did something similar to what I did when I first began mafia, and it was easy to see he was town with how he cracked and gave up, as if he didn't really matter much to the game. also I'm sorry if I have a condescending attitude ;-; I don't mean it in any rude way
the second odd thing I found that I want to bring up is how after Miharu posted her last reads: [x], she died later that night. she suspected 3 people as scum (Kirby who died and confirmed as scum, Moonbrink, and Qwerty), which makes me wonder if she was targeted by scum later that night for creating accurate reads, since she dug up and presented the most evidence out of everyone when making reads, and one of them turned out true.
when I looked through all of Moon's posts (ignoring her /in post):
1. What is your timezone? CST
2. How do you react under pressure? I handle it, ok?
3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia? first time, idk
4. What are you going to be known to do this game? being the quiet but emotional one
5. How many games have you played? 0
HOLY CRAP GUYS sorry I haven't been on just saw that esphas was lynched as a townie. rest in peace esphas. tbh I think kirby is scum, he has been making some great deductions recently and is quite active. maybe he is trying to cover the fact that he is scum? idk guys probably wrong. >.>
none of her posts contribute, and the only people she mention are Esphas and Kirby, which strikes me as odd, since she was basically spot on w/ Kirby, and she hasn't even tried to post something that is actually one bit meaningful or helpful. I'm scumleaning Moon because of this.
1. What is your timezone? GMT +1/ BST
2. How do you react under pressure? I crack. Real bad. But I've cracked very hard in both town and scum roles so it's not a giveaway i am just sensitive and fragile
3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia? town. you feel less on edge 24/7
4. What are you going to be known to do this game? probably die first or something. it always happens. hopefully not tho. dying isn't nice no matter the role.
5. How many games have you played? 4! three newbie mafias (this will be 4th newbie oh god) and one main game. still not good at this though .n.
Hi! I have been reading the thread as often as I can, but I honestly can't see anything worth pointing out, so I've kept quiet. I'm still not very good at reading people, so that's why I'm in newbie still, hah. I haven't replied to all the posts questioning my inactivity - i've been writing this post for about 40 mins now!!! haha. But this is just a general thing.
Oh, I'm not on edge - You'd be able to tell. [x] - As town*[x] - As SK. I get salty real fast. Anyway, since you'd like to hear more o v o
Here's something we can all use! It's simple, and you don't have to explain why you picked that colour, though it may be helpful if you do! This was used in one of the last games I played and it was invaluable.
anyway gonna go vote as no lynch so i don't get modkilled
*Some eager beavers may notice i was very active in this game - it was my first game in absolutely ages! I've learned from my mistakes and now I am a lot more careful with what I say, so I don't change opinions and change sides rapidly and so i'm not sheeping all the way through a game, So yeah!
Did you read the post at all? I have said, in the post, that I have no reads at the moment. If I had reads, I would of made a reads post. I thought the template would be of use to everyone, I'm sure everyone can copy paste, no? Also it's sk vs town- ooooh! but you wouldn't know that because you didn't read it! How rude.
What? The only reason that mafia would be wasting their KP is if you were a role that you can't kill at night, or are you just dead set that someone will protect you? or maybe ur just calling yourself stupid and insignificant?? man i am bad at jokes
She says a lot of off topic things, which makes her seem like she's pretty active, post count wise... but she's not.
(gah the word kill here just gives me the heebie jeebies.)
Anyway, into some actual ready stuff, because THE EVIDENCE GODS ARE SMILING ON ME TODAY
While a pretty good suggestion, Everyone has kind of been active. There's like 4, 5 people who have been very active at one time. Though Kirby has been rather active, significantly so. But hey.. maybe they have more time to kill than you. It is summer break season! Also, the "great deductions" phrase makes me think that Kirby has been picking up on some of Moon's scum mates, and now they're getting in a huff about it.
(in response to the above post)
(to which moon replied...)
This only confirms it. Moon doesn't want to apply pressure to Kirby because they're active, only because of some other reason, maybe not b/c of found scum mates, but another one? Either way, she made this "read" to try and get us off her back. If you really were going to call someone out because they were active, wouldn't you pick the most active?
most of their posts involve lots of quotes so if they're confusing that's why lol (you can click the arrow
beside someone's name in a quote and it'll take you to the original post)
anyways, if Moon is scum, then either Qwerty is betraying her (assuming if both are scum), or Qwerty is spot on w/ their reads. I'm guessing there's only 2 more mafia left, which means they both (both Qwerty and Moon) might be scum, unless someone else is hiding away since this isn't a very lit mafia game. I'm scumleaning them both, but I'm gonna vote for Moon since I think she's more likely to flip scum. I want both to come on and post more, and I want to see their opinions, but I'm pretty confident one of them is scum.
