TBT's Sixth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Alright, I’ve got something to say here.

HI GUYS!!!! I’ve missed you all!!!!!!!!

No but really, got a new position at my job that takes up quite a bit of my extra time so I’ve been quite absent as of late, but I LUV the Easter event egg hunt, so of course I spent all of my not working hours drinking in TBT for clues. (I’m also a very serious Pok?mon go player with a huge discord group so that takes up a lot of my small amount of free time as well.)

Staff, KUDOS to you guys!!! The egg hunt is supposed to be challenging and u guys really came through with some speggtacular clues!!! I luv racking my brain trying to figure these out as I luv riddles!!! The Easter banner was superb of course, Laudine, I bow to your talented bunny tail!!! Zipper was straight out of monte python this year and made me laugh rather than give me nightmares so thank u for that as well. Those egg collectibles! Whether they are the for real deal or just wrapping paper for a later reveal, I think they’re hilarious! I managed to get 3, though I really really wish I could have gotten Laudine’s eyes closed egg as I have a sneaky feeling if it’s just temporarily wrapping a kracko egg.

My take on a few of these clues:

1-5 were pretty easy for me, though I didn’t find 4 until I got on my actual computer. A lot of the hunt was done on my phone.

Omg #6. So seriously did anyone else think that the the story behind the foolish thief had to do with last years April fools prank with the replacement of all of our collectibles with fleas and the huge staged fight between Oblivia and Jubs? AND when u go to the first page of the April fools update, there’s a link at the top of Jeremy’s post that says see the explanation here. Ughhhh. I search all over those 2 threads. Lol!!!

I’m an idiot for not finding 7. I went undercover for that and and was obviously wrong. I also looked in the cellar and basement since those are in the “depths”. Good one staff!!!!

Ohhh #8- do NOT throw something at me Justin!!! (I have not seen Moana.) Ducks....Had no clue. Because it said far and wide I figured it had to do with one of the threads that had to deal with music or lyrics so I went into the basement and searched far and wide through the music threads and I think I checked every single one and never found anything obviously, lol!!!!

9 I knew. Just had to find the right spot and 10 I LUVED!

11.... grrrrr... cry.... Jeremy, I should have KNOWN you would hide a clue within a clue. You might want to go HIDE under a rock for awhile as I’m ready to throw rotten eggs and glitter eggs at you right now. This one probably got to me the most as I think I tried over a hundred dif codes and never once tried to change numbers into letters. Sigh....

12 and 13 I found fairly easily but honestly I didn’t even try for 14.

15 was truly clever!!!! My first thought was Yoshi’s woolly world so I went looking through all those seeing if there was somebody that had a post or thread critiquing people’s collections. Then I tried looking over in Ables shop And oh my gosh there was a post with someone who actually does real knitting and one of the first things she posted about how to do with fantastic BEASTS and where to find them So I thought I had it and of course I was wrong there so I finally started checking after I checked through a lot of ables shop I finally went to the museum and lo and behold... ��

16 ok now that I got a chance to look, I did not see the petition one. I just checked the 2 podcast threads and the link on the first one.

17 ugh. This one took me forever. I had looked up the dif versions in my App Store (which I didn’t realize I could do until my son told me) and tried a bunch of word and #combos like 095, 100,101 & 102 and I’m sitting at my computer at this point very loudly grumbling As I really really wanted to get this one but knew I had to leave for work shortly and my son reminds me what about all those error codes that he and my youngest got When it debuted. I am on iPhone so I honestly didn’t have that problem but they’re both on android and they did when it first came out. Once I got to work I looked up the error code... clever guys!

18 I found pretty quick.

19. I luved 19. I DID try wisp first and then remembered he was on city folk so I went and looked up welcome amiibo and oh YEAH SPROCKET!!! I luuuuuv sprocket!!!

20 I also found pretty quick

21 will haunt me til the day I die!!!!
I knew what that meant because after I watched Mr. Magoriums wonder Emporium I actually look that up when they were jumping on the beds so I knew that that meant fear of 13. My first thought was the woods on Friday the 13th So I checked through all of those first obviously to no egg. Then I scoured the basement for a fear of 13 thread. Ughhhh GREAT clue that I didn’t read all the way in to as it clearly stated bothering u. Geeeeeez. I’m actually truly truly disappointed in myself for not finding that one!!!

Anyway I honestly thought this was so much fun and I’m really glad I got to be a part of it this year and found at least a little bit of time so I can at least get some eggs though I’m so sad I couldn’t get one of the eggs I really really wanted but that’s OK maybe somebody will trade me one day! Hopefully I can be around a little bit more than I have been in the past few months and I know I’ll be around during summer as I won’t be able to do my during the day job as much when my kids are home. It was fun hunting with all you guys!!!!
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Maaaan I found three eggs and that was so hard how the hell did people found them all ?
Reading the answers I realize how stupid I am.

