Our third door for December 16th is now open as of 5:49AM Eastern Time. Thanks to Thunder for his work on today's featured prize image!
Things to Know:
- Click or tap on the door with a character's face for each day to receive a free prize on us for the holidays! Of course, you can't open a door before the day comes.
- Each door will only be available until the next one opens, so for approximately 24 hours each. You can still see the prizes you've missed, but you cannot claim them.
- You may need to hard refresh (CTRL+F5) or clear your cache at times to see the latest door open when we update the calendar. Please try this first if you cannot see the latest prize before posting for help.
- Some older browsers may experience glitches. Please make sure to use the most updated version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge if possible.
- Turn your sound up!