(what I just did above was a case btw, it's when you target one or more specific people and you basically go through all of their posts, analyzing them, and finding patterns. reads are overall views on everyone playing, whereas a case is sorta a zoomed-in read on certain people)
my reads on everyone else:
Locket - Inactive. PLEASE COME AND POST ;o;
Xerolin - Banned. Seriously, go look on their profile LOL. Uhhh ..... idk what to think of them now
Moonbrink - leaning towards scum
Seroja - null
Cadbberry - null/townlean. she seems like she's helping town, but I'd like to see more of her posts before I make any strong opinions on her
tui - null. what I previously pointed out was more of a coincidence, and if it wasn't for it, I'd townlean them
Cass - Townlean; she's helping out as much as she can, and she's always trying to push the thread forward o: now that Miharu is gone, I think she's stepping up and taking her place as the most active/contributing
Rosetti - Null, they haven't posted a ton and what they have posted is really hard to analyze
Shiida - lowkey trying to go off as third party and floating throughout the game so far.... if she doesn't post anything, someone needs to go up to her and poke her w/ a stick until she either breaks and hardclaims or she begins helping us. I've said this before in many games: just because you're third party, doesn't mean you're actually helping town. not to mention I've seen a lot of people get away with hiding under the third party cover. if you're reading this I want you to try to at least come up with some reads soon.
Qwerty - scumlean, either they, Moon, or both of them are probably scum
Mogyay - Town, although she seems a bit shy w/ some of this, she's helping a lot and seems to be trying to help town as much as she can.
sorry for the wall of text ;-; like I said before, if you have any questions for me feel free to ask! c: and if there's any I missed (which I probably have) go ahead and ask them again~
Thanks for the heads up on Xerolin, do you have any idea if it is temporary or not?.
I was not aware that the reads focused on only one person were called cases, so thank you.
Thanks for the heads up on Xerolin, do you have any idea if it is temporary or not?.
I was not aware that the reads focused on only one person were called cases, so thank you.
I know her, and when she's banned it's usually for a few days/weeks, depending on what it is. either way I don't think she'll be able to play anymore unless one of the mods decides to let her free early.
and np! c: like I said, my goal is to help town (and the new players) as much as I can, so feel free to ask me any and all questions even if they're silly or you're just curious
I know her, and when she's banned it's usually for a few days/weeks, depending on what it is. either way I don't think she'll be able to play anymore unless one of the mods decides to let her free early.
and np! c: like I said, my goal is to help town (and the new players) as much as I can, so feel free to ask me any and all questions even if they're silly or you're just curious
Cass123- Seems really active, and (no offense) pretty defensive. I just have a feeling... Lucanosa- I haven't seen their posts. Moonbrink- On the edge of scum lean, they seem shady, but yet I'm not sure. Cadbberry- Seems like a town, not very shady Seroja[/COLOR]- Haven't seen their posts either tui- Haven't seen posts Rosetti- Seems shady... hmmmmmm Shiida- Seems active, but not too active. Seems to be a town Qwerty111- Scum lean, not quite sure on them though Mogyay- Seems too innocent
Cass123- Seems really active, and (no offense) pretty defensive. I just have a feeling... Lucanosa- I haven't seen their posts. Moonbrink- On the edge of scum lean, they seem shady, but yet I'm not sure. Cadbberry- Seems like a town, not very shady Seroja[/COLOR]- Haven't seen their posts either tui- Haven't seen posts Rosetti- Seems shady... hmmmmmm Shiida- Seems active, but not too active. Seems to be a town Qwerty111- Scum lean, not quite sure on them though Mogyay- Seems too innocent
Can you be more specific about your scum lean on me?
Why do you think I'm defensive?
Also, activity and inactivity can be signs of scum, Miharu was more active than me but she flipped town.
Cass123- Seems really active, and (no offense) pretty defensive. I just have a feeling... Lucanosa- I haven't seen their posts. Moonbrink- On the edge of scum lean, they seem shady, but yet I'm not sure. Cadbberry- Seems like a town, not very shady Seroja[/COLOR]- Haven't seen their posts either tui- Haven't seen posts Rosetti- Seems shady... hmmmmmm Shiida- Seems active, but not too active. Seems to be a town Qwerty111- Scum lean, not quite sure on them though Mogyay- Seems too innocent
why do you think shiida is town despite soft-claiming third party?
seroja has been posting actively, why haven't you seen her posts?
if they're shady please tell us why?
i get the feeling you didn't really read the thread...
Can you be more specific about your scum lean on me?
Why do you think I'm defensive?
Also, activity and inactivity can be signs of scum, Miharu was more active than me but she flipped town.
I saw Shiida and you post, you just seem a little defensive of yourself.
Now, these are mainly just feelings that I am going by, I'm still really new, and will need to adjust.
Cass123- Seems really active, and (no offense) pretty defensive. I just have a feeling... Lucanosa- I haven't seen their posts. Moonbrink- On the edge of scum lean, they seem shady, but yet I'm not sure. Cadbberry- Seems like a town, not very shady Seroja[/COLOR]- Haven't seen their posts either tui- Haven't seen posts Rosetti- Seems shady... hmmmmmm Shiida- Seems active, but not too active. Seems to be a town Qwerty111- Scum lean, not quite sure on them though Mogyay- Seems too innocent
I saw Shiida and you post, you just seem a little defensive of yourself.
Now, these are mainly just feelings that I am going by, I'm still really new, and will need to adjust.
why do you think shiida is town despite soft-claiming third party?
seroja has been posting actively, why haven't you seen her posts?
if they're shady please tell us why?
i get the feeling you didn't really read the thread...
alright.. i suggest reading the thread a bit more before making sweeping statements as this could be harmful to town. i know you're starting to feel pressured because people have been asking for your reads but it probably looks less scummy to take more time to understand things than basically make stuff up.
alright.. i suggest reading the thread a bit more before making sweeping statements as this could be harmful to town. i know you're starting to feel pressured because people have been asking for your reads but it probably looks less scummy to take more time to understand things than basically make stuff up.