The thing that annoys me though is I knew what the clues were referring to for the cardboard and veteran fighters, but I couldn't find it lol
I actually checked the '3 envelopes' in shop cause i was 99% sure that was the answer but never saw an egg or link? did anyone else have this issue...?

edit: oOoh nvm wow i can't believe i checked it a million times but didn't read it lmap kdfjgljdfgk
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And now to comment on the eggs I found:

#1 I knew it was in the pocket camp board, it just took me long to find it

#2 I figured it was about Super Smash Bros, as I watched the Teaser Trailer. Mess automatically meant Splatoon for my mind

#3 I was listening to the song and wanted to know what K.K. Music it was, but then I heard a familiar tune so I knew it was Jump Up Superstar

#4 I knew it had something to do with the shop, I looked there and saw that the 3 envelopes were sold out. And the egg was there

#5 The sages we’re too obvious, then I remembered the Jambette thing and found it

#7 I like this one, very similar to that other egg

#9 I was going insane when I found this. I looked in every single sticky there was and when I found it, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me

#10 Instantly found that egg

#12 3 words, WAY TOO OBVIOUS

#13 I thought it was Oblivia and Tom as they are devils themselves. I didn’t know it was “D’oh I missed” and “Waluigi Time”

#14 Stroke of luck...

#15 Looked in knitting threads in the museum, found one, wasn’t there. Then I saw a sticky in the museum, and I thought: Clever/Smart, Beast/Dragon. I got it and found it

#16 It had to do with Podcast only, then I’m guilty of searching in the Tide Pod Challenge thread, as the thread has to be locked. I found it in the HQ board

#17 I literally looked in page 12 of Brewster’s Cafe and thought the egg was gonna be like the amiibo festival one. I found it by going in the book thread

Overall, this was a fun event. I found 14 eggs and bought two Starpower eggs, one for me and one for ThatOneMarshalFangirl. I’m such a generous gentleman.
2 of these I understood completely but couldn't find the right thread. Also, the amount of times I tried to enter 8945 or 8AM9AM4AM5AM and listened to the song over and over again thinking I missed a number... I would have never even considered matching them up with the alphabet... like what?... So many hours wasted, haha. That was evil.

Egg 6 was my favorite. I found it almost immediately. I saw Tom's profile in the comments and I was like OH MY GOD, THAT'S IT! THIS IS AMAZING! I'm a giant Persona fan. I felt really bad though because there were probably a lot of people who didn't even remotely known what to look for, since it's not even a Nintendo game.
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I figured out the moana egg 8 one but had no idea where I needed to look ;_; And I did look in several threads that were listed but i guess I wasn't looking with my eyes well enough~
And guys, you can find the error code 802 for pocket camp on youtube, which makes me think, why didn't I think of that?
I mean idk about the rest of you, but I almost never search anything on youtube

plus like mentioned, I paid no attention to pocket camp. to the point where its direct infodump feels like a decade-old relic over here
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And guys, you can find the error code 802 for pocket camp on youtube, which makes me think, why didn't I think of that?

It's even easier than that though:

- Pockets = Pocket Camp
- Late November was when Pocket Camp is released
- Go back a few pages to Pocket Camp's release date, Justin made a thread announcing it's out on the app store worldwide.
- EVERYONE in said thread is complaining about Error 802
i just thought pockets was talking about switch portability, and late november being black friday ****

granted I could've just brute forced the password if I felt so inclined to, but ehh
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i only found one egg this year. it was really fun trying to guess the puzzles, though i didn't find answers to any of them! i hope there are more puzzles next year. (probably because i'm not super in-tune with all that happens on the forums lol)
i got 2, 6, and 10.

i could easily find 2 and 6, but 10 was an accident. i was stalking the staff's profiles :p

i was hunting all over the place for a Moana thread too, but guess i had to look a bit further...

well, thanks for the event! last year's april fools prank seemed really crazy, so i was kinda hyped for something like that this year too...
It's even easier than that though:

- Pockets = Pocket Camp
- Late November was when Pocket Camp is released
- Go back a few pages to Pocket Camp's release date, Justin made a thread announcing it's out on the app store worldwide.
- EVERYONE in said thread is complaining about Error 802

I was operating on the assumption that people could Google stuff on the launch and come across one of the many articles like this relatively easily: https://www.polygon.com/2017/11/22/16691110/animal-crossing-pocket-camp-server-errors

But your method is even better!
I hurt

- - - Post Merge - - -

I understood some of the hints, but I wasn't looking in the right place or I put the code in wrong aaaaa
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1. hidden in the spoiler, oh my god, i could not be more dumb.
2. seriously,,, a thread where my reply is the ONLY one. i cant believe this i h8 myself, the like, One place i didnt look
Heck, there are even threads about the error code. I thought it was about the turnips we bought at the new leaf 5 year mini event. As I thought the pocket camp was too obvious, and I didn't know how many leaf tickets everyone started out with because I thought it had to do with leaf tickets.
YAY that was fun! i lost my sanity at only a couple of points but i feel like it was worth it?? unfortunately lost a friend along the way (i'm looking at you tom). thank u for hosting staff, and laudine u are beyond talented, the banners are beautiful! and congrats on winning trundle!!

Mog no :(

Also I?m not the devil, he?s my mentor thanks.
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