TBT's Earth Week 2024: Hybrid Flower Breeding & More!

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Finally got my first hybrid everrr!! Can I hear a wahoo? ;D

Hope I get an extra for the last day, good luck everyone~ ❤️
Screenshot 2024-04-28 09.08.06.png

ommmg yassss finally a purple rose~
I think I'm gonna keep my flowers in this line up, for maximum change of different hybrids~
So, still would like another purple rose~
A orange and pink hyaclinth and either blue or purple one too.

Adding this gif again haha~

I'll be right back from watering you'll posts~
3rd day (not in a row) of nothing which is kind of a bummer but hopefully I have luck on the last day (and compared to those who have got no hybrids I am blessed).

I have still not gotten a pink lily so I would prefer to prioritise that but given I spent bells on hyacinths on Friday that haven't paid off with a hybrid yet I don't want to waste more money making a lily heavy lineup for one night. I'm just going to leave things as they are and hope for the best!
Overall, its been good. I've gotten 3/4 pink hybrids so I have 4/5 overall, my pink cosmos is from 5 years ago so making a line up from it might be a tad difficult.
i can't believe it's the last day already?! i hope everybody gets that last hybrid (or more) they're yearning for and i hope even more that those who haven't gotten one yet are able to get something on this last growth!

this was such a fun event and i think i might actually miss all those watering notifications!
ty leif for the 10 bells! I got an orange rose this time- looks like I'm all set for the next flower week. I'm already looking forward to it, this one has been a blast!

I hope you all have good luck and lots of water in this next round! I'm not sure whether to go for a blue violet, another magic red, a black rose or something entirely new.
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