TBT's Halloweaster 2020 Event Part Two

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im hoping someone will be selling a candy corn egg after this cause i doubt im gonna get 3 eggs at this rate lol

maybe i'll be able to spot some tomorrow?? im in big dummy mode right now smh 😔
The advice I would give to anyone having trouble is to take an hour (or 5!) away from the forum and come back with a clear head. Even sleeping on it can help loads when it comes to clarity and gaining a renewed sense of vigor to keep hunting.

Please remember that this is all for fun, and while it can be frustrating at times, the eggs aren't going anywhere and you'll all have plenty of time to search. Let's all try to stay positive and keep things in perspective. If the clues were all absurdly easy there'd be no payoff for finding them. 🥚
Found eggs 9 and 10. Also, I'm proud of myself with egg 10 because as soon as the general meaning of the clue clicked I also identified the exact location that it would probably be at

Just 1 more egg to get the cobweb egg
This really does get to your head tbh
I understand some of the clues to the fullest, and I know I'm right as to what it's referring to-

i just can't find the page
welp, got 2 of the eggs at least, lol...
chasing a dream for the rest, but don't know how I feel about going through 100s of threads >_>
welp, got 2 of the eggs at least, lol...
chasing a dream for the rest, but don't know how I feel about going through 100s of threads >_>

i can tell you right now it's the polar opposite of fun. how do i know? because it's the strategy i've been using for the last hour-ish.
i can tell you right now it's the polar opposite of fun. how do i know? because it's the strategy i've been using for the last hour-ish.
it doesn't help that i looked through the [censored] thread like 5 times before seeing the very obvious egg >_>
i suck, lol.
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