TBT's Ninth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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So far still missing 7, 8 and 12. Hoping to find at least one more before the next set of clues! :)
I have yet to find 12, 8, and 4!

Thought I had given up until the next batch when I suddenly found 5 and am now determined to find the rest.
this is my first egg hunt!! i'm having so much fun i was up til almost 2am doing this but i fell asleep when i fried my brain tryna figure out 5, 8 & 12

gonna try eggxtra hard today! eggcept i can't even figure out what 5 means i'm gonna cry
I've been searching for 2 hours and have only found egg 1, 4, 6 and 7.........brain hurts ;-;
2, 8 and 12 continue to evade me but if i keep up this 3/4 per batch at least i'll be able to afford the prismatic egg 😅
3/6/7/8/12 are giving me issues. 3/6/7 seem so obvious but I have yet to find them
I am so sure where 5 and 7 are reffering to and just can't find it! Probably I am totally wrong lol
This is my first egg hunt and I don't really know what I'm doing haha

I found egg 3, 10, 11 and 12 the last hour- I don't know if they are the easiest or not but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think I may have an idea about what threads/posts/areas? have eggs 1, 6 and 7 but can't find them so I guess I have the wrong... guess.

It's 4:20am here so I should really go to bed.

edit: nvm im blind i somehow missed egg 1 and just found it on the exact same place i looked 30 minutes ago
I have got 1,3,4,7,10. Feel I should know some of the others but the places I think they should be isn’t right 🥲 10.21 on Sunday morning and already my head hurts 🙈☕
People out here found egg 12 and egg 4 while I'm over here literally sobbing because how hard and how dumb my brain is 😭😭
Just need to find #12!! Sleeping on the clues really helped, so satisfying when they just click. Can't wait for new ones to drop ^.^
I found the first lot so easily, been loking for the rest for at least an hour and I have no clue- I just want to cry
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