Congrats to the people who managed to grow a gold rose!

I managed to grow a pink hyacinth tonight and I'm more than happy with that! ^^ I ended up with 3 pink hyacinths and 1 blue hyacinth from this event which is more than I could ask for tbh.

After the first few days passed with fruitless results, I was just hoping for a single pink hyacinth lol. I didn't buy a watering can either, so I wasn't expecting much, but I tried posting when I could for these last few days, and was also able to borrow flowers from the amazing @/skarmoury, @/Aquilla and @/JemAC!

Their flowers made more than half of my lineup, and I don't think I would have gotten the four hybrids I ended up with without their generosity, so shout out to them.
Again, thank you once again to everyone who watered my posts!

It was so sweet seeing how many people were going through pages and pages to water everyone's posts. And of course, thank you staff for hosting this event! I wasn't a fan of flowers before this event, but the hyacinths are super cute and I'm glad I tried my luck, since I considered sitting out of this event at first.