TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

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okay i have minmaxed my lineup (watering can now at the side, 9 alternating hyacinths, no golden watering can cuz it expensive sorry), here’s to hoping for a pink hyacinth!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸 and maybe a blue hyacinth! 💙💙💙 please gacha gods 🙏
(tho i may or may not have used up all my gacha luck in two gachas i was pulling for last month erm!)
Me for the next week. Sprinkle on me people.

This did not work. I got nish

Second Try. Please...water me
So, the odds for the golden rose - they don't stack, right? If you had 9 black roses, would you have a better chance than if you had just 2? Or is it still the same 1%? Hmmm.

I started with the goal of maybe a blue rose being obtainable. But now I'm wondering if I should try for more black roses, to then go for the gold.
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