My words are Global and Matriarch. Global would be a round circle
representing the world with all the continents on it. Easy.
We all know who the Matriarch is: Isabella, Easy right?
But was it?
My dreams starts with me finding all the clothing/items to make Isabella the best matriarch to date.
But I was constantly being interrupted by the voice of a patriarch villager.
and the word Mapatriarch.
Who was the villager.
What the heck is a Mapatriarch.
I don't have time to look it up.
I need to get Isabella ready.
The voice will not go away.
Every minute for hours, I am pestered.
It's getting louder. I hear stomping feet.
The word Mapatriarch is plastered on every item I pick up.
What does the word mean?
Who was doing this to me?
What did he want from me?
How can I make it stop.
WHO ARE YOU, I screamed.
Dead silence.
I'm thinking, Okay, I need to find out what a Mapatriarch is.
The definition of Mapatriarch is: A woman or man who heads up a clan.
I'm shaking and sweating.
I'm done with this, Enough is enough.
I throw Isabella on the table with my world globe.
I take a picture,and take a deep breathe. It's over.
I wake up screaming Noooooooooooooooo!
Here is my picture: He photo bombed it.