TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony

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Congratulations to all the winners!!! 🎉🎉🎉 There were so many amazing entries, as always ❤️
And I'm really happy that I managed to get the Snowflake myself 🥰

This was a great Event! The whole year has been so fun and intense and I've never been this active before! Thank you Staff for making 2024 so special here, it will definitely be something to remember ❤️
first time i've gotten to see this after a busy day and omg ??? i won something ?? wow! thanks to whichever staff member liked my room design. although i don't play NH anymore, i quite like the designing events because i love using the partition walls to make little extra areas within a single room. my first ever prize on this forum was a special snowflake, so it's so nice to receive another one 🥰 congrats to all the other winners, too!
Just had another look through the staff favorites. I love how creative everyone was with their cookie designs. They're all so lovely! I can only imagine eating them felt wrong with how nice they all look. Very well done, you all did great!

The merriment task was also a lot of fun reading the stories and especially seeing everyone's versions. Everyone who placed did amazing again. And I can see these being very detailed promotional pieces. Same with the greeting cards. They're all so good!

Love the festiveness of the NH decorated rooms and stocking stuffers. They're all so warm and lovely. Congrats to everyone who won!

I just realized I won a raffle. Tbh I saw Jeremy's mention in the alert icon and I thought it was mention of mine and everyone's seasoning of giving titles. I'm so dumb lol 😆 I don't think I ever won anything, so that's pretty cool! I wasn't expecting anything when I sold back the remaining snowflakes.

Thank you staff for hosting the season of giving again. It was so fun in 2022 and I loved doing it again! And thanks for holding so many events last year. You all went above and beyond. It was fun to be part of most of them. Thank you for the fun times! ❤️
Wah, I was a fool and forgot to buy a raffle ticket/check out twice and couldn't afford another present, so the raffle win with my pity snowflakes is such a surprise??? The Christmas/holiday event blessed me with snowbunnies twice now, I feel like there's a theme here (time to change my name to FrostyBunnies sjbdfk). :ROFLMAO: And the psychedelic bunny is so me coded too because I love rainbow vomit painting lol.

December was really busy so I barely got to participate or even look at entries, which I'm sad about, looks like there were some really cute events + the new collectibles are all so nice too. So it was nice to open the thread and see all the staff faves (gotta go back and see all the other entries too soon), so much beautiful work as always. I did manage to play the snowman search game and it was soooo cute. Thank you as always for all the work you put into giving us activities to participate in so frequently mods/staff. 🥰 Plus the charities too!!! It's amazing that so much was raised to go to good causes. Congrats to all the staff fave and other raffle winners too. 💕💕💕

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday/new year/December.

would've fit the lineup better as a psychedelic but who's countin'
So far, all Special Snowflakes with specific dates requested and all raffled collectibles should have been distributed! We'll send out the rest of the Special Snowflakes soon, but if you haven't posted about a date yet, feel free to do so until the 12th.
Congrats to all the winners! And congrats to @Mokuren for winning an art event for the first time, AND the psychedelic snow bunny in the Christmas raffle, also the first time! Soo amazing and so well deserved ♥️

Also thank you staff for picking my submissions! 🥰I really enjoyed this event and had a lot of fun working on all my submissions :)
Thank you for another fantastic event! The Christmas event is always one of my favourites, because I love sending lights and exchanging gifts with friends. I am so happy to see the charities return and I am proud of this community for coming together to do something meaningful!

I want to congratulate all snowflake and raffle winners, reading the closing post and seeing some names of friends I recognize puts a big smile on my face and I am so happy for you! Well deserved wins, I am always amazed at the creativity and dedication everyone puts in their entries!

I was extremely excited to see my god awful cookie and my snowlark drawing getting so much appreciation - I had so much fun with those creations and am very proud and happy to be receiving a snowflake for them! Sadly I didn't manage to join many events because of time restraints and sickness - so this means a lot to me!

Lastly I want to thank @Princess Mipha for the adorable stocking - it was such a welcome and unexpected surprise and really touched me <3 the contents were perfect.

Edit: OH and I would absolutely be THRILLED if Christmas lights stayed on and hidden until the next year. Some of the messages are so heartfelt and meaningful that it always hurts to see them vanish into thin air!
Thanks for a great event, and congratulations to all the winners! Until the next one just remember that if you can’t find a star for your Xmas tree, a homemade spacewhale plush works in a pinch! (Yes @Mick your adorable design infected my living room this holiday season 😂)

And Happy New Year everyone!

Congrats to all the staff favourites and raffle winners! 🩵

I felt like I was barely around and wish I was able to participate in way more events, but the holiday season was extremely busy for me this year. The stocking event especially looked so cute, and it's a shame I missed out on it. 🥹 I hope that event or something similar returns next year! I'm also happy to see that my interpretation of Yoshi155's snow-feathered crane got me a snowflake! I had a lot of fun with it and enjoyed reading through the different folktales that everyone made up. ^^

As for the Christmas lights, I think it would be nice if they were hidden until next year. I honestly wish I had been able to keep my lights from previous years, and having them be hidden would allow for some nice lineups! I also love the messages everyone puts on my lights. I think my only issue is how much they clog up my inventory, but you win some you lose some lol.

Thank you staff for putting together this event! Looking forward to what 2025 has in store for us. 😊
Congrats to all the winners out there!

And as I stated in this post in this thread here, I wasn't around much due to a lack of creativity and a better interest in other things.

Oh well, can't wait to see what 2025 brings with TBT.
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