TBT's Halloweaster 2020 Event Part Two

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only need one more and I can happily tone down the stress of figuring these out 😂 half the clues I know what they’re alluding to but I just can’t find them (yet)
Keep at it guys! I stumbled across five this morning. If you're frustrated take a break and come back- it really helped center me and I was able to relax, think logically, and then go find most of them!

Also I was thrilled to have enough for a cobweb egg this morning! That's the one I really really wanted! This kind of event is right up my street. Thanks staff! And to the rest of our friends on the forum, keep your chins up- I'm rooting for you!!! 💕
feels good to finally look at a clue and get it right away haha, though I'm pretty sure im not the only one for that one
only need one more and I can happily tone down the stress of figuring these out 😂 half the clues I know what they’re alluding to but I just can’t find them (yet)
I did it 😭 and yes I definitely recommend walking away for a while and thinking about them! once they’ve clicked they’ve clicked
I got egg 15 within minutes, definitely the easiest for me hahah. 7 more eggs to go! I’ll have to think them over during breakfast.
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