TBT Weekend Update

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Lol congrats people xD.
Now anyone want to sell an apple for all my collectables and all villigers you want from my cycle towns?

You should offer up some of your tbt since all of your collectibles and villagers aren't valued up to an apple cx
just a thought ~ ^^
Can you win one if you have one? Or did I waste my bells?

There were no entries excluded. :) The only thing I do is look over the winners ahead of time to check for any potential suspicious activity. I don't check for existing collectibles.
There were no entries excluded. :) The only thing I do is look over the winners ahead of time to check for any potential suspicious activity. I don't check for existing collectibles.

What do you mean by suspicious activity? Like bragging?
There were no entries excluded. :) The only thing I do is look over the winners ahead of time to check for any potential suspicious activity. I don't check for existing collectibles.

Whew! Thanks! Next time, if you could make it known that people that already have one Apple cannot participate in the purchase during a specific restock, that would be probably helpful to those who are trying to get their first Apple. I have been desperately trying to help my friend get her first Apple and could not add it, so I missed out on a peach.
Frick. I got it. Confirm purchase again and it the screen went straight to my inventory. No Apple. :(
Aww I had the apple in my cart then poof (??̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω?̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

Congrats to everyone! (≧∇≦)b This was fun hahaha
Aww I'm sorry people who couldn't get them, the unique thing helped like soooo much! Thanks
Congrats to those who won the hammers and to those who got an apple at the restock.

And big thanks to the bakers for making me a new chocolate cake. I think the apple was just hungry.
You are a collectible hoarder and clearly the type of person who I would not want to be friends with. Have fun bragging about your collectibles. You'll need more than a good internet connection to succeed in the real world.

yes I'm a hoarder that brags everywhere about pixels and not at all one that has semi-frequently brought up not even caring if the system was done away with, and in fact has even semi-jokingly actually proposed just that. you know me so well

have fun getting far in life with invalid and poor assumptions, while also probably just listening to what you want to hear and nothing else
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