TBT's Halloweaster 2020 Event Part Two

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new question: will there be an opportunity to provide feedback for this event after the fact?
me, knowing the general vibe of an answer but not knowing exactly the who what when where or why:

Absolutely! i am still stuck with the same ones i was yesterday and i have the feeling I know where it wants me to go, but then I dont see anything ... I feel i am close yet I a incredibly far away. Going 🍌 here
Absolutely! i am still stuck with the same ones i was yesterday and i have the feeling I know where it wants me to go, but then I dont see anything or i dont see anything ... I feel i am close yet I a incredibly far away. Going 🍌 here
I have a good five of the clues that I've definitely had AHA moments over but then I ran into a brick wall and I'm still here with four eggs 😂 I am going to sleep on it, but the urge to threaten to click through every thread intensifies 🤪😆
I have a good five of the clues that I've definitely had AHA moments over but then I ran into a brick wall and I'm still here with four eggs 😂 I am going to sleep on it, but the urge to threaten to click through every thread intensifies 🤪😆

I FEEL YOU SO HARD! i was yesterday till very late and im still in the same position, same old wall, i even know how many bricks the wall has , its sane 🤪
I FEEL YOU SO HARD! i was yesterday till very late and im still in the same position, same old wall, i even know how many bricks the wall has , its sane 🤪
I don't even know how many bricks the wall has accurately describes this xD

(that being said i love this event. i'm absolutely terrible at clues and riddles but the joy of finally finding an egg slaps. thank you mod team! can't wait for more clues to bust my brain over eheh)
went to sleep, woke up, the remaining eggs still elude me. congrats to those who found any in the meantime though!

mini rant/vent/criticism ahead.
no doubt i'm the minority and the staff are sick of hearing me (valid) but i really would've preferred simple questions with a few harder ones, or for clues to be "simplified"/added onto as time passes, or (again) an alternative to earning eggs, so everyone stood more of a fair chance at getting at least the first three collectibles. not everyone is good at puzzles or riddles, and it's not necessarily something you can teach yourself, at least not overnight or especially when they require such specific knowledge, and i wish that had been taken into more consideration.

idk just breaks my heart seeing people fail through no fault of their own and think they're/call themselves stupid when they're not, the game is just ridiculously hard and appears to only have one difficulty setting. i understand full well it's supposed to be a challenge but, even with that in mind, you don't typically start people off on the challenging difficulty.
I agree. I honestly don't know how I found the eggs that I have. I have enough to get the candy corn egg but I really want the purple egg (cause purple is one of my favorite colors) but I seriously doubt Im gonna find 10 eggs before Monday night. I know that there are people who are really good at figuring these out but I personally just look at them and think "wow I'm an idiot" and then I get sad cause I didn't get enough eggs to get the one I wanted :,,,,,,(

oh well, that's just a failure on my part. if I don't get enough for it during the event I'll prob have to give up cause I'm sure it'll be worth way more tbt than I can afford...
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i'm absolutely terrible at clues and riddles but the joy of finally finding an egg slaps.
If this ain't a mood
I agree. I honestly don't know how I found the eggs that I have. I have enough to get the candy corn egg but I really want the purple egg (cause purple is one of my favorite colors) but I seriously doubt Im gonna find 10 eggs before Monday night. I know that there are people who are really good at figuring these out but I personally just look at them and think "wow I'm an idiot" and then I get sad cause I didn't get enough eggs to get the one I wanted :,,,,,,(

oh well, that's just a failure on my part. if I don't get enough for it during the event I'll prob have to give up cause I'm sure it'll be worth way more tbt than I can afford...
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If this ain't a mood

hey, no, the last thing it is is a failure on your part. you can't help not being good at riddles/clues, especially if they're so specific. there should've 100% been a difficulty tier at the very least, if not an alternative to egg-earning, so there was equal opportunity. as it stands now, you're out of luck if you're not especially intelligent or good at puzzles (and heaven forbid you have learning or reading difficulties or aren't a native English speaker) unless you're willing to trawl through an inconceivable amount of threads and pages hoping to stumble upon an egg. which i'm sure we can all agree isn't fun.
@daringred_ Not to be mean or anything, and I do agree that there should’ve been an alternative activity like last year(although I can not blame the staff at all considering how huge of an event this is, especially just after the fair ended), but I think you should be a little more grateful about the eggs you’ve got. You have 5 out of the 12 currently available eggs. That’s almost half, and it’s also almost enough to get a moonlight or zombie egg. You still have a good chance of reaching 6 or even 10 eggs as more clues get revealed. And if you’re frustrated, you can always come back to it later. The event doesn’t end until tomorrow.
went to sleep, woke up, the remaining eggs still elude me. congrats to those who found any in the meantime though!

