TBT's Ninth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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As you can see I'm very persistent. I found egg 6 just by clicking around, and I'm not even sure how I just found it still lmao.

Only 8 and 12 left and...no thanks right now.
i decided to have anothe rlook and got another 2 so im feeling a bit less dumb, and one was completley on accident when i was looking for something else!
I should be IN bed!!!! Oh well, sleep is for the weak. Still working on 8 & 12....
As you can see I'm very persistent. I found egg 6 just by clicking around, and I'm not even sure how I just found it still lmao.

I found some accidental eggs in the last hunt by clicking around cause I had no idea for some of the remaining clues. One of them I would have never figured out if I didn't find it by accident since I had no idea what it was referring too. I'm glad the transactions shows you which egg you did find.
I found some accidental eggs in the last hunt by clicking around cause I had no idea for some of the remaining clues. One of them I would have never figured out if I didn't find it by accident since I had no idea what it was referring too. I'm glad the transactions shows you which egg you did find.
Yeah I saw a notification after getting egg 6, without realizing I got egg 6. Was just thinking about key words and clicked around in the area. I'm still not sure what happened but I'll take it.
Just found my eleventh egg! There is no feeling quite like that moment when the light bulb goes on in your head after you've been puzzling over a clue for hours. ^_^
Had to stay up late to catch up on the hunt but I’m feeling in better shape now to hopefully get a prisma egg by the end of this 🌈 Still missing #2 because I can almost never solve the puzzle clues and #6 which feels easy and yet isn’t 🤔

Also guess whom bought a beautiful backdrop despite only making 1 post every six weeks :love:
Ajsjfkgjahl I finally figured out 6 and now I’m mad at how long it took me!!
I just need egg eight

Ooh, I finally figured out 9 and 12. Still don't have 5 or 8, but I'm thinking the Dragonscale Egg might be all I want anyway.

12 is definitely harder, there was some investigative work involved, lol. Well not necessarily harder, I guess, but probably shouldn't really say anything else about it for risk of giving more of a clue or something.
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Ooh, I finally figured out 9 and 12. Still don't have 5 or 8, but I'm thinking the Dragonscale Egg might be all I want anyway.

12 is definitely harder, there was some investigative work involved, lol.
Yeah 12 is killing me lol
just woke up from a nap and i literally had a dream about this damn hunt. 💀 of course, not a dream about where #12 is but- 🤣
I felt like I was onto something very off the wall with it but no luck yet
after debating whether or not the same place i checked like 10 times had the 11th egg i was about to quit and then checked again and found it, im blind 🤡

only 5 and 8 to go 😥
Well, I just found egg 8 on a whim. From the start I had the general area right, but for some reason I didn't really get the feeling to look in the right spot from just reading the clue
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