TBT's Halloweaster 2020 Event Part Two

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This is going to be so much fun and stress all wrapped up into one event! Glad I'm off work for this.

I love the cobweb and moonlight eggs. I hope I can get enough eggs to afford both.
Have more faith! They're meant to require some thought to figure out. If it were easy enough that everyone knew the answer as soon as they read it then there would be no point! You have until Monday night EST to find them so don't feel bad that you haven't found any in the first 45 minutes. :)

out of curiosity, how hard is the second one for new(er) forum members? on a scale of 1-10. or am i maybe taking the wording too literally?
They're meant to require some thought to figure out. If it were easy enough that everyone knew the answer as soon as they read it then there would be no point!

I don’t know how to feel about this post considering how Seliph found all four eggs in less than an hour.

It’s the yearly cycle. Every time this event happens the newbies are frustrated because they don’t know what the egg currency hidden around the forum looks like, they don’t know what ANY of the clues mean, and they have little to no previous forum experience, which you NEED in order to do well in this event. Hence why the egg decoration event that gave you three eggs last year was a good alternative.
out of curiosity, how hard is the second one for new(er) forum members? on a scale of 1-10. or am i maybe taking the wording too literally?

That's the only one I figured out so far 🤷‍♀️
That's the only one I figured out so far 🤷‍♀️

i know what it's likely to be (not sure i'm allowed to discuss my line of thought) but even after scrolling through a wiki page for the forum, i'm still no closer to even making an educated guess on a specific answer.
Luckily got one so far, I might wait until a couple more batches are released to search really hard so I have more to choose from. I wish everyone good luck!
i know what it's likely to be (not sure i'm allowed to discuss my line of thought) but even after scrolling through a wiki page for the forum, i'm still no closer to even making an educated guess on a specific answer.
No discussion is permitted until after the answers are revealed on Monday. :)

I will confirm that we did take into account the large number of new users we have this year when designing the clues.
Two pages ago I had no idea what I was doing. Now I found all four lol, this is so fun!

My account might not be new but I never really bothered with events, so can confirm that even newbies can do it?!
If the others clues are also as hard as these, then I guess I will pass here. I found one randomly, it's kinda hard to understand any references whatsoever if you are just here for a few months and don't know anything about the forum, past events etc. :/
After much pain and suffering I have acquired my third egg. The one I have left is the most confusing one to me though
No discussion is permitted until after the answers are revealed on Monday. :)

I will confirm that we did take into account the large number of new users we have this year when designing the clues.

okay so i'm either stupid or overthinking it then asdfghjk hm guess i'll keep trying-
okay so i'm either stupid or overthinking it then asdfghjk hm guess i'll keep trying-
I don't think you're stupid. Sometimes it just takes a while for the answers to click. Last year was my first egg hunt and it wasn't until I'd found a few almost randomly that I started to make the connections.

So far, I've only found 2 but I know that persistence does pay off.
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