mini rant/vent/criticism ahead.
no doubt i'm the minority and the staff are sick of hearing me (valid) but i really would've preferred simple questions with a few harder ones, or for clues to be "simplified"/added onto as time passes, or (again) an alternative to earning eggs, so everyone stood more of a fair chance at getting at least the first three collectibles. not everyone is good at puzzles or riddles, and it's not necessarily something you can teach yourself, at least not overnight or especially when they require such specific knowledge, and i wish that had been taken into more consideration.

idk just breaks my heart seeing people fail through no fault of their own and think they're/call themselves stupid when they're not, the game is just ridiculously hard and appears to only have one difficulty setting. i understand full well it's supposed to be a challenge but, even with that in mind, you don't typically start people off on the challenging difficulty.
You have 5 eggs and you’re saying it’s difficult, bro I have 1😭
@daringred_ Not to be mean or anything, and I do agree that there should’ve been an alternative activity like last year(although I can not blame the staff at all considering how huge of an event this is, especially just after the fair ended), but I think you should be a little more grateful about the eggs you’ve got. You have 5 out of the 12 currently available eggs. That’s almost half, and it’s also almost enough to get a moonlight or zombie egg. You still have a good chance of reaching 6 or even 10 eggs as more clues get revealed. And if you’re frustrated, you can always come back to it later. The event doesn’t end until tomorrow.

i didn't say i wasn't grateful, you must've either missed or deliberately ignored the comment where i specifically said i felt bad for other people and, regardless, this is the equivalent of saying "oh you're not allowed to feel bad because other people feel worse". i don't have to have zero eggs to see the flaws in this event or criticize the execution. i've also gone out of my way on several previous posts to clarify that i appreciate the staff's hardwork and am grateful that they bothered at all but i shouldn't have to fear judgement from other users or repercussions from staff themselves for expressing a less positive viewpoint.
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You have 5 eggs and you’re saying it’s difficult, bro I have 1😭

i didn't say it was difficult for just me or even me at all but okay ???
five eggs is actually pretty decent damb. I have three and idek where to go from here. I need seven more to get the egg I want, and who knows if I'll get seven more before the one i want sells out 🤷

I'm honestly happy that I got three, the candy corn egg is hella cute and though I would die for the purple egg I would be content with the candy one as well.
One question, are the puzzle codes words or letter/number combinations like HSV3JSB?
I somehow managed to find 4 Eggs so far, still have trouble tbh to understand most of these clues. Also, Egg 2# drives me mad. ;-;
One question, are the puzzle codes words or letter/number combinations like HSV3JSB? And if they’re words do they need to be written with no space in between?

Can't answer the first one cause that would technically be giving hints and I also don't know, but for the second question yeah they need to have no spaces between words (if there is a code like that, idk if there is). I believe it's said somewhere in the original post about how puzzle codes work and to not have spaces between words+type it out in all caps.

Edit: here it is copied from the first post

Use the clue to work out the code. Once you've worked it out, Click "Eggs" from your sidebar, and enter the code in the "Redeem" box as shown below. Make sure to type it in all caps and with no spaces or symbols in place of "CODEGOESHERE".
this is so much fun, I can't believe how many I've found but I feel smart hehe, and for anyone struggling sleeping and coming back to the clues really helps ^~^ sure did for me
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Idk if I make sense but I dont think this should be a competition of who has more and who has less, I understand unconsciously comparing yourself to others (I do that too) but if you dwell too much on feeling bad for yourself you're only going to lose :c If you feel very frustrated and defeated I suggest taking a step back, take a breather, go cool it off. This event definitely doesn't measure your intelligence or self-worth. Idk if this'll help someone but it did help me -- I suggest not lurking here if you're very prone to comparing yourself to others. You definitely will get insecure if you see people succeeding in finding eggs haha. ^^;

Also let's try not to invalidate how people feel just because they have more eggs than others!! In general I'm praying for everyone's success in finding those cursed eggs, I havent found a whole ton yet but I am rearing to go